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Everything posted by BBill_TN

  1. Good to see fellow backpackers here.
  2. I have never tried the Blazer; I always get the WWB. I always ask like I am a new customer looking for the cheapest deal, and they always tell me about the Blazer but have never had any in stock....guess I just keep missing it.
  3. Are you going to post pics?
  4. just voted......but notice the poll says "some people".......why can't anyone just say "only licensed permit holders would be able to carry"........makes us sound much more qualified....guess that is the left media after us again....lol Actually every fully entitled citizen "should" be able to carry there or elsewhere.....added due to this thread being in the 2nd ammendement thread so maybe their vagueness of who the law qualifies to carry is of some benefit.....yes "the people" should be able to carry....not sure about their "some" people...
  5. I carried the Kel-tec PF-9 all summer IWB about 4 o'clock; just about any t-shirt covers it just fine...don't think you could ask for a more concealable gun for shorts and a t-shirt, but as said above, you do have to hold on to the little thing when you shoot it. But for a small gun, mine is very accurate and has been dependable from the start.
  6. BBill_TN


    Did you say you had lay-away? lol....just kidding; wish that I could afford.
  7. Welcome to the forum. I am just over in Franklin Co. Lots of good information around here, and I am sure that the guys at Hero Gear will get you pointed in the right direction for a handgun.
  8. JWP, I wish that I could make it to one of the Defensive Handgun courses there, but with them being on Thursdays, it is in the middle of my work week. If they ever schedule one there for a weekend day, please let me know.
  9. jwp, Is Kent Brown? still teaching the class at Coal Creek? I took the class last December and he seemed like a great guy and being a LEO, I think he gave us a lot of insight into their view on CC and some tips to keep us out of trouble.
  10. Welcome. You picked a good part of the state to move to. Most times I wish I still lived at that end of the state.
  11. 1000$ automatic firearms insurance with membership....would cover most of us for our carry gun at least...makes me feel at least a bit better for those times it has to stay in the car. To me this would be worth the 35$ membership price.
  12. I voted today before going to work (about 1pm) and had no wait whatsoever; even had time to run over to Hero Gear to pick up an extra magazine and a new Kimber hat. The only gray area in my vote was for the State House, where a new Republican vs. an incumbent Dem. with an A+ NRA rating....but after discussing the restaurant carry bill with the new guy, I guess I have to give him a chance. Guess standing outside the polls on a quiet afternoon earns you at least one vote.
  13. canynracer, you can still vote. Do a good samaritan deed and find someone elderly that may not have the chance to go to the polls and offer them a ride.
  14. Hey Joe. I like the wrap and the addition of the charities to the back. Not sure if there is enough room, but if there was a way to park it perpendicular to the road when you were at the business (instead of parallel to the building), I think it would bring a lot more attention to the place. That truck is a lot bigger than your sign.
  15. Unless your wife was a felon of course in which you would need a third non-intoxicated non-felon individual to claim possession....wow this is getting complicated...lol.
  16. Registered to vote today and picked up a bumper sticker. Always wait to the last minute for some reason. They even had a Sarah bumper sticker with a Palin/McCain logo underneath...lol. didn't get that one though. GF already thinks I am just voting for her:)
  17. Thanks Joe, I will be by to see ya.
  18. Hey Joe, Do you have any of the Kimber brand magazines for the full size 1911? If so how much? What about the Wilson Combat ones? Thanks
  19. If you don't throw me out for just buying ammo and hats that is a plus. And please quit handing me guns to hold, it makes me want to buy them.
  20. Seem like I saw some like that at Sportsman's Warehouse in Chattanooga; maybe the one in Memphis has them also. I do remember thinking that they were expensive though.
  21. You are right that it feels weird at first. I have been carrying in public since January, but cannot carry to and from work so only carry on days off or trips to town before or after work. But I was off today and carried to take my Mom to the the doctor's office, also carried in the auto parts store and the liquor store. I have learned that most people have no clue that you are carrying; even friends always ask me why I am not carrying, until I tell them that I am. Wal-mart has always been very comfortable for me to carry in, but I still feel weird buying ammo there while carrying though for some reason:) Even was wearing my TGO hat to the liquor store and wasn't worried about being given away:)
  22. Welcome, Bob. I am about 8 miles from ya. Always good to have more people representing southern Middle TN.
  23. Took mine a bit more than 6 weeks, but had the Christmas Holidays in between.


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