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Everything posted by Romad7

  1. Speaking of price, here's my current favorite: http://wilsoncombat.com/new/handgun-stealth.asp#.UXa1-ZW9KSN
  2. I have a Rock Island Armory CS Tactical as my first 1911 and primary carry gun. I normally would prefer American made but I like this gun. I'm assuming that this is your first so that is my recommendation. The price is good and the gun has a good reputation. They seem to be very good starter 1911s. I wasn't sure if I would like the 1911 and carrying it so I didn't want to spend a lot on something that I was uncertain about. I don't mid if it gets beat up either. Mine is setup for right hand only but you can get an aftermarket ambi safety for not too much that will fit. I think they do have guns with ambi safeties.
  3. Same here, I need to try this out when I am there. Probably just the place that isn't posted, sounds like some of these places are a little sketchy. Just like good Mexican food in CA, the best can come with an element of danger.
  4. The Glock's finish is more durable than you give it credit for but in the end a carry Glock is a purpose built tool. It's made to be used a lot and work every time. So use it. If I had the money I would get a $2k carry gun and use the crap out of it. Unless its sentimental or antique every gun is a tool. I would only want that expensive gun if its ability to perform was equal to the price tag. I look at scars/wear on a gun the same way that I look a scars on my hands. Some are from normal wear and tear from work and some are from stupid mistakes but all are from a life of honorable use in doing good work. I don't want either to suffer from the decay of neglect and idleness. However lack of ammo has caused some of my guns to go unused for too long, I am working to remedy that.
  5. I didn't believe this but I tried it on my wife's LCP and it has a mile long trigger pull. Don't care for the holster, I like to have a proper grip, but it's safe enough.
  6. That's a good one, congrats on the new addition. Every man should own an AR just like the old times where everyone had a BP rifle. I have a Daniel Defense vertical forward grip that I would sell you if you are looking for one. PM if you are interested. It just sits in the safe. I have the same rifle but put a Samson Evolution tube on it and prefer minimal rails.
  7. I like Mil-Dot Rangefinder and Ballistic. Distance Finder is a good one for using imagery for checking distances. Edit: I'm on the iPhone though. Did a quick search on the Android Market and there are some possible apps that might work but not the same one that I use.
  8. In a city that size and that busy of an event, I'm pretty impressed with the work that they did. I'm sure they want to take suspects alive and not unecessarily risk the lives of their people, one idiot college student in a building with an AK can still kill a highly trained person. Dead bad guys can't tell them where to find the other bad guys.
  9. In my class the instructor emphasized the important information so people could take notes. Any notes were allowed to be used during the test. You could talk to the instructors where she'll be testing and ask them about the test to get a feel for the difficulty. Most places want you to pass so they don't make it to difficult.
  10. I was just there for the first time yesterday (bought a holster) and they were really nice and helpful. I'm sure they'll make it right if you want a refund.
  11. That's what I meant, you can just AirPlay your iTunes content from your iPad/iPhone to your Apple TV if you want to do it that way.
  12. I discovered today that I don't like a revolver IWB. Damn cylinder was pressing on a nerve or something. Trying something new since the wife has the LCP. I'll have to find a better way to do this.
  13. Hmm, I was sure that it shared all media in your your computer's iTunes library. I'll have to look at that when I get a chance. I could be wrong as I haven't had to use it since I Jailbroke my Apple TV. That allows me to stream media from a normal network drive.
  14. Macs can AirPlay and mirror their screen to an Apple TV. So you can play music/DVDs/etc on the Apple TV from a Mac. Requires OSX Mountain Lion.
  15. If you mean to access your music on your computer, you can do that with Home Sharing. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3819 You can access iTunes Match from your Apple TV as well as your iPhone/iPad if you had it. I think it's a pretty good service worth the $29/yr. I like that I can also upload my music to iCloud.
  16. And we can't wait to have you here! Only be embarrassed if you stay in NY longer than you have to:-) Welcome to TGO!
  17. Not sure what you mean by this. You should be able to AirPlay just fine with your iPad and iPhone, even mirroring with the iPad. What are you trying to do that you can't? Oh and congrats on the purchase, it's a neat little box:-)
  18. For sustained fire standing up, it's a great solution. However, if you are in a situation where sustained fire is needed and you are standing up in the open, you will be dead very soon. Unless, of course, you are fighting a Predator in a jungle with a mini gun. Then it is appropriate to fire the mini gun in a blaze of pure awesomeness while flexing your muscles and causing the pretty girl to cower in awe of your amazing firepower! Come to think of it a 7.62 mini gun is appropriate for just about any situation....
  19. Here's your targeting system, maybe someone is just working on arming their Terminators... http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?client=mv-google&v=8RbL4PwTDsQ&rdm=ml3egu73x
  20. Not practical at all, I'll take 2;-) It could work if you were Jesse Ventura fighting the Predator but it would at least need a laser (or 3) to aim at all. The grenade launcher would be impossible to use with the ammo box in the way. Replace the grenade launcher with an actual chainsaw and you might be onto something...if only for a possible Gears of War movie.
  21. The Citadel is starting to sound reasonable. http://www.theatlanticcities.com/politics/2013/01/americas-most-conservative-green-community/4505/
  22. Did in Desert Storm against scuds and the tech is much better against them. From what I understand its much easier to do during the launch phase. The issues against the scuds had a lot to do with the fact that they were in incoming. The Aegis Cruisers are supposed to be pretty good and last I heard there were 2 watching NK. I'm pretty sure any launch will be killed pretty quick.
  23. Me too, in the 45s I have only like the SF frames.
  24. When I can where a jacket, Officer style 1911 in a Blackhawk Serpa paddle. When it's tshirt whether I have been carrying a LCP in a pocket holster in my back pocket. I'm still new to carrying so still figuring it out. I googled this before and found a lot of good threads on this subject and opinions/techniques abound:-)
  25. I read somewhere that the issue with the clamp was fixed with the current design. No problems here either.


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