I thought it was great. Not a ton of people, maybe 150-200 but it was a lot of fun. First rally I've ever been to and I had a good time speaking with like-minded people, which I rarely get to do. TNoutdoors9 (he has an excellent youtube channel and does ammo testing) was who I really wanted to meet and he turned out to be a really nice guy, I had a lot of fun talking to him. Also met Hickok45 and his son John, but people were all over them so didn't really get to speak much with them. Jeff and Boge from Gunblast.com (these guys also have a great youtube channel) seemed like some really good people, I'll bet they're a hoot to hang out with. Evidently before I got there some goober showed up with an AR on his back, not sure if he was a plant or just didn't know state law.
Anyway I'm ready for the next one, I hope we can get a bigger turnout in the future.