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Everything posted by CharlieTN

  1. I have handled one of these, did not shoot it though.  I can tell you that the ergonomics are very nice.  Size wise it's in the same class as the shield.  The trigger is very nice (very similar to the PPQ).  The most interesting thing is when you rack the slide.  At first you will think the recoil spring is broke.  You can literally rack the slide with 1 finger.  For ladies and older shooters this will be a hit so long as they actually ship some quantity.   Charlie
  2. It's an interesting thing when a Democrat argues that the democratic party is not anti-gun when all evidence points to the party heads being that way. If the democratic party as a whole is pro 2A then show it by the leadership you put into place in your party. If your party no longer represents or reflects your stance on the issues, then change parties. Here's a reality, both parties have changed substantially from their earlier roots. The Republicans and Democrats of old are a far cry from the Republicans and Democrats of today. I align myself with those who represent my beliefs, my values, and my faith. Chjarlie
  3. These bunch of hatemongers are not Christians. The message they preach is not what Christ preached. And yes, they will be judged very harshly for their sins "in the name of Christ." Matthew 7:22-23 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many[a]miracles?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’ Charlie
  4. Lyman, Hornady, Sierra are all great manuals for the beginner. The Hodgdon Annual Manual is good and cheap for just reloading data. The Sierra has lots of info in it, and I do mean lots. So much so that the beginner reloader would probably get lost in it all. I do like the fact that it is in a 3-ring binder so you can add in notes, targets and such (it's the smaller 5 1/2 size paper). As far as getting data, you can find that on all of the powder manufacturers sights for free. My suggestion would be to start with a basic manual such as Hornady since you'll be doing handgun first. Also get data from the various powder manufacturers. You will see some decent variation in the loads listed. Don't start at max loads, work your way up to them carefully. Pay attention to what you're doing (asking me about a double charge in a Glock), and have fun. Charlie
  5. I've had one for over 8 years now and absolutely love it. It's had 0 problems and still has not lost suction. I do like the newer ball versions (ours was before that) but the mechanics of the vacuum is very solid. Not a single thing on ours has broken. Pretty amazing for over 8 years old. Buy with confidence. Charlie
  6. On Target in Murfreesboro is an indoor range with a good selection of firearms. Great folks there too.
  7. Saw on Frontier Firearms Facebook page that they have a KSG that it looks like they're going to donate to the local fire department to raffle off. Good on them. Also great way to maybe get one of these. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150638973524872&set=a.10150201628619872.328937.304031279871&type=1 Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. Charlie
  8. I was frustrated by him walking through the woods, especially on my first day deer hunting since I was a teen but mostly concerned with him walking around with no orange on. Funny thing is that I was back out there this past Friday and had a nice 6-pointer walk by but couldn't get a shot on him. No more than 30 minutes later a neighbor from across the road comes walking in the woods (camo shirt, orange vest, jeans, and a rifle on his shoulder). He sort of froze when he saw me sitting there, then asked me if I knew who owned this property. I stated who and that I had permission. The neighbor sounded sort of miffed (I think I busted his hunt). "I thought he wasn't letting anyone hunt here." Oh well, still had a great day. Charlie
  9. I do have some binoculars but my furthest shot where I was hunting at was 50 yards. The direction he was coming from would have only presented a 25 yard shot and he was only about 50 yards from when I noticed the green. I was considering raising the rifle into shooting position and confirming a rack. Binocs may go in the pack for the next time. I'm betting someone called him since the property is marked. I'm hoping now that he's checked me out that I won't have a visitor again. Charlie
  10. That was what I thought.
  11. Well, wish I could write some great story about killing a state record for my first day deer hunting since my teens (and that was only 1 very unsuccessful trip). But did learn some things. Got settled into my stand well before daylight and just waited. Right as the woods were starting to lighten up I heard the gut wrenching blow of a deer just across the trail from where my stand was. Never saw the deer but it was obviously aware that I was there. Oh well, I wouldn't be deterred and thought there might be some walk by. About 8:30 heard a couple of shots off to my left. That was good since it meant there were more deer there. Waited still until right at 10:00 when I heard two back-to-back shots behind me (sounded to be roughly 100+ yards) behind me. Thought "here we go, they'll get some deer moving." About 10 minutes later I caught some movement off to my left and my heart rate began to go up rapidly. Slowly turned my head to the left (started to raise the rifle to see better through the scope) but noticed that what was moving was green. Wait, that's a person just walking through my hunting woods (private property and marked very well). When they got a bit closer I realized it was a TWRA officer (no orange on at all). He walked up to my stand and asked to see my license. He also asked if that was my vehicle parked off the side of the road and if I had permission to hunt there. Wished me luck and walked out. Very frustrating since he had just walked through the area where the deer were most likely to come from. Oh well, I was all legal and just hung out for another hour and called it a day. I'll be back out there soon and maybe this time my hunt can go uninterrupted by humans. :-) Just wanted to share. Charlie
  12. Don't let the heavy barreled Savage scare you off. The reason I say this is you are confident with it. Confidence goes a long way when having to shoot under the pressure of your pounding chest when taking your first deer. As for the 7.62x39, out of that rifle it would be a good deer cartridge. Look for the Corbon ammo or Hornady's new steel case load with SST bullets. Either would be more than capable of grounding a deer quickly. Good luck. Charlie
  13. My Bible. If I'm losing everything, I'm going to need it. If time for a second item, it would be an album of photos my wife keeps. Charlie
  14. In some states there is a charge for criminally negligent homicide. Committing an act that is likely to kill someone. Shooting at movement in a bush should constitute this charge. Charlie


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