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OC article that everyone could take lessons from
TMF replied to 98SS1LWEE's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I don't OC but you make some very good points there. -
HOT ISSUE: What is the Proper Way of Transporting a Dog ?
TMF replied to JG55's topic in General Chat
Pure awesome. -
Well as I've had to do with my in laws, if you don't keep the pitbull separated from my son then I'm not bringing him to visit. They can do whatever they want, but as a parent I have a responsibility to watch out for my kids; that includes telling someone to secure their firearm.
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Yeah, he was out of breath from chasing after him. Why would a responsible permit holder chase someone that has committed no crime? Answer: mall ninja. At 2:09, you can hear a car door open and an alarm begins that is undoubtedly the “door open, keys in ignition†warning on Zimmerman’s truck. At 2:13, you can clearly hear the car door slamming shut, and the alarm stops. At 2:17, Zimmerman’s voice wobbles and he starts breathing heavily into the phone, indicating that he has started running. At 2:22, without any prompting other than the aforementioned noises and breathing, the dispatcher asks “Are you following him?†to which Zimmerman responds, “Yeah.†At 2:26, the dispatcher says, “Okay, we don’t need you to do that,†to which Zimmerman responds, “Okay.†-
That simple. Don't care how well a kid is trained to not play with a firearm; kids still do dumb stuff... we should know, we were all kids once. The stakes are too high for something so simple to prevent.
Go scuba diving. Go fishing. Enjoy overpriced meals. Don't say anything bad about Muhammed.
Hendersonville Man Cleared of Charges (Follow-up)
TMF replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Kinda figured it would end up this way. Good for him. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Just because the first DA chose not to charge Zimmerman means nothing. It happens all the time. Cops say "charge this guy", DA says "not enough evidence", police gather more evidence. In this case it went a little different, but if it resulted in the collection of more evidence that points toward a crime then isn't that good? Don't we want people who commit crimes to be prosecuted? I don't care how wrong the media or Al Sharpton is, it doesn't excuse someone illegally killing another person and getting away with it. 2nd degree murder..... me thinks there is more evidence than we have available to us. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I don't see SYG applying here. According to his statement to police Martin was on top of him leaving no options, so duty to retreat is moot. I don't think that they're charging him for not running away. Something tells me they have more evidence than what is available in the media. The Police recommended charges before the start of this circus, so I can only imagine what evidence has been collected at this point now that they've gone over this with a fine tooth comb. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I'm just assuming they were doing this out of pocket. I doubt he'll have issues finding another big shot team of lawyers willing to represent him for peanuts. I'm just shocked that these lawyers are holding a press conference. This is something I would think they'd want to keep private. Who's gonna want a lawyer making a public scene after "dumping" their client? -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Not to get this back on topic, but Zimmerman's lawyers just quit as his counsel.... and is holding a press conference. I don't think I've heard of a lawyer doing that before. Doesn't seem like a good idea for future business. -
Everybody tells me how important it is to vote....
TMF replied to gregintenn's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I'm voting, but I still think its a sham. We have a ruling class of career politicians that continue to serve their own needs while our wallet and Constitution suffer. Until things start improving to an acceptable level we should be purging all incumbent politicians. The only way to display our power is to keep firing these people so they don't get comfortable enough to do anything but serve the people. I've been putting off doing my taxes because I just don't want to be disgusted with the amount of my money that went to feed this beast this year. Just did them the other day.... my blood pressure is still through the roof. -
I thought it was standard to cite a person responsible for a crash. The last time I was in an accident was in the 90s and it was I minor scratch on the other vehicle (rolled backwards on a steep hill at a stop sign when disengaging the clutch). I had offered the old folks a couple hundred bucks on the spot to cover the damage but they insisted on calling the police. The officer showed up and expressed his frustration that this was a waste of his time. He told me he had to give me a ticket to show fault. He gave me a ticket that would cost me the least and not put points on my license... Improper backing, or something to that effect. So for the LEOs, is that not standard to issue a citation in an accident?
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I still don't see how "stand your ground" is under attack in regards to this case. If events went down the way Zimmerman's lawyer described "stand your ground" is a moot point. He wouldn't have had the chance to retreat, which makes this strictly self defense. I get why the libs are using this as an opportunity, but I've seen no legislators point out that this case does not and will not involve the stand your ground law. -
Lester, I wish I had the creative eloquence in which you make a point. I hope for the day I see someone like you on a ballot I'm fillin out.
Hate is a thought/opinion/feeling. Those aren't illegal. Why is it illegal when in conjunction with another crime? As much as I may be disgusted by a person's beliefs, when we start making those beliefs a crime we've started down a slippery European slope.
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Personal attacks? I'm just trying to help you out. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
So what? That's my opinion. Why does that bother you so much? Did daddy not come to your baseball games when you were a kid? Is that where this insecurity comes from that you can't handle people having a different opinion than yours? If my opinion is such an affront to you because it challenges yours then you need to talk to a shrink and figure out why that is. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Swwwweeeet! -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
1000 -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
No, we're thinking of the same thing; I'm just real bad at geography. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Oh absolutely. I could be wrong, I just don't think I am. The media has taken this way too far at this point, but white on black crime gets folks to click and tune in. The shootings in Kansas should take the limelight now. At least that one is a little more clear cut. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I'm basing that assessment on life experience and he fits the profile of those types. I'm certain that his outlook on things have drastically changed from the moment he pulled that trigger and got to actually feel what it's like to take someone's life from them, and I'm guessing it didn't feel like he thought it would. -
Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works
TMF replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
He said on the 911 call that Treyvon was running. The operator asks if he is following. Zimmerman says "yes". Following a person that is running away equates to pursuit. Zimmerman appears to comply with the operators request to cease pursuit, but that is not a fact just yet that he did comply. It's just as possible that he blew off the operator as if he walked back to his truck.