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Everything posted by JoeJ615

  1. very nice ... right now i have a Sig 2022 and a full size M&P 9 .. and considering picking up an OD green CZ 75 from a friend , so i guess you could say im a fan of the tupperware pistols myself  :up:
  2. congratulations on the new baby man!!!! nothing like the feeling of holding your child ... enjoy it while you can, before you know it they dont wanna be held so much anymore lol 
  3. gotta love seeing things like this when you step out on your back deck ... taken with wifes camera phone at full zoom, they were maybe 80 yards away in the top pic and maybe 50-60 in the bottom one
  4. damn now ya got me rethinking it 
  5. so maybe $300 be a decent deal then?
  6. thinking about making an offer on a tangfolio force 99r 9mm with 2x 16rd mags LNIB ... but cant find the gun for sale at any online dealers to get a idea of the value .... anyone with a idea on a decent price range from "damn good deal" to "ehh it's worth it i guess"? lol
  7. yeah i posted this video a week or so ago .. wish we had a REAL president with the balls to do this
  8. prayers out to you and yours outlaw .. and all the good folks in the area of course
  9. i love the 1911 but dont own one ... i have to say i love the design because it was by far and away the best handgun design of the time, but that being said i believe a 1911 is a "gun nuts" gun as in it's fairly complicated in its field strip and reassembly (compared to other handguns) and needs to be maintained more so than many other handguns ... if i had the money to "collect" guns i would own several 1911's but i want function over aesthetics, and if i had to rely on something to save my life and had other options i wouldnt grab a 1911 ... before the bashing of my post begins let me say again i AM a fan of the gun .. just dont think it's the end all be all of pistols that it was 50 or maybe even 25 years ago  
  10. imploding bullets??? where do we get those?  :rofl:
  11. just saw this on youtube and had to share ... would LOVE to hear a state of the union address like this      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5ELyG9V1SY
  12. welcome to the site neighbor, be warned it's addictive :)
  13. very nice .. i just changed out the furniture on my first AK47 to a similar setup but i used the UTG quick detach side mount for my red/green dot .. and a magpul AFG
  14. out of stock .. oh well maybe next time lol
  15. yeah shipping is a lil high but i needed some AK mags and i like the tapco that came with my WASR so i ordered a few ... thanks for the heads up :)
  16. yeah a lil ... but i get the feeling they're not exactly trying to take themselves seriously either so *shrug*
  17. just saw this and had to share lol    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXiazmfLrNg
  18. was at my LGS yesterday here in Lebanon (Lebanon Gun Shop) and they had plenty of ammo and reloading supplies in surprisingly .. i was there to drop off my PT92 for a trigger spring replacement but picked up 2 boxes of PMC 9mm while i was there ... didnt look for rifle calibers but they had plenty of .380 , 9mm , .40 , .45 everything but .22LR 
  19. juct picked up a M&P22 pistol a henry rifle and a WASR 10/63 ... went a lil crazy on the WASR in the last couple days .. didnt like the short LOP with the wood furniture and i wanted an optic so screw it lol WASR, Henry .22, Maverick88 ,Sig 2022, Bersa Thunder Plus, Taurus PT92, S&W M&P22 .... the SR22 somehow missed the group shot and my new baby and only centerfire rifle lol .. the WASR with the new furniture
  20. arrrghhhh i knew it ... oh well, to the hardware store i go lol 
  21. the wife was at walmart anyway so i called her on her cell and had her go to hardware and pick up M6x25 screws or bolts + washers and i heard the guy tell her these were it, but im not sure .. it says MS-70 on top and #6-32 x 25.4 at the bottom ..... did i get the right thing? lol
  22. thanks for the help guys :) much appreciated
  23. i was just using walmart as an example .. just meaning that's what i should ask for? a 1 inch M6x100? 
  24. so that's what i would look for at say walmart? just M6x100? sorry this is all new to me and would like to have everything ready to install when my new furniture arrives lol
  25. looking to replace the pistol grip on my WASR 10/63 with this grip http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001F0MM3W/ref=ox_sc_act_image_10?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER .. alot of the reviewers said that it doesnt come with the proper screw/bolt to mount it but that you can pick one up cheap ... anyone know exactly what size (length/diameter) bolt i need to pick up?


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