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Everything posted by JoeJ615

  1. thanks for the info guys that honestly answered alot of my questions
  2. JoeJ615

    Sig question

    so there are no fully german made 2022's then? and are the german (or half german) 2022's generally more sought after, or no real difference?
  3. JoeJ615

    Sig question

    i have a Sig 2022 made in April 2009, marked Exeter NH on the slide but says "Made in Germany" on the frame so im confused, is it all made in Germany and then just distributed through Exeter NH? or is the frame the only part made in Germany? im a total newbie to Sig, and this is probably a stupid question but i cant find a straight answer anywhere online lol, i've also read that if it has the round sticker on the box that says "made in germany" and something about a 3 digit serial, then it's a true german sig .. mine has the sticker but a longer serial #
  4. my LGS had 6 SR22 pistols for $275 OTD but they went as soon as the doors opened .. oddly enough though i went a lil later in the day to meet a TGOer to buy a 9mm from him and the gun shop owner (who knows im always looking for a deal) walks up to me with a LNIB S&W SD40 he had just bought used and said "deal of the day ... $200 OTD and she's yours" i was kicking myself for not having more money lol .. told him i couldnt afford it and he put it in the case for $249 + tax and TICS
  5. congrats! sweet looking lil derringer man i would love to get one down the line somewhere myself, always been a fan of them.. i picked up an early christmas present for myself earlier today as well a sig 2022, and like you my finger is already itching to get some rounds through it lol
  6. met a nice fellow TGOer today at my LGS and bought this LNIB Sig SP2022 in 9mm .. came with factory box, paperwork, lock etc. has 2 mags and sig night sights that are still going strong .. he said it was a 2009 model and the extractor is different from the ones being made now ... does anyone know the difference or which is better? or any thoughts on the gun itself? [img]http://i49.tinypic.com/rlbd69.jpg[/img]
  7. happy turkey day to all, and to all good naps on the couch lol
  8. those stats are about what i expected to be honest except i would expect the rifle and shotgun category to have been much more effective than the chart shows as compared to handguns, but basically as far as common defensive rounds in pistols go (.38 to .45) they are all similar enough to just say "go with what you shoot best and feel most comfortable with", i would choose 9mm for higher capacity, faster follow up shots, and cheaper ammo for more practice with your gun but that's just personal preference
  9. i recently was on the same hunt as the OP and ended up narrowing it down to either the IAC Hawk 982 or the Maverick 88, 870 clone vs 500 clone ..... i was leaning toward the Hawk just because i preferred the peep style sights over the standard bead .. but i ended up getting a really nice 18.5" Maverick 88 in trade here on TGO that had fiberoptic rifle style (buckhorn) sights already installed... and i must say the fit and finish are SURPRISINGLY good for a $200 shotgun with a very crisp action with no slop or rattle to it and, from everything i can find they are just as reliable (ultimately so) as the 500 series ... i would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a GOOD shotgun that wont break your wallet , also almost everything from the 500 including barrels will fit on the Maverick 88, and i know it isnt a 500 only a clone but at least it's a clone made BY mossberg so maybe this still applies from Wikipedia: [color=#000000][font=sans-serif][size=3]Mossberg claims the Model 500 is the only shotgun to pass the US Army's Mil-Spec 3443E test, "a brutal and unforgiving torture test with 3,000 rounds of full power 12 gauge buckshot". (The updated 3443G specification requires a metal trigger guard, so only the Model 590A1 variants, which have a heavier barrel and use metal trigger groups instead of the standard Model 500's plastic trigger groups, will fit the requirements[/size][/font][/color]
  10. [quote name='JKGlock17' timestamp='1353375286' post='848532'] That is awesome, total crap when they changed it like they were trying to show Han as a good guy, he was a smuggler otherwise known as a criminal [/quote] exactly, plus here's Greedo supposedly Jabba's top interstellar bounty hunter and he cant hit a guy from across the table lol
  11. found this image and thought it was awesome ... for those that dont get the star wars refrence (non geeks lol) when Lucas remastered the series he made Greedo the bounty hunter in the cantina shoot at Han first and miss by feet from just inches away, and the star wars fans not liking the changes began to use the term "han shot first!" as the battle cry of the outraged star wars fans [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mddy7oZSgo1rj7xsno1_500.jpg[/img]
  12. ok this is something that's bugged me for awhile and now that im close to getting a good 9mm as a bedside gun im thinking even more about it, i know a TON of people swear by night sights and please feel free to correct me if im wrong here but .. with night sights you would have no trouble seeing your sights in darkness but what good does that do you if you cant see your target? wouldnt a more practical setup be a weapon light and maybe fiberoptic sights? so you would illuminate your target and the fiberoptics pick up the ambient light (from said weapon light) for their own glow and ease of use? or am i not thinking about something here? just looking for opinions here, like i said just been something on my mind of late lol
  13. i saw this on doomsday preppers awhile back and was very intrigued, this is worth checking out if you're interested in the subject ... this guy used tilapia and said that their growth rate allowed them to sustain his family pretty much indeffinately ... skip to 3:30 if you're impatient lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOZoxKZ0xGo
  14. god i hate spiders but somebodies gotta kill em and its sure not gonna be the wife lol [img]http://funny4all.com/wp-content/uploads/funny-scary-spider-toilet-paper.jpg[/img]
  15. i have to agree with Jonnin and say go with a .22 to give her all the practice she needs to build her fundamentals for pennies on the dollar of any centerfire ammo, the Mark series are nice pistols but there are alot of good .22's out there that would help her transition to modern semi auto's as well such as the walther p22, ruger sr22, sig mosquito, or M&P22
  16. yeah i figured inside the house distances it would be negligible, but im wondering since the gun does have the rifle style sights i wanted if it will still be fairly effective at 50-80 yards or so, with say 00 or slugs
  17. i dont know if testing first will be possible, i know barrel length effects spread im basically trying to figure out if a cut down 18.5" barrel should pattern about the same as a factory 18.5" barrel ... or if cutting it down might effect the "cylinder bore choke" .. i know any burrs on the inside of the barrel could effect it slightly and to look for that, as far as buying a new barrel for it i would be kinda screwing myself over since the rifle im trading is roughly the same price new as a new maverick 88
  18. been looking for a home defense style shotgun for a while now and actually was considering either the maverick 88 or the IAC hawk 982 .. i was leaning toward the hawk mainly because it had a peep/ghost ring style sight, i have an opportunity to trade a bolt action .22 rifle i have for a Maverick 88 that the guy has cut down to 18.5" and he took off the bead and added fiber optic front sight and buckhorn style rear sights ... my question is how will the "cutting down" of the barrel effect the spread? i know the 88 comes with a "cylinder bore choke" and i just dont know enough about shotguns to say how the shade tree gun smithing may effect the performance with any given ammo from field shot to slugs, any input is greatly appreciated ty
  19. welcome to the site man .. sounds like a nice little collection you got going there i hope to have one as nice one day
  20. i've been thinking alot about getting a 12 guage pump for a home defense gun and i'm intrigued by a couple budget guns i've stumbled upon and just curious if anyone owns or has experience with either of these models and could tell me if it's really worth 2x the price to step up to a "better" model Maverick 88 (mossberg 500 clone) http://www.budsgunsh...oducts_id/42628 IAC Hawk 982 (870 clone) http://www.cheaperth...m/product/91401 im kinda leaning toward the 982 for the price, and i like the ghost ring sights ... plus i hear EVERYTHING for the 870 fits it where as the 88 is hit or miss with 500 parts
  21. yeah this is some very sad news and something i have thought alot about ... to some degree someone has to take some risk .. i mean everyone on here had no rep and no face to face meetings with site members at some point ... i myself am fairly new to the site and have met up with TGOers 4 or 5 times for transactions and never had any problems but i cant deny i have been worried every time .... my local GS (Lebanon Gun Shop) offers a great service for people conducting private sells .. the owner has told me that they welcome you to come in and conduct your sales there and they even provide a bill of sale and a background check on the gun(s) serial number all free, a service im glad to have, i've only used it once but will use this option exclusively in the future... so if you're in middle TN that's an option for all you TGOers
  22. i've been looking into one of these myself it seems to be an awesome gun for the pricepoint and from all accounts is built like a tank
  23. JoeJ615

    Fall Sale

    i've ordered 2 guns from them in the past and was very happy with their service .. i would jump on that sr22 if you were thinking about one i bought mine from kygunco back in feb. and its an awesome lil gun
  24. i dunno i grew up loving meatloaf but last couple times i've seen him on TV he was deffinately showing his age (and im sure a rough life as well) i didnt even know he was still doing shows lol
  25. done and done i hope everyone does this, thats some scary stuff


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