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Everything posted by Tuffus

  1. I got mine in 77 days, things are much better now though.
  2. I get cargo pants with deep pockets and my LCR rides very well there. All the extra pockets give me space for speed loaders, car keys, wallet and whatever else I have to carry. When I wear jeans I carry IWB with no problems.
  3. The 10 cent tax is per box. If you want to pay less per round just buy a box of 250 rounds. The tax is still 10 cents for the whole box
  4. NY reload is a second gun
  5. Usually a Keltec p3at with Crimson Trace or Ruger LCR .357. Both work well with pocket carry or IWB. The Keltec is thinner and carries better in the pocket but the LCR is good too with cargo shorts.
  6. I have an LCR .357 and it's great. Gold Dot short barrel magnums aren't at all to much to handle. Golden Sabers work well too. 158 grain full magnum loads are more recoil than I like when shot in the LCR. What I like about the .357 LCR is the stainless steel frame as opposed to aluminum and the fact that I can shoot an array of ammo in it.
  7. I love my .357 LCR. One of my buddies tried it out and bought one the next day. Great trigger. I added the XS night sight and I carry it everywhere.
  8. I don't know if the DA, Hansel McCadams is his buddy or not but check this out. Adds a bit of understanding why he is so lenient.
  9. My LCR isn't my first revolver and probably won't be my last, but it's the one I carry all the time. I think the trigger is sweet! Gold Dot short barrel .357's are great for carry.
  10. Tuffus


    I sometimes carry a Glock 30, rest of the time a Ruger LCR in .357. The Glock is a great gun but a bit on the thick side if you carry in an inside the waistband holster (Don Hume for me). Not a big deal though once you get used to it. I carry the Ruger when I want to pocket carry which is most of the time.
  11. Tuffus

    charter arms .38???

    I recently bought a Ruger LCR in .357 magnum. It's the smoothest DAO trigger I've ever squeezed. It also comes in .38 special and is less than $500 in most places. I got mine for $399 at the Murfreesboro gun show.
  12. Tractor Supply has some good wide sturdy belts. Reasonable price.


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