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Everything posted by sgjay

  1. I have a model 70 in .300 Magnum that won't chamber a round. I got it from my late father who got it in a trade and never tried to load or shoot it. I'm looking for a gunsmith in Clarksville to check it out.
  2. It has been my experience that we enlisted soldiers (or former), when it comes to senior officers, tend to hate the bad ones, dislike the average ones and love the good ones! (After we figure out which ones are which that is.) All of them deserve respect for their rank and position. That was my view from the motor pool anyway.  If he were a senior NCO then there would probably be a lot of anti NCO remarks. What I'm trying to say is its a shame that he is dishonoring all officers, past and present, simply by his association with the officer corps.
  3. New York? Isn't that one of the former Soviet republics?
  4. Keep it coming! I'm hooked!
  5. Good things DO come to those who wait! Thanks Whitewolf!
  6. RED333, thanks for the link to the SNL skit. That made my day!
  7. Thanks to the help I got here I took and passed the Technician exam here in Clarksville with a Great group of guys from the Clarksville Amature Transmitting Society. Now if the gov't gets its stuff together the FCC might get back to processing my paperwork!
  8. If this is true then the Mexicans (illegal varity) are our "Visigoths". I fear that you are to be proven correct.
  9. Publish this stuff! It worked for David Crawford. More please!
  10. Thanks for the quick reply!
  11. I have been thinking about taking the amature radio technician exam. Can anyone give me info about how to go about it? I'm near Clarksville. I'm not really into electronics but I think that it would be fun to talk around on a 2 meter.  
  12. Thanks for the link!
  13. My kids played soccer in Montgomery Co. There was no official score keeping. However, every kid on each team knew how many goals were scored and who the winner was. Winning and losing are part of life. The adults are the ones who don't get it!
  14.     I have never shot myself in the butt (or anywhere else) with my Glock. Am I doing something wrong? :)
  15. The M35 was the best truck the Army ever had! IMHO
  16. Let the panic buying continue.........
  17. I totally agree! Particularly the part about Marsha Blackburn.
  18. When I joined the Army(1984), homosexuality was punishable under UCMJ. Chaplins were just as necessary to a units well-being as medics. Soldiers worked closely together as a team. Everyone believed that what we were doing was keeping America safe from our enemies(COMMUNISTS). Now gays are given the same benifits as real married couples. Chaplins are being persecuted. Soldiers are encouraged to be individuals. And the COMMUNISTS are running our country! Some would call this "Progress". Progress means moving forward. Do we really want to move forward when we are standing on the edge of a cliff? God help us Sergeant Major!
  19. I have the highest respect for the good people of California who choose to stay and  fight the good fight and resist the socialization of their state. They do exist. I know some. They are fighting an uphill battle (if not an un-winable one). I am also glad that my state still, for the most part, stands for personal liberty. The line in the sand may very well be drawn on the left coast by true freedom loving people who say "Enough!" When I read about new restrictions on firearms in California I imagine not a circus of commie clowns or uniformed stormtroopers, but a pressure gauge steadily climbing into the "red".
  20. I have a house that I rent out in Clarksville. The property management company who I went through told me that SEC 8 housing tenants are really great people who have an undeserved bad reputation. I still insisted on no SEC 8. I have friends and co workers who live in neighborhoods that used to be nice just a decade ago. Now one can't sell his house because of the thugs hanging around. Its not a stereotype, its a fact. Its not the race, its the mentality of the "people" who have no respect for where they live, their neighbors and themselves.
  21. Well said OS, well said.
  22. That sums it up well, in my opinion.
  23. Any more "good news"?


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