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Everything posted by Timestepper

  1. Me too what he said!
  2. Yep, Savage sure didn't make many lemons! Heck, after more than 25 years my trusty ol' Savage 24 in .357mag/20ga. is still going strong and I'll NEVER part with it. Might have to get a little closer than the big boys, but I've taken everything from rabbit and squirrel to mule deer with it and never been disappointed. And if were going after elk or moose and someone wanted to loan me a 7mm, I sure wouldn't turn 'em down! ...TS...
  3. You are welcome, friend. It was an honor...
  4. *NOTE: I wrote this for my dad back in '97 and had the honor of reciting it for him and an older brother after Thanks Giving dinner that year. It was only the second time in my life I remember seeing tears in Pop's eyes.* Hope y'all don't mind it too much... ...TS... EDIT: My apologies for the formatting - I worked on this for 10 minutes trying to set it up for this forum and it still goofed on me. My First True Love Well I reckon I knowed her before I could even talk – She always was a friend. Mom said she was a bitch, but ‘course I wasn’t worldly enough to know what a bitch was back then. I just knew I loved her with all my heart. There was never any doubt – She’d look at me with those big brown eyes And I’d just let my feelings out. Dad and my big brothers loved her too, I guess for different reasons than I did - I ‘member how they’d take her out in the woods behind the house, When I was just a kid. ‘They’d tell me, “You’re not big enough.” And I’d have to stay behind again. Then, in a couple hours, she’d come back exhausted. And they’d come back and grin! Dad said, “Mom, she’s turnin’ our boys in to men, She really laid ‘em down! Even taught me some things I didn’t know...” And I’d just stand and frown! I didn’t know what he was talkin’ about, Or why my brothers now was men. I was feelin’ all left out, then she came and kissed me, And made me feel like I was part of things again. This went on for several years, till finally Dad said, “You’re big enough to tag along” one day. And I got to watch the greatest hunting dog that ever lived. Her name was Ellie Mae. She wasn’t much to look at, small and slick haired, And black and brown with a little white. ‘Course she had them big brown eyes, But tryin’ as I might, I can’t think of any one particular breed she was, Or from where her bloodline came. But she had the poise and grace of a high bred pointer And a nose that’d make a blood hound flush with shame. She was just that good, though as far huntin’ goes, I don’t reckon she ever had any formal kind of trainin’. But she loved my dad and she loved to hunt, And didn’t care if it was snowin’ or a rainin’. ‘Course growin’ up in Kansas, you never knew If it’d be rainin’ or blowin’ snow – I ‘member times we’d go out huntin’ the snow was high, And the temperature sure was low! But Ellie just loved it! She loved huntin’ rabbit and squirrel and pheasant and quail And, well I guess about every other kind of critter. Then we’d come home and dress ‘em out, And she’d go and nurse her latest litter. That was something else she was good at – Seems like she could always make the boy dogs smile. ‘Course most of her pups we gave away, But there were some we kept a while. But they were never quite as good as Elli Mae. She just always was the best; I ‘member one time when Dad shot a squirrel, Just before it reached its nest. We was huntin’ cross the river from the end of First Street, East of my hometown. The river was up and runnin’ hard, And the snow was comin’ down. And, well, the squirrel landed in the water – Started floatin’ around the bend. ‘Course it was too swift and deep and cold to wade, But Ellie dove right in! We just stood there in amazement! She’d never done anything like this before, But watchin’ her sure was neat! She retrieved it, climbed the bank and looked up at Dad Then laid the squirrel at his feet. Then she wagged her tail and gave a yip Just as clear as I’m tellin’ this to you – She said, “Come on Old Man, pick the damn thing up and reload! We got more huntin’ left to do! Well, I reckon there’s a thousand other stories... But there’s no need to tell the rest. She loved my dad and she loved to hunt. And she just always gave her best. She’s been gone... I guess 38 years in 2011 And I’ll still never forget that day – I was in sixth grade and I went out one morning to feed her And found that Ellie had passed away! And I went runnin’, bawlin’ back inside To tell my dad his huntin’ dog was dead! And he went out and called her name – then stroked her fur As he sadly shook his head. And, well I ain’t sure, but I thought I seen a tear In the corner of his eye... ‘Course I was standin’ there snifflin’... And he hugged me, Told me, “Go ahead and cry.” She was the first creature I ever remember knowin’ how to love And the best present a kid ever got on his very first birthday... She was the greatest huntin’ dog I’ve ever known, And her name was Ellie Mae... © 1997 W.D. McCrary
  5. Agreed. If nothing else, it would be wise to use this to supplement a diet, rather than try to live on it exclusively. ...TS...
  6. So call him back and tell him that she ran off, then take the collar and GPS off and drive a few miles in the other direction and throw 'em in the ditch and Bingo! Your kids have a great dog to love on and spoil rotten. I mean, if she went missing on Saturday and has a GPS and he STILL hasn't bothered to track her down - let alone take the time to drive 15 minutes to pick her up at your place... Well, I'm guessing he probably doesn't want her very bad. Plus, it sounds as though there might be good reason on her part not to have found her way back "home" by now. Luck! ...TS...
  7. The one flaw in your logic is that corporations don't get big by producing stuff that no one buys. If there were no market, they wouldn't be making the stuff in the first place. Thank you, big corporations (and small!) for making the stuff that I've gotten too comfortable to live without and too lazy to make. ...TS...
  8. For us it'll be turkey cooked in the smoker grill using cherry wood and maybe a couple of chunks of mesquite for smoke and hard apple cider in the drip pan. If I get real energetic and manage to get the new goat shelter finished (damn rain!) tomorrow morning, then I might walk up the ridge with the .22 tomorrow afternoon and nail a couple of grey squirrels to stuff the turkey with. (Clean 'em, rinse 'em good, then salt them down and put a couple of strips of bacon in the body cavity, then double them over and cram 'em in the bird - MMMMMmmm!) ...TS...
  9. Got my sample yesterday - the Stroganoff - four, 1 cup servings, 250 calories per serving. Haven't tried it yet and this being turkey week, probably won't try it for a while. Might be a good thing to bring along if we ever end doing the survival meet-up, campout thing... ...TS...
  10. Posted this a few weeks ago here. It is indeed a great piece of commentary, although I agree that 3 1/2 days isn't long enough. ...TS...
  11. I have the complete collection of Foxfire books. They're a treasured part of my library and I still enjoy reading them from time to time. But reading is one thing and doing is another. There are indeed several very good books out there written in such a way as to actually be useful. I've got a few and they are valued friends. If time permits later, I'll come back with an EDIT and list one or two of my favorites. Until then, I'll reiterate: It's one thing to have a book full of stuff you can make if TSHTF, but it's quite another to try to make it when the stress of dealing with post SHTF life is right up in your face. Best to learn in a controlled environment while things are still more or less "normal" than to actually get into a life or death situation and have to rely upon a skill you have read about but do not possess. Survival books are great things if you take the time to actually learn and practice the skills they contain. Otherwise, they're just expensive fire fuel - which is exactly what you'll be using them for if all you do is read them. I would never call my self a survival expert (though there are those who might disagree - claiming "expert" status at anything just ain't my bag), but I've deliberately (and otherwise) put myself into situations where the only thing that stood between me and certain disaster were the skills I possessed. Some of these skills were acquired from books and put into practice before hand, some were taught to me and some I taught myself on the spur of the moment by improvisation and adaptation - what works in the hills of Tennessee will not necessarily work on the High Plains of Kansas or in the canyons of Arizona and Utah... at least not without modification. Necessity is a hard and tough task master and stress is the class cut-up. Anyone can survive for a few days or a week by acquiring basic skills or through pure dumb luck. But if you want to LIVE, you'll tell the class clown to shut the F up. And the best way to do that is to learn and PRACTICE the necessary skills BEFORE you need them. ...TS... EDIT: Here are a couple of my favorites: "Back to Basics: How to Learn and Enjoy Traditional American Skills" - Reader's Digest (An absolutely fantastic book and I highly recommend it.) "Making the Best of Basics" by James Talmage Stevens is also a great book to have on hand as is pretty much anything by John McPherson (and his wife, Geri). "The Survival Handbook: Essential Skills for Outdoor Adventure" by Colin Towel There are also several good fiction books out there and I picked up a ton of pretty neat stuff when I was a kid just reading Louis L' Amour novels. ...TS...
  12. We have two pygmy goat does with the idea of eventually milking them after they've been bred once each. Have no intention to raise goats for meat, although Lord knows I've threatened 'em a few times. We also have chickens - both Bantams and Rhode Island Reds who give us more eggs than we know what to do with. Some of the eggs we eat, some we trade and some we just give away to friends and family. Absolutely love the little Bantam eggs, they're so much richer than store bought eggs! ...TS...
  13. LOL After extensive experience in making pemmican, I can tell you that if you ever "get it tasting right" it won't be true pemmican anymore. Traditional pemmican is a great survival food and one can eventually get used to the taste, but it's intended purpose was/is to keep you alive, not satisfy your taste buds. I make mine (or made, since I haven't made a batch in a while) with dried and pounded shredded venison (beef works too, but nutritionally speaking, buffalo is best), dried choke cherries, rosehips (for a super boost of vitamin C) and some fresh dandelion blooms chopped fine and scattered in. I use melted fat to tie the whole mess together and pack/pour it into muffin tins to cool then put it into baggies for storage. Not much on using nuts simply because, for the most part, it wasn't something that the plains Indians used in any amount (and that's where I learned to make mine), but nuts of any kind generally have a high energy content and strike me as a good addition. (Still won't make it taste good, though. lol) ...TS...
  14. Bottom line. While there are several really good survival skills books/manuals out there, none of them will do you a damn bit of good if you don't personally take the time to learn and practice the skills contained therein. Reading about a particular skill is one thing, actually learning it and putting it to use is something else and it might be easier or harder than you think. But you won't know until you actually attempt it. IMO, the dumbest person in the world is the one who buys survival books and expects them to save their lives in the event of a crisis and then leaves them on the book shelf. ...TS...
  15. Saw your post in WD-40's thread about his daughter. You might try the method I mentioned earlier. Maybe make it a "daddy-daughter day" thing and learn together. Your most expensive outlay will be the meat (you can pick up a good canvas drop cloth for enclosing your smoker at Lowe's for just a few bucks). If you already have venison on hand, so much the better. As for marinade, a very good and very simple one is just a mixture of brown sugar and soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce. A little white wine adds great flavor while giving your sugar a medium to dissolve in, but you can also just use warm water. Generally speaking, a couple handfuls of brown sugar to 2 or 3 tablespoons of Soy/Worcestershire sauce and enough water/wine to dissolve everything is plenty sufficient. Basically, you want just enough marinade to cover your meat. For a simple twist, toss in some Rosemary (either ground or whole leaf) and a little garlic. It's unbelievable how much flavor Rosemary will bring out in meat of almost any kind. If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me and I'll be happy to help in whatever way I can. ...TS...
  16. It varies from a few weeks to several months depending upon several factors, moisture and fat content and storage method being the main ones. (I mention fat content because while a little fat can be crucial to taste, fat also has a tendency to go rancid thereby reducing shelf life.) Yes. And extended further by keeping your vacuum sealed packages in the freezer. Not necessarily. Again, it depends primarily upon moisture and fat content and method of storage. Generally speaking, yes. But again, it goes to fat and moisture content. Using the leanest cuts of meat (whether beef, pork, venison, turkey, waterfowl, etc...) is usually to be preferred. Keep in mind that the leaner and drier your jerky is, the TOUGHER it will be, BUT the longer shelf life it will have. If you want something to occasionally snack on, but aren't overly concerned about shelf life, then just reduce your drying time for a moister product. If on the other hand, you're thinking in terms of "survival rations" then by all means, remove as much moisture as possible by extending your drying time and cutting down on the sugars and/or spices in your marinade. Note that drying time also applies to ground beef: The longer you let it dry, the more fat and moisture will be removed - if you start out with a very lean ground beef (10% fat or less) and occasionally use a paper towel or cheese cloth to "blot up" or absorb the fat/grease that forms on the strips, then you'll eventually wind up with a very lean (and tough or even crumbly) product. Hope this helped! ...TS...
  17. I've made jerky using both oven and dehydrator, but I think my favorite way (just 'cause I'm weird like that) is to do it in a more "traditional" manner. Recipes/marinades are many and varied, so I won't bother to go into that - use whatever is your favorite - I kinda' like just salting my meat lightly a few hours before hand and then using a variety of different woods (hickory, apple, cherry and/or mesquite) to provide the flavor. (Then again, as mentioned before, I like doing things things in a simple and more traditional manner.) Simple version: Make a tripod from river cane, willow saplings or some other reasonably stout and lightweight green wood. Tie it together with cotton, jute, or other natural fiber cordage (I've even used muscadine vines). The dimensions depend entirely upon the size of the batch you're making. (BTW, This is a great and very simple project to do with kids - they'll remember it for a lifetime, plus you'll be teaching them a potentially very valuable skill.) Using shorter pieces of the same material, secure the legs together on the outside of the tripod about 12 to 18 inches from the ground. Again using short pieces of the same material, lay a grid-work across the "braces" - with green cane you can actually weave the grid if you want more stability - keep the spaces between your "grid" at about 1 - 2 inches. This is your drying rack. Depending upon the size and height of your tripod, you can actually make a couple of drying racks about a foot apart if you'd like. Next, dig a shallow (no more than 6 inches deep) hole under your tripod for your fire pit. Besides helping to prevent your fire from spreading, this will also decrease the amount of oxygen available thus increasing the amount of smoke. Next step is to simply enclose the tripod by draping either a loose-weave canvas or burlap around the sides, leaving one side of the tripod open for access to the fire pit and drying rack(s). If your material is wet, so much the better. Next step is pretty much a no brainer: Lay your pre-cut meat strips across the drying rack(s), leaving enough space between pieces for the smoke to flow around and saturate the meat, then get a "cool" (low-temperature) fire going in your fire pit. If your primary "smoking wood" is in the form of chips, soak it for thirty minutes before hand. Water works great, but for a nice change of flavor, consider soaking your chips in beer (I use Corona) or even a water/bourbon mix. If using larger chunks, keep a water bottle or canteen handy to occasionally dampen your fire. Once your racks are loaded and fire going, simply close the flap on that side of the tripod and let the smoke do its thing. Depending upon the thickness of your strips and the temperature of the fire, your jerky will be ready in an hour or two. Kinda' goes without saying that you should keep half an eye on your "jerky tent" just to make sure that it keeps producing smoke, doesn't get too hot (I've burned a couple of 'em down and lost all my meat). If you're in camp, this is a great time to get caught up on camp chores while staying close enough to keep things regulated. Again, this is a great backyard and/or camping project to do with kids/grandkids - especially since they get to eat the finished product! (Plus, you can bet that they'll be bragging to all their friends about a really cool woodsman you are!) Anyway, that's how I do it - Hope someone finds this helpful. ...TS...
  18. Were it me, just to be different I'd consider speaking to how & why I chose my particular major (assuming you have chosen one) and what it is about my particular chosen field that gets me fired up & passionate to the point of choosing it to the exclusion of all others. Or you could do it about crusty old farts who respond to forum threads in the early hours of the morning with long and rambling sentences because they, A. Have no life or B. Have a life, but it's raining and they're bored spitless and so decided to have a little fun by ignoring the rules of English composition and writing long and rambling sentences in response to forum threads. (Of these two, the first is obviously the better choice.) All asininity aside, your best bet is simply to find something you are very passionate about. Check your facts, engage your passion and let it fly. We can't really help choose your topic for you because we don't know your interests (other than guns and you've already done that one). On that note, one of the best speeches I ever wrote was simply about the difficulty of choosing a subject matter to write a speech about. Good luck! ...TS...
  19. Atta' girl! (And atta' dad!)
  20. I just wish I had the money to buy two new guns in a six month period! (Even if they are just .22's)
  21. Teach him to drive. From what I've seen, this year especially, he'll probably hit a deer the first week. If that's not an option then patience is the key. Oh, and for the most part, rattling is for pros - us rookies ain't gonna' do anything with rattling but make 'em laugh. On the other hand, few things are more satisfying than shooting a deer when he's doubled over laughing at a hunter's ineptitude. Seriously, keep the calling to a minimum; if you're not hearing it in the woods then chances are it doesn't belong there, or at least not with the frequency that most inexperienced hunters tend to want call. (Remember, you're deer hunting, not duck hunting.) Most importantly (in my not-so-humble opinion), whether you use calls or nothing at all is to "hunt the wind." Simply put, if the wind is at your back, that's where the deer are going to stay. Keep your nose to the wind and you'll stand a better chance of seeing a deer before it locates you. Good luck! ...TS...
  23. People are no longer responsible for themselves - remember when YOU, as a pedestrian, had to look both ways before crossing the street? Nowadays, YOU have to "STOP for pedestrians." By closing off more of the roadway than was actually necessary, the local P.D. was just insuring that none of the runners would die from terminal stupidity. Come on, DaddyO, you already know the answer to that: Of course not. In fact, I suspect that his orders were something along the lines of "Provide traffic control." Which is exactly what he was doing, controlling traffic. It shouldn't have to be noted that "Provide traffic control" does not necessarily equate to "assist in maintaining safe traffic flow" and was not interpreted as such by the officer. (Might be he was even grumbling about having to pull a Saturday shift until he found out that all he really had to do was park with his lights on and watch the ladies run by.) Just my . ...TS...
  24. Timestepper


    I seem to recall the general rule of thumb is the first rain after the Redbuds start blooming (up home they call it "Redbud Summer"). Look in hardwood stands, especially oak and ash. (Up home, in Kansas, we'd look for a mixed stand of Oak and Cottonwood.) Take a good walking stick - given the copperheads in Tn. it's better to clear away leaves with a stick than to use your hand. For more info you might check out this site: Morelsworldwide.com or this one: Morel mushroom hunting Good luck! ...TS...


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