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Everything posted by thundersnow

  1. I've got a 70 pint dehumidifier that handles about 1000 square feet no problem. Find one with a constant drain hose and let it ride so you don't have to empty the tank all the time. It ran me about $250
  2. I've got the colt .22 and it shoots great. 25 round mags burn through some ammo. Can plink clay pigeons sitting on the berm at 100 yards
  3. Love mine, but it's a tick big for pocket carry in my opinion. And +1 for their customer service...
  4. I might be in for one as well...
  5. http://youtu.be/0ryeg_Carhs Rapper "Too Short" left the TSA screening area without his shoes after realizing that he'd just sent his bag including his pistol through the X-ray at Burbank airport... His choice was to leave the area before he was confronted by TSA and retreat to his car allegedly to phone his lawyer.
  6. http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2014/09/26/grand-jury-says-harwell-ramsey-indicted/16290415/?sf31655526=%5B%271%27%5D
  7. Sig p230 not left hand friendly... Do love my 938 for carry!
  8. Same issue with responding to pm messages here
  9. Got one (not from this particular source) and sent it back to sig for new springs and reblue on the slide and it runs good as new!
  10. More than a few friends who left the boro area because the commute was so bad. Specifically the return trip at the end of the day. If you can avoid peak travel times then it's not bad. I always smiled at the people sitting as I did the reverse commute on my way to class. All in no more than double time some days...
  11. Love that! I'm almost done with mine as well.
  12. Good resource...
  13. Who goes back and forth from Dickson to nashville? I'd love to get this and pick it up from a Tgo member. I'm sure I could find something to make it worth your while
  14. http://news.yahoo.com/daughter-of-newtown-victim-speaks-out-against-joe-the-plumber-135839094.html     Not sure how I feel about being an labeled an extremist... Is Lafferty right?  Should we as responsible gun owners identify with that title?  I certainly don't feel extreme about protecting myself and my family. That line of thinking is more commonplace for sheeple who want to be able to write off large groups who don't fall in line with the status quo way of thinking.  How easy it is to marginalize "extremists" by affixing a label and putting it on a shelf.  There can't be any depth to the other side's arguments, can there? It's the equivalent of modern day type casting in my opinion.  
  15. One vote for the battery tender... That's more useful after this project for sure.
  16. Maybe a group buy on 92 mags? I'd be in for a couple...
  17. Just ordered a high noon the other day. Excited about trying that one out! Most people have no situational awareness. Looks like you have done your homework for that extra layer of hide-ability.
  18. The serial numbers on the P938 all start with “52A0” then all numbers after that are the unique numbers to your pistol. The ones with serial numbers of 8899 and lower are the “misfit toys”. These serial numbers relate to manufacture dates of about mid-September 2012 and earlier. - See more at: http://centermassgroup.com/2013/05/sig-sauer-p938-review/#sthash.FltQhX8r.dpuf Also the manufacture date should be on the box...
  19. No alarm just a handy talky type radio. A weather radio is better if you want an alarm. Or better yet the app for your smart phone.
  20. Be very careful if you decide to carry without a round chambered... If you do a press check to make sure there's no round it WILL effect the feeding on the next round in your mag. I've tried this at the range a couple of times. It did repeatedly fail to chamber a round after a press check. Had to drop the mag and let the round fall out.
  21. http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/23sq4j/besides_saying_its_my_right_why_do_you_feel/ There are some reasonable threads running through this. Might be some good talking points for your next libtard discussion.
  22. There's also a place in the franklin factory that sells Amish crafted furniture. I'll bet it's at a premium though.
  23. A self policing digital a-hole filter... That's marketable!
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU9EGeMP5n4#t=0m19s This one got a chuckle out of me...
  25. Great thread guys! My family of three spends about 100 a week at the grocery.


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