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About Pdheald

  • Birthday 04/24/1979

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    Graysville, tn
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  1. OK I have a weird one for you guys. At work a guy brought me a l.c. smith side by side 12 GA it says it is a hunter on it. I have looked everywhere and see these go from 600 up to 2000 or more but there is very little info on them. Can some one give me a better price range and more history on this cool gun Thank you
  2. TICS gets more then just the searal number. They also get the gun manufacuter/importer. Type (from "a cannon" to "bolt action pistol") and caliber. They also get/have all your info from the state data base including address, sex, race and ssn only if you provide it or have in the past. The ssn is the only optional part I know of.
  3. In TN you car is now treated like your home. You can cary what ever you can legally own how ever you want as long as you are not imposing on another's rights ( read that. Don't point it at other cars just for fun). When/ if you get stopped you don't need to tell the officer you are armed but it is best to do so. Also it is nice to show him/her your permit but again that is yout choice you are not required to unless directly asked. Besides that unless you have a permit (which you do) leave the gun in the car when you exit. And also leave it when in places it is not allowed (school grounds/government buildings so on). Beyond that keep it handy and be safe.
  4. Ha ha. Not the John McClane one. And I might be off on the "7". He did say it was made by glock and is a full auto sholder fired gun. Not a conversion.and I can find nothing about it.
  5. I was at work yesterday and a guy I plan on going shooting with came in. We where talking about his newest toy and he said he has a glock SMG 7. It is a carbine/SBR from the factory in Europe. It is in 9mm and can easy convert to 45. I went looking on line and can find nothing about a SMG made by glock. All I see are conversions where you use a glock frame to make a SBR. Does any one have info on this gun. It really peaked my interest and I want to know more about it if anyone had info please let me know.
  6. I have a khar c380. I love it. And add the extended mag to it and it works great for a full 4 fingers grip. I think you should try it.
  7. I got to take it out this weekend and love it. Very little recoiled. Easy to point and natrual to hit with up to 7 or 8 yards. The sights also give me the room to go further but I was limited to 10 this weekend. Now I need to find the best ammo for this gun. Who has suggestions. And I know I have to put about 100 rounds of it through before I carry with it so I need to keep the price reasonable. Any good suggestions in Chattanooga or dayton for good 380 ammo to try?
  8. I finally got it. My kahr 380 is now home. Time for me to make a holster for it. Does anyone know who has the cheapest extra mag's for it. I normally use cheaper than dirt but know you guys are good at deal shopping
  9. Ok is I strange to always have an extra mag for each gun as well? I have 2 on my left hit to feed and offset the weight of the beretta on my right and then I made a pocket holster for both the 25 and an extra mag that makes it look more like a wallet in my pocket. does anyone else carry like this?
  10. Thank you "gotthegoods" I needed to hear that. I also know about trying to draw from the waist at all in a car so I find my self keeping the beretta 92 under my left leg when I get close to the shop and when I first leave even though we are in the good part of town I just don't want any surprises at all. And for the little 25 in the pocket I have found I can make people at ease and also put my hand on that gun in plain view of the person all at the same time. As it is not unusual to see a guy with his hand in his front pocket when just standing. But my co-workers all know that is my "tell" that I have a bad feeling and think we really need to watch this person. It is very reassuring.
  11. I don't like ezpaw but that sign is not about concealed guns or even ones you you open cary. It is for the morons who bring in grand daddy's shot guns and sweep you with it saying it is clear to find it is loaded with number 4 buck. It happens more then you would like to think and after the first time you don't want it to happen again. The policy is "if you bring in a loaded gun please leave it in your holster. Pretty please!"
  12. Hummmmm you mean I have to convince my wife I need another one for my ankle? That is going to be a tall order but I am all up for it. This might be fun.
  13. Ok this is odd but I have to ask. How many of you carry 2 or more guns regularly? I work in a pawn shop so I seam to always be wearing my beretta 92 on my hip and I have a 25 shtf in my pocket. And I found out side of work I wear the same set up or so all the time. Just go from Outside the waistband to inside the waistband with the 92. How many others do this as well or am in the freak on this page?
  14. It is a Spanish kit that some one put together and is now at our shop. It looks like a Kentucky rifle. The sights suck but I think it would be lots of fun to have. But I already have a Remington 1858 in 44 cal that really likes .454 pure led balls. I was looking for something that would let me shoot the same balls in each but I just don't think this would work then. Or maybe is there a way to swag down a ball a bit so it will fit in the rifle and not be an issue to load but so I could still use the same balls that I already have for the pistole?
  15. Could I use the same conical bullet in my pistol as well? I am trying to only have one projectile to keep up with for both guns. And if I used it in the pistol would I have to patch it as well since they are smaller and would not create the tight seal like the oversized balls do


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