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Everything posted by JoeJ615

  1. i honestly have no clue im guessing its roughly the same since this stuff says "maximum strength" so unless they're lieing fox cant be any stronger
  2. i showed a friend of mine the video last night and he just shook his head and said "now that's a special kinda stupid"
  3. lol yeah he sat in front of an air conditioner for about a half hour after the vid and was eventually ok .. and he said his sinuses were clear and his eyes felt really "clean" afterwards lol
  4. ah well we were watching pepper spray vids on youtube and saw a few of marines doing it so he assumed he would have to lmao ... oh well like you said it got me a guinnea pig
  5. he says he wants to enlist in the USMC
  6. lol just bought my wife some red sabre maximum strength OC pepper spray (supposedly what the NYPD uses) and was looking for a sucker to test it ... well the nephew and his friend show up today and the nephews friend says he's gonna have to do it soon when he enlists anyway so he volunteered ... apparently this stuff is no joke .. but still hard not to laugh sometimes .... it took a good 45 minutes before he could function normally [media=] [/media]
  7. yeah they are my regular shop and ben does some nice work i had a 22/45 threaded and bottom rail added and he even made me a nice lil thread protector for free
  8. im not for the most part i shoot winchester bulk i was just curious about the super calibras because i also have a brick of those for back yard plinking
  9. how accurate were the super colibras out of your XT and at what kind of range do you get decent accuracy graycrait? i have a brick of them i havent used yet, i also have some CCI CB shorts im curious if they will be a bit more accurate since they are a lil heavier and a lil faster
  10. i dont know if it's the same line but my mothers maiden name is gibson and she has alot of family in east TN ... mostly in the ducktown - copper hill area
  11. awesome thanks for the reply dolomite i knew i could count on you guys lol ... according to the charts on that site the only gun with the 22" bbl seemed to outperform every other bbl length including the 20" and 23" bbl guns .. seems odd that the one inch increase from 22 to 23 drops the velocity a bit but that may have just been some other variable in the test guns i suppose ... their only 22" bbl .22 was a kimber classic which im not very familiar with
  12. i have a pretty simple question for you guys ... i cant seem to find a deffinative answer online so i figured some of the guru's here might be able to help ... at what point of barrel length would you say that standard velocity .22 LR ammo would begin to lose velocity from friction? i recently purchased a Marlin XT22TR and it has a 22" bbl, and a friend is trying to tell me that anything over 18.5" bbl is slowing down my velocities and it has me wondering if he's full of it or onto something
  13. lol he is long winded to a fault i agree and i also agree with some of you in that i think Hickock45 is more fun to watch (i prefer Hickock45 myself) but i cant really say i dislike nutnfancy he is pretty forthcoming about having long videos and how alot of people wont enjoy his review style BUT i have to say he covers everything in his vids, sorta the Alton brown of youtube gun reviewers (if ya dont know he's a guy who hosts shows on food network, known for breaking everything down to a scientific level) lol
  14. from your description of wanting something that you plan to put ALOT of rounds through but would also be a personal defense gun i would say go with the 9mm just because it's the cheapest centerfire ammo that's widely and readily available, and also a very capable round in a defensive situation and has been said there are MANY good options such as sig, ruger, Xd, M&P, Glock ... i personally second LCPfraTN's comment the ruger SR9 and SR9C are alot of gun for the money and deffinately worth looking into
  15. awesome stuff man i have a 5 year old and im starting him off with .22's he's only shot a henry lever action so far but he'll be trying out the SR22 soon
  16. guess it could kinda double as a thread protector? lol
  17. yeah i was getting the same error message but im pretty sure its youtube in general i tried some other videos and got the same thing
  18. thanks for the info man, i was mostly wondering about accuracy out of a 22" bbl Marlin bolt gun, but at 3" at 50yds i'll stick with the winchester bulk i've been using and do better than that lol
  19. just found out about these and wondered if anyone had personal experience with it who could comment on it's accuracy and overall reliability .. a 30grain round at 1750 fps sounds like it would logically shoot "flatter" or not? lol http://www.midwayusa.com/product/218194/aguila-super-maximum-ammunition-22-long-rifle-30-grain-hyper-velocity-plated-lead-hollow-point?cm_mmc=Froogle-_-Ammunition+-+Rimfire+-+Hunting-_-PriceCompListing-_-218194
  20. i just picked up the Marlin XT22TR about a week ago (same as what you're looking at but not stainless) and it was actually a bit more than the savage MkII at my LGS ... but only by about $9
  21. i agree with TNWNGR i own a MkIII 22/45 and a SR22 i love the fact that ruger pistols will run the cheap bulk ammo, the 22/45 is im sure a bit more accurate but i dont shoot at distances with pistols that i can honestly tell a big difference, but i honestly like the SR22 a bit better .. just a small fun gun thats easy to break down and clean and will run like a champ on the cheap ammo, to me a .22 pistol is all about having tons of fun on the cheap so having a gun that runs nothing but CCI mini-mags kinda halfway defeats that purpose... and yes my wife shot it and claimed it lol
  22. i live in Lebanon and i've been in the armory twice and probably wont be back .. they do seem to be rather arrogant and rude to their customers, like others have said Lebanon Gun Shop gets all my buisness, they are friendly and very helpful i have bought a few pistols and a few rifles through them as well as having a few online transfers through them, and the one of the owners (David) informed me that they welcome people to come in to meet for private sells and provide a bill of sale and will run the numbers on the gun to assure the buyer it isnt stolen free of charge, a service i have used once with them when i sold my Taurus PT92 to a fellow TGOer
  23. as the title says im looking for a decent optic on a budget for my new Marlin XT22TR, i have a cheap-o Leapers 4x32 fixed power scope on it now but looking for something with a little more magnification without breaking the bank ... would like something for around $50 but would consider a lil bit more, any suggestions?
  24. yeah this is the henry i had .. it says .22 LR but under specs it says short, long, and long rifle and im pretty sure it was stamped on the barrell for all 3 as well ... have to ask JeffsSig he has it now lol http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/36596-55.html
  25. yeah i have a 5 year old son and i kind of took a note from hickock45 .. if you set them down and let them see the gun and how it works .. and tell them ANY time they want to see dad's gun/s all they have to do is ask, it removes that childhood tenacious curiosity to sneak around and "play" with a gun, and teaches them to respect them ... a fellow TGO'er also turned me on to "Eddie the Eagle" it's a NRA sponsored program with a guy in an eagle costume teaching children gun safety in schools and the main rules he preaches are "if you find a gun dont touch it, find and tell an adult" , he gave me a DVD and my son has watched it ALOT lol found this video on youtube .. same as the DVD


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