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Everything posted by JoeJ615

  1.   lmao i was completely perplexed on that one .... too funny 
  2. am i the only one having a WTF moment here???
  3. if i have to choose from what i actually own    for walking dead type zombies   1. H&K MP5SD .22LR 2. M&P 9mm 3. Kukri Machette   for rage virus type zombies my only change would be 1. Maverick 88 12g pump 
  4. i saw this video awhile back on youtube and i watched another of a guy shooting similar loads with a .45acp    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ANy39pHrDA
  5. welcome to TGO and ty sir for your service to this country
  6.   +1    i use the Aguila Colibri rounds to plink off my back deck with a henry lever action and while the groups are nowhere near what you would get from standard velocity ammo they are minute of squirrel all day long at 10 yards, they are only 20gr and advertised at 500fps but i know they will penetrate over 300 pages into a softback book from about 15 feet,  they are supposed to be "pistol only" but i've shot about 2 bricks through the henry i mentioned and a Marlin XT i had with a 22" barrel and havent had any squib loads yet 
  7. welcome to TGO and thank you for your service to the country friend
  8. yeah same as what i got .. behind the counter is one box per customer per day .. on the table at the end of the counter was a 10 box limit
  9. thanks for the links graycrait im kinda leaning toward the mossberg right now .. with the cash boot and the fact that i prefer the tube fed guns for eating any .22 ammo i can find lol 
  10. im trying to trade off a Hi Point C9 i picked up in trade for a decent .22 bolt gun and i have a couple of offers on guns i know little to nothing about, and was hoping some of you guys might have experience with them and be able to tell me your opinions, as in is it worth the trade and which one would be the better rifle .... first offer i have is for a Mossberg and Sons model 346b tube fed .22 S/L/LR bolt action + $75 cash boot .. all i know about the second offer i have is that it is a Romanian .22LR bolt action with a 5 round magazine and " flip down iron sights @ 25-50-100 yards" and this picture .. can anyone give a rough estimate on the value of the romanian gun in the picture? .. i found the mossberg on gunvaluesboard supposedly it's only valued at $100 in excellent shape
  11. JoeJ615

    STG 44 22 LR

    very nice .. congrats man i love the .22 replica guns they are a blast ... just picked up a H&K MP5 .22 the other day myself but havent had a chance to put it through its paces yet 
  12.     lol yeah she's a beautiful gun and i havent even shot her yet, and i just picked up a H&K MP5 .22 as well ... between the 2 im sure the ammo i picked up wont last very long lol
  13.   congratulations you got about the same ammount i did ... if that makes me a "bad gun owner" in some peoples eyes then i can handle that .. they werent there to help me out when i couldnt find any so i wont lose any sleep over their opinions.. someones gotta get the last box on the shelf, better me than someone who's gonna turn around and sell it for $75 on gunbroker  
  14. well truth be told i HAVENT been shooting much because i didnt want to go through what little i had on hand simply because i couldnt find anymore ... my wife had the misfortune of becoming addicted to shooting just before all the ammo dried up and she has been dieing to get out and shoot the SR22 and M&P22 more so now we have that option .. i have 3 9mm handguns i havent even been able to shoot yet, and now hopefully she can step up from the .22 to the 9mm soon 
  15. congrats!! i would be pretty giddy as well lol ... hoping to get an AR sometime when i can find something at that price myself 
  16.   first of all i did NOT "circumvent store policy" the policy was 10 boxes per customer per day ... the owner and his wife were both present and they both know me AND my wife, even though we are married we are still 2 different people, so im sorry if the fact that i finally after many months of looking found a decent bit of ammo but i didnt realize that my fellow gun enthusiasts were so in need that they would turn on me like the fat guy in the donner party, secondly i used the term "wiped them out" fairly loosely .. after the 16 boxes me and my wife picked up there were still probably 20 left on the table of the same kind (was on a folding table at the end of the counter with a few other calibers/brands) ... and MANY other boxes of other brands of 9mm behind the counter, i did however pick up  the last 2 boxes of .22 bulk they had, picked up the first 2 (it was 1 box per customer per day) the day before right as they closed, which is why i knew to be there when they opened the next day lol
  17.    no thanks ... i think i'll just shoot it if it's all the same to you :)
  18.   as little as i could afford lol ... which i might have felt bad about, if i had bought it with the intentions of reselling it ... but i havent found ANY of these 2 calibers in months, and the cupboards were running VERY dry  .. my situation doesnt allow me to hit up the gun shops and big box stores just hoping to find ammo, and i apparently have the worst luck clearing the online "check out" before anything i find is out of stock ... i basically got lucky and stumbled on this this so i struck while the iron was hot
  19.     lol all things considered it looked pretty damn cheap to me for brass cased 9mm ... i've never been one to buy in bulk so the only thing i've seen cheaper in over a year was steel or aluminum cased .. but in all fairness until about 6 months ago i wasnt in the market for any centerfire pistol calibers because everything i owned was .22 
  20. prices werent TOO crazy .. good on the 9mm actually 16.99 a box so i wiped em out .. they had a 10 box limit per customer so i had to have my wife buy some too lol ... the bulk was a tiny bit more than old prices at 20.99 for the 333 packs and 29.99 for the federal target grade, was at the Lebanon Gun Shop here in Lebanon TN ... i got the last of these 2 items though (unless they had some that wasnt on the shelves) but they had plenty of other 9mm that wasnt as cheap .. and pretty much every other caliber but i didnt look at prices on anything but the .22 and 9mm sorry 
  21. went to my LGS today and it was like old times .. AR 15's on the wall and wait, what's that? 9mm and .22LR??? ended up with 800rds of Federal 115gr FMJ and 4 bulk packs of .22LR i know i know .... pics or it didnt happen lol (the Colibri i bought here on TGO from PackinMama)
  22. yeah deffinately helpful, i wasnt offended just my lame attempt at humor  :cheers:
  23.     ok maybe i should learn to use a search engine better, point taken lol    but really thanks for the links :)
  24. ah i was thinking they were worth more i guess lol .. he's asking $550 OBO .. was thinking $475 - $500 maybe, but this is why we ask questions  :shrug:
  25. cant find this gun for sale online, at least not in OD green ..and just curious what a a good price is to offer the guy? he say's it's NIB


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