I have five Surefires.....the oldest of which is around 9 years old. I have been switching over to the LED lamp assemblies as they become available for my various models. Have dropped a few of them over the years and only had one instance of needing to replace a lamp assembly (is was an incandescent) as a result. I have been "gifted" with and acquired other brands along the way, to include Maglites and Streamlights, but none have lasted as long or worked as well as the Surefires. It probably goes without saying, but the higher lumen output you are using, the more often you will be buying batteries. I have seen several guys get 200+ lumen lights, and use them for tasks that could just have easily been done with 30 and then get pissed that they are replacing batteries every couple hours.....so if you want a multi purpose/tactical light, spend the money on a decent dual-outpul LED model (35/150). Good Luck