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Everything posted by ohell

  1. Howdy Frank. One day I’ll move to the east side of TN.
  2. Greetings and salutations. Welcome to Nashville and TGO. Good luck with the ASE cert. that is a field that has changed a lot the last decade. Half of it is network troubleshooting these days.
  3. ohell

    Lasers on EDC

    Not a fan of the grip switch laser, I prefer better control of when to deploy. I’m with BigK on the TLR-6. It’s not much of a torch, but does the job for this topic’s application. Also no noticeable bulk to me and I’m lucky the reach is perfect for me. It’s available if needed. I’ll take this over the red dot option anytime for edc.
  4. absolutely hate them unless i need it to time a hot round like 460 Rowland. marketing for the win because people are buying the stuff.
  5. rubber bands on the grip keep it from falling out. last thing I need on me is an empty holster if I need to drop one. All serious jokes aside there are safe carry options without a traditional holster.
  6. FYI - 350 legend shooters https://www.nrafamily.org/content/safety-alert-hornady-350-legend-150-gr-sp-hornady-black-product-recall-notice/ Hornady is recalling sixteen (16) lots of item #81199, 350 Legend 150 gr. SP Hornady BLACK® ammunition. These lots were shipped between the dates of November 2, 2023, and August 19, 2024. Hornady ballisticians have determined that cartridges from lot #’s: 3234613, 3241530, 3241634, 3241678, 3241990, 3241991, 3242096, 3242414, 3242590, 3242597, 3242695, 3242868, 3242894, 3243421, 3243705, 3243974 may exhibit high pressure. Use of this product may result in firearm damage and/or personal injury. DO NOT USE HORNADY 350 LEGEND 150 GR. SP HORNADY BLACK AMMUNITION
  7. X2 on making lanolin/alcohol mix for bulk necked case reloading. It’s basically the same as the Dillon lube.
  8. Howdy Nicko.
  9. My phone doesn’t do that G Harvey any justice. One of my favorite American artists. Owned Lee & Longstreet and it’s an amazing print but gone for a couple of Rick Reeves TN army prints. GLWS and a free bump
  10. Used the same set for decade +. Kahr gets a lot of time and looks it. G27 has filled the need for higher capacity carry and last one I added was G42 when released. Sort of had the new one bug but would probably regret it. Keep shooting what I have = no relearning or gear purchases. anyone else stuck in a decade+ ago or the 70’s carrying a j frame everywhere? Or is this group rocking the newer micro 9’s or other pistol with the big market of EDC pistols available in 2024.
  11. ohell


    What about the evidence that left the end of the barrel? and slew of camera’s around in 2024? At the cost of a colt wheelie, one could have stack of $39 Glock barrels. they’re like ghost barrels.
  12. What did you get? I run a XS csat rear which is notched above the distance aperture like a pistol sight and lots of front sight options: xs big dot , Chinese chevron, meprolite. Prefer the notch for close targets. also fond of primary arms micro prism except the China production. Without illumination the etched reticle is easy to find with forward throwing light. Dead battery in sight doesn’t matter unlike a red dot.
  13. This one hangs out on my bench as a reminder. Carefulling in process hammered out above. Fast powders with poor case fill….. you can never be too careful. Not a scratch here, but I always wonder how this would have turned out if it wasn’t a plated HBwc. Shot out the tip like a rocket and burned through the cylinder stop notch on a s&w 64 scorching top strap. I think I shared on here a decade ago but here’s a reality show reminder. worse things have happened with factory loaded ammo, so don’t get complacent on the shooter side.
  14. The common solution is noted. Brass spring back is a consideration. Do you know history of brass? All of those should be ball expander and not bushing dies - best to measure bullet, neck and expander ball with micrometer and pin gauge on sized brass. If calipers are all you have work with it carry on. Size, measure out neck tension and issue should reveal itself, if not repeat once. If you setup with ball expander / decap pin too deep that may cause loose neck tension, deep enough to punch primer and that’s it- about 3/16 protruding and no more.
  15. Thanks for the write up and share. Please update this thread if you have anything to add. That is super cool. But being a cheap bastard….. I could shoot my prochrono and pay CE to fix at least three more times before I near this price and somewhat masochistic the tedious load & setup chrono/tripod is filling my needs
  16. What did you go with? when we moved well over a decade ago we purged a lot of things until we found a new place. picked up several desk drawer/supports- old thicker metal. Some scrap 2x and casters I slapped this together with intension to upgrade. Lots of component spillover but I still load here and roll away. Handle on one side, back has Texas corner style, top has overhang on one side for single stage with 550b in middle. Bottom drawers bullets in use so heavy, but solid I don’t bother to lock casters. About $40 bucks in it without adding other project leftover lumber/glue/screws/finish coat
  17. The reloader can mimic the round specs and ballistics of the higher tier ammo that most purchase sparingly for hunting or defense at fraction of the cost. Review 223 ballistics. It can vary 1.5” at 100 yards between manufactures for 55gn ball and 3” for defense bullets to ball. My rifles don’t prefer 55gn but I’ll spray brass with the cheap ball sometimes. 9mm I’m loading pulled down 124gn gold dots with oal and velocity of carry ammo for the cost of that low end 115gn ball to practice with. Doesn’t matter much at self defense distance. I’m not a great shooter so I need as much consistency as possible. then you have equipment for those expensive calibers. I couldn’t afford to shoot even 44mag in joe’s economy if I didn’t reload.
  18. I don’t want to beat them up too much because it was a nice place the one time I went, 2a people that moved here from commie land. Waited around about 15 minutes for OE gen 4 recoil springs no one could find, g26 and g23. They kept trying to sell me a $60 buck tungsten. confirmed I didn’t need the fancy thing. I couldn’t figure out if I looked rich or limp wristed. Left empty handed. I’ve purchased from them when they were in CA, good experience, but doubt I’d stop in even though I drive by EHP / Briley exit a lot. just one of those ymmv experiences
  19. I had forgotten about this. Thanks for the reminder. I was considering a pistol 350 legend build which fits my frugal methodology better, but may hold off a bit to see where the fall out for reloading ends up. Didn’t see much chatter around for mags, bullet selection…. but seems to spec better for lower velocity loads the 350 legend. I wouldn’t be hunting with it.
  20. ohell

    Next Glock?

    I’m weird. I’d get a second of your favorite of those two. range pistol, shoot a lot, rarely clean. One is none, two is one, shoot one format…. got small stack of utility pistols I don’t shoot, always go back to 26/27. congrats on free pistol.
  21. from the middle hope you found a good spot
  22. shame blue cities control the states like MI that have some beautiful land and delicious critters. Welcome. Guessing you ended up on the eastern half of TN? I see you ended up in the small hills of west mid. Good choice.
  23. Popular calibers haven’t been too far from the post sandy hook or aka personal property stealing bump stock ban trump era, with exception of low end 22lr because people are paying it. Everything else is still as high as the assault hammer, woke, agencies raining tyranny , almost to ww3, corporate kick back, CRS Brandon era I’ll try to keep saving and wait for the final crash. But I need more SRP
  24. What’s the point of purchase other then owning a 1911? If all I get to work with is 1.8k 1911 you get a government 45acp made by DW or LB
  25. Hard cast is one material that’s the same all the way through. No jacket to separate, better penetration chance. Jacketed bullets are like m&m candy (not woke yet) but hard outside and soft inside. Most of your jacketed bullets are produced for 40s&w velocity. Your 40 cal will be full of flat nose options but generally hard cast have larger meplat to crush tissue and jacketed have round nose and smaller meplat pushes tissue aside. so generic caliber answer - hard cast is better choice for penetration with damage over round nose or hollow point. leading at 10mm velocity with heavy bullet, meh. Ignore IMO even in Glock barrel consider the solid copper penetrating bullets too and stick with boutique ammo. The big box brands are like hot 40s&w loads.


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