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About Seabeejason

  • Birthday 12/09/1982

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  • Location
    Southeast Missouri (Previously East TN)
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Guns and anything with a motor
  • Occupation
    Sales Engineer


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. I’m not the subdivision type. First off, I like to be away from people. Secondly, I don’t want a bunch of a-holes from the HOA telling me what I can & can’t do on my own property. Not for me.
  2. Yes, I’m from a rural area. Grew up outside a town of 4,000 people, but about 20 miles from a town of 40,000 people. When we lived in Maryville, TN from 2011 to 2014, we lived about 8 miles from town out off Highway 129 (not far from The Dragon). I love being out in the country, which is why we’re looking at areas a good ways away from Jackson. We are actually looking into buying a house with at least 20 acres (40 preferably). Likely sometime this summer. We have to sell our house here in Missouri first though. I really want some deer hunting land & a good spot to build me a gun range. I’m not settling for any less than that. We are still looking hard at the Lexington area. My wife talked to a lady at City Hall on the phone today & she was really nice. We are also combing areas north of Lexington too (north of I40). I can’t be too far north though. I’m interviewing for a job that will have me covering Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, & possibly Georgia & Florida. Trying to keep my drive time down, even if it’s just 30 minutes less. Of course, if I find my dream home up by Paris or something, I’m not going to let 30 minutes get in my way.
  3. Well yes, I know this. Bad wording on my part. I’m not too worried about meth heads. We got plenty of them where I live now. What I meant is an area where I don’t have to worry about my family while I’m out of town on business trips. I’ve been really looking at Chester County, as well has Henderson County.
  4. Hey everyone! Been a long time since I posted on here. I moved from Maryville, TN back to Southeast Missouri a few years ago to be closer to family. Now, I am looking to make another career change so we can move back to Tennessee. The wife & I have decided to move to western Tennessee this time, so we can stay within 2.5 hours of home. We are looking into the Jackson, TN area. However, I do not want to be in the city of Jackson or within 10 miles of it. I want a rural setting in a peaceful area that has no crime. My wife & kid will be home alone sometimes while I travel, so that is very important. We have been looking at the Lexington, TN area, but we are afraid the schools aren't very good (I could be wrong). The school is really important to us. Regarding geographical location, I really need to be south/southeast of the Jackson area due to work. Any suggestions or advice?
  5. I bought a Marlin 336CS 35 Remington from someone in East Tennessee a year or two ago that had a beautiful lacquer finish on it. The rifle had a Burris Short Mag scope on it, which was already sighted in. I think I met him in the Kingsport or Bristol area, but I can't quite remember. Anyways, I recently sold the rifle to someone & they like the finish's quality so much that he wants a couple of his other rifles done. But it has to be the same person that I got the 35 Remington from. The guy that bought the rifle from me said it's the best lacquer finish he has ever seen. Does this rifle ring a bell with any of you? If so, let me know. I told the guy I'd ask around.
  6. Seabeejason


    You can get Glock 42's here in SE Missouri for $400.00 all day long.  There's also a ton of them on the used market. I saw one for $375 on a local FB gun group page the other day. To me, it's well worth the cash. I love mine and it's even better with night sights.  It's awesome that we have another solid .380 on the market that will sell at the $400 range.  Heck, I like it more than my $650 Sig P238 and that is saying a lot. I carry my Glock 42 in a Foxx Hybrid IWB holster.  Those holsters are GREAT. They are $39.00 SHIPPED and are every bit as good as the more expensive Crossbreed's.  I opted for the comfort padding for an extra $12.50 and the Kydex clips for $7.50.  For a total of $59.00 and delivery in one week I think I got a bargain. I highly recommend Foxx Holsters.   I also went ahead and bought a Ruger LCP the other day just because everyone kept recommending it.  I took it to the range and fired it at 15 yards with some PMC FMJ and some Barnes TAC-XPD. The LCP kicked pretty hard with the PMC, but the 80 grain Barnes ammo softened it up a bit.  I must say, that LCP is pretty damned accurate at 15 yards for such a small pistol. I'll fire it at 25 yards the next time I go to the range. It's definitely a keeper.   I added a Techna Clip (pocket clip) to the LCP and will carry it in my pocket as my back up. So, with the Glock 42 as my primary with a second magazine and the LCP as a secondary CCW I have two very accurate and reliable pistols and 20 rounds of ammo. If it weren't for the Glock 42 being just a tad too big for pocket carry (tight boot cut jeans) I'd just carry two of them, so I'd have interchangeable magazines. During the cold months I'll defer to the Glock 27 as my primary CCW and the 42 as the back up.   I don't ever think it's a good idea to have too many different CCW firearms.  My opinion is that you pick two or three and practice with those, then stick with them. But that's another subject entirely……...
  7. This dumb bimbo is a retard from the inner city of STL. Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots up there who keep feeding her votes. We are lucky enough here in Missouri that the votes in the smaller cities still drown out the libturds. They just had an open carry demonstration up in STL the other day. The new Missouri law just passed overrides all city ordinances against open carry. STL's anti-gun mayor is NOT happy, lol. She said the peaceful law abiding demonstrators were trying to turn her city into the "wild west".
  8. Seabeejason


    I shot my new Glock 42 today, along with my newest Sig P238. I honestly expected to be more accurate with my new P238 simply because I have a lot of experience with them.  Oddly enough, I was a lot more accurate with the Glock 42.  I was planning to sell it in favor of keeping my new P238 Desert, but that's not gonna happen now.  It'll probably become my default primary carry pistol. Especially since it's even a couple ounces lighter than the P238. Only thing it's missing is Trijicon night sights and those will be installed next week.   IMO, you can't go wrong with the Glock 42. As far as it being a .380 I don't really care.  It still makes a hole and I have yet to meet a single person willing stand at the business end of a pistol loaded with it.
  9. I don't know a single person that would tell a stranger, surveyor or otherwise, that they "own guns". These surveys & polls are likely EXTREMELY flawed. You can't tell be that not a single county in Texas or Tennessee made that list.
  10. Thanks guys. I am pushing my résumé up the chain at a large company right now. I saved the contact info of a recruiter who approached me about a job there a couple years ago. They might be looking for someone that can cover the western half of Tennessee. If that's the case, I'll likely get an interview. My friend just got hired by them to cover all of East Tennessee. The pay is great, the benefits are awesome, & there's lots of upward mobility. If hired, I'll likely move to the Kentucky Lake area, or possibly the Jackson, TN area since it's closer to Nashville. We'll see. I do know that I want to leave my current employer because the benefits suck ($5k deductible, crappy dental, & no vision) & the training is sub par too. BTW, for those who asked. I am a Sales Engineer. I basically solve engineering applications at factories & then sell them the technology to do it. I'm not a full blown engineer though. I'm really just a high tech salesman.
  11. My wife & I moved back to Missouri last May thinking we would like being back "home" with our family. I got approached by an employer & it looked to be a great opportunity. Taking into account that things with my employer in Tennessee were going downhill very quickly, we decided to pack it up & head back west. We have been here over 3 months & now we are second guessing our decision. Plus, the employer that hired me seems to have fluffed up the compensation potential during my interview process. It's not as good as they said it would be. We love our family, the wide open spaces of Missouri, & other things. But we really miss our friends (extended family), the great people, the things to do, the mountains, & many other things in Tennessee. Honestly, I'm really getting the itch to move back. The wife misses her friends, but "is tired of moving". I MIGHT have an opportunity coming up to potentially move to west Tennessee (not Memphis). It's close enough to home, but still in Tennessee. Of course, it's still not East Tennessee where we already have a church & lots of friends. Not really sure what to do. Stay in Missouri & see how it goes, or find a job & go back? I've already applied for a few jobs in Knoxville & contacted a bunch of recruiters. I may just keep doing that to see what opportunities pop around.
  12. I purchased at the Knoxville location.  Mike was extremely helpful and gave me a great deal.  He even sold my old safe for me.  I did not have them deliver, but Mike loaded it into my truck with the help of a forklift. I can't recommend these guys enough.  I am very satisfied.
  13. I have been considering a new one for a long time to replace my old safe, but I didn't want to pull the trigger too quickly.  I wanted to make sure I made the right decision this time around, so I would not have to worry about having to buy another one in the distant future.  Let's face it, moving a heavy safe just plain sucks so I want to make sure I buy something that will last a lifetime.  Once I found out The Safe House opened a new location in the Knoxville area I decided to check them out just to see what they had in stock.  I was impressed with the inventory and their knowledge about the products.  My main concern was getting something that is good American made quality with the best security on the market.  They done a great job of addressing that and also giving me a great price.  I'll definitely recommend them to everyone I know. Also, it's worth noting that they will take your old safe and sell it for you.  
  14. I purchased a new safe from them this weekend.  They done a great job, so I feel compelled to come on here and brag about them a bit.  Mike Bradley was very knowledgeable and helped me pick out a QUALITY safe that fit my budget and needs.  He answered all of my questions and at no time did I feel pressured to buy.  I can't recommend these folks enough.  If you're on the market check them out.  Their new location is in Alcoa behind West Chevrolet.
  15. Our insurance when up as well. We have saw a $900 annual increase. We also have to pay 5% of the bill once our deductibles are met. Last year, we had a much smaller deductible and no coinsurance cost. I fear next year is going to be much worse.


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