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Everything posted by Romad7

  1. 6.8 AR, You do make some good points and believe it or not, I am on your side. Your comment about killing is untrue though. It's no different than a sniper that pulls the trigger and kills someone far away. I have talked to and worked with many UAV crews and it is very real to them. They know and can see exactly what the effects are and it is a very serious matter to them. My main point is that UAVs are just a tool like our guns are for us.
  2. This touches on what I have been saying, it's about capabilities. The "drones" aren't anything new as far as capabilities, a manned fighter is what would be used to stop a 9/11 type attack. It is much more capable. Since 9/11 armed aircraft that are much more capable than any UAV have been flying patrols over US cities with the intent and authority to strike terrorists in extreme circumstances. This is not a new thing but for some reason people are freaking out about "drones" as if there are different in some way. U2s and SR-71s were doing the same missions before they just were manned. Aircraft with the same (mostly better) capabilities as a Reaper UAV have been flying armed missions over our cities for as long as they have been around. The unmanned aircraft are just cheaper to use and usually have a better loiter time. Heck, Google probably is a more effective agency at gathering geo-intel on US citizens. Manned and unmanned aircraft have another thing in common, a US Citizen is flying them! We need to stop focusing on the shiny object and get back to curing the disease that is our government. They have proven that high tech stuff is not needed to burn down a house that offends them, don't need "drones" for that. A government that would use a UAV to strike American citizens on American would use an AH-64 Apache or a simple sniper rifle to do it as well. That should be the main issue here, the GOVERNMENT. Keep them in check or "drones" are the last things we should worry about.
  3. It's 16" barrel for rifles along with the 26" OAL. Very cool gun, got me thinking...
  4. Very nice but when you add mag pouches be sure to leave room for your primary weapon...
  5. Good story. We all like to debate brand, caliber, FPS, etc but in the end as long as a person is armed and comfortably so, that is what truly matters. If a person doesn't like their EDC then they won't carry it everyday. I don't really like my wife's LCP (good gun just not for me) but its perfect for her and that's what's important.
  6. Maybe it's $0.11 cost to produce them including materials/labor etc.
  7. Please let someone try a take me and burn me at the stake, well, me and Mr. 12 Guage:-)
  8. I emigrated from a state not so different a few years ago, California. This is a great state to live in and TGO is a good place to hang out. Welcome to TGO!
  9. I have known 2 married couples like that I. The same unit in could end up in a crew where one was in charge. It's the Air National Guard so things are a little lax here. I don't see why your situation would be a problem.
  10. That does look pretty slick! I would worry about performance in both ballistics and gas system but if it will work then I say go for it. Adding a suppressor would be awesome! Have you considered an NFA Trust? That would be the easiest route. I wonder how that would work in your ACR stock?
  11. what show is that from?
  12. I kinda like this Roy Innis guy though, found this in his profile:  "In a 1989 appearance with Rev. Al Sharpton on “The Morton Downey, Jr. Show,” Innis became enraged and physically assaulted Sharpton."   Not sure about the rest of it though, lots of reading so he could be a complete idiot after all, I do have to find that video now :slapfight:   Edit:  just noticed that the link that I copy/pasted goes to the video and a truly wonderful video it is!  Sorry to take this thread on a tangent but it is somewhat relevant to the topic.
  13. Yeah, that's what I am looking for. Just want to know if I could get one type of bullet for all 3. I'll let this get back to the OPs question now and watch and learn. Thanks!
  14. Would this work for 454 Casull loads? I am looking to start reloading for my 454 revolver, factory loads are too damn expensive. I would like to be able to use the same components for 454 Casull, 45 Colt and 45 ACP.
  15. I like the part about training more than the free gun. This will go a lot further in educating and keeping people safe.
  16. Yeah, I can't get the image of a $99 basic PMag out of my head... Thanks for sharing the tip though:-)
  17. I have a special need, I need a free gun, how do I get mine? ;-) Great idea, there are some good things happening in college after all.
  18. OWB?
  19. Romad7

    Which one?

    I wouldn't shoot those doors either. I was in Afghanistan where the doors are made with whatever wood they had lying around. I would volunteer to carry it though, did look pretty awkward. Even the 203 looked easy to carry in comparison.
  20. That reminds me of when of when I was launching brass at some old guys from about 8 tables down with that thing. Got some dirty looks that day! Maybe hand cycle some empty cases and see if they are catching anything on the way out. Doesn't look like a pressure problem busting the case, that should cause it to burst outward I would think.
  21. There was a place that sells 5 rounders for something like $15, is that what you are paying?  The factory 5s are just too expensive.
  22. Makes sense now, had to look up what I had read and it's $5 to transfer an AOW on a Form 4 but $200 to build on a Form 1 like you said.  Therein lies my confusion.   And thanks, I'm still doing little things here and there but these things are fun to tinker with!
  23.   The 6" Bodyguard S12 is in the second post but the rest is pretty cool too.   http://forum.saiga-12.com/index.php?/topic/27283-10-years-of-tromix-prototypesprojects-and-misc-junk-pics/?hl=%2Btromix+%2Bprojects
  24. Romad7

    Which one?

    I have seen that in use, its actually a pretty good thing.  Usually just one per squad or so like the 203.  The alternative is a full pistol grip shotgun in a scabbard.   But since an AR mounted shotgun is one gun then that is my choice, I pick the rifleshotgun;-)


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