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Everything posted by TMF

  1. I can't believe, with his background, that this could be his opinion. I totally misread this guy. He spent his formative years as a cadet getting the Constitution shoved down his throat and this is his opinion now? Amazing.
  2. I would go on there to get market prices on items I was looking to buy before making an offer on something. Now, I just go there to laugh. It's sad though, because I think the folks that are paying those prices don't know any better.
  3. [quote name="6.8 AR" post="878816" timestamp="1357654367"]He says what's on his mind. I'm ready to see more people do the same.   [/quote] Yeah, but when he does it he is effing crazy. There are certainly more intelligent people who can communicate better with the other side without just becoming ammo for the libtards. Half of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at. I don't believe Alex Jones is so stupid that he doesn't realize he is hurting the image of gun owners. I believe he is so narcissistic that he doesn't care. So he is either incredibly stupid or he is self serving ego maniac. Either way, I don't need him defending my rights. That's like putting out KFC biscuits to defend your bucket of extra crispy from Rosie O'Donnell. Not only is she gonna eat the biscuit, it's just gonna make her more appetized for the whole bucket.
  4. Yeah, Morgan knew what he was doing when he brought him on there.  Kinda like when O'Reily brought Rosie O'Donnel on his show a long time back, just so she could act like a raving lunatic while he sat back and looked like the sane one.  I guess there are rabid loonies on both sides, but the ones on our "side" need to keep their tin foil crap to a minimum right now while the adults are speaking.
  5. [quote name="EastHipster" post="878719" timestamp="1357623035"]Adrenaline will NOT keep you from having hearing loss. Permanent or temporary. That said...I don't keep my electronic earmuffs on the night stand,[/quote] No one said it would.
  6. [quote name="East_TN_Patriot" post="878322" timestamp="1357597606"] I'm just curious how many would be criticizing him had he shot someone over a pellet gun.[/quote] Not me. Just to put this in perspective, had this man been an LEO I am fairly certain the LEO would have shot him and it would have been justified. What is the difference between an LEO using deadly force in self defense vs the average citizen?
  7. For that much it better come with a diamond encrusted gunship.
  8. [quote name="superduty" post="878105" timestamp="1357580884"]Betcha Geo. Washington thought something similar when faced with his rag-tag band of non-trained and ill-equipped 'ruffians' he was supposed to make into a continental army.    [/quote] Yeah, but folks knew how to live hard back then and war wasn't romanticized the way it is today in movies and video games. I've had great success with turning 'rag tag ruffians' into meat eating door kickers, but that was from a population of folks who knew the reality and gravity of the situation they were entering. I don't think the folks who fantasize about a second revolution understand that, and probably wouldn't until it was unfolding before them.
  9. [quote name="prag" post="878106" timestamp="1357581006"]I don't know...the more forbidden the fruit, the greater the desire...at least in certain circumstances.   IIRC there have, for a number of years, been junket tours for folks from other countries with totalitarian gun bans to the U.S., primarily for the purpose of shooting and handling those forbidden fruits. God Help Us, I pray we never come to that. But wish you the best in getting your business up and going.[/quote] It's a dream anyway. I'd be building it in Florida to accommodate year round classes. I've done enough dynamic training during Tennessee winters to know it is a training distractor. Just need to come into a large sum of money.
  10. [quote name="DMark" post="878058" timestamp="1357576563"]Unlike the retired history professor, William X. Andrews, who as the quest opinion writer on page 5A called anyone who feared stronger gun control laws....,   [i]"...... militiaman plotting to overthrow the government, a neo-Confederate embracing secession, a neo-Nazi awaiting a race war, a xenophobe frightened by people with accents, an antisocial paranoid off his medication, or a survivalist anticipating some apocalyptic convulsion......" [/i]   :squint:[i] [/i][/quote] He must have been doing his research in the last 5 threads I read.
  11. [quote name="TGO David" post="878061" timestamp="1357576701"]I've worked for some folks over the years that I'd like to see wetting themselves in a corner while being pinned down by simmunitions fire.  :D[/quote] One of the pleasures of being opfor. Alas, it remains a fantasy, as I don't believe much market exists for it in the corporate world, especially now that guns are more evil than ever before.
  12. I'm institutionalized so I consider myself fully stocked with 7 mags per rifle and 3 mags per pistol. That is what some consider a basic load, so I don't see the point in owning more than what I could reasonably carry. Especially in a combat loadout where I need to leave room for candy bars and iPods.
  13. [quote name="TGO David" post="878015" timestamp="1357572632"]Milspec has been the "new cool" for the past few years and there are some so-called training outfits that have benefited from it by providing "Dude Ranch" experiences for the milspec fanboys.  Like I said, it's an out of the box [i]Band of Brothers[/i] experience for folks who never served but want cool war stories to tell when they get back to their mundane jobs.   [/quote] To be candid, I do have this fantasy about coming into a large sum of money and building a force on force training center and market it as a corporate retreat of sorts where you spend a week learning how to be a door kicker, then spend the last day doing several culex type missions where you go force on force with opfor. Places like this already exist for gov customers, but I always thought it'd be neat to thrust office types in that scenario for a team building and leadership building retreat. As many here know, when you go force on force it makes folks assume those roles quickly out of necessity. Much better than some hippy sweat lodge or vision quest.
  14. [quote name="Jonnin" post="877988" timestamp="1357571084"] He was also in danger of incapacitation followed by murder.  And the off chance of dying from the pellets, unlikely but very, very possible.[/quote] And I would say that is the most important thing to take away from this. Glad that it worked out for him, but when somebody randomly assaults you, you can't know their intention. You must assume the intention is to kill or do great bodily harm. If someone comes at me with pepper spray, regardless of the fact I know it is non lethal, I'm going to draw, because it is a weapon designed to incapacitate. I ain't waiting to find out what the dudes plan is after I'm incapacitated.
  15. [quote name="6.8 AR" post="877978" timestamp="1357570368"]I agree with you, TMF, except that money thing will keep us in the crapper longer, when we could utilize dumping the gun free zone as a solid substitute and make several of the teachers resource officers out of voluntary and possibly HCP carriers do the same thing.   This is not the threat it's made out to be. The incident rate is very low and while unpredictable, it is manageable if throwing out the possibility of being met with resistance from anyone, not just a cop. The crime statistics bear this out. You can't completely eliminate this type of threat, just throw money and resources at it, when there are more efficient ways to deal with it.   What's the reason many carry handguns? I keep hearing it's because we can't carry cops around. :D[/quote] School shootings don't keep me up at night. Sandy Hook is such a horrifying event, but does not raise or lower any threat to our kids. It was one guy and he is now dead. I condone resource officers at every school due to the shift in society regarding parenting, which has created little monsters which teachers can't handle because they aren't allowed to knock the snot out of them. The fact the officers are armed is gravy as I said. It would serve as a deterrent as well as an on scene responder to reduce the number of casualties. Win/win, in my opinion. I don't think the spending on that is significant enough to care. Essentially it is one more employee a the school, which has a whole lotta them already. The gains outweigh the losses in my opinion.
  16. [quote name="6.8 AR" post="877968" timestamp="1357569899"]Parents and their children need to be made accountable, once again, for their actions. [/quote] Haha, and we make fun of liberals as they dream of a utopian society!
  17. [quote name="RevScottie" post="877943" timestamp="1357568501"] And for the recored I find Walmart's customer service no better or worse than any other retailer. If I had a horrible experience everytime I went then  I wouldnt return no matter how good the prices were.[/quote] They just comped me $100 off an iPad 4 at Christmas after the manager in electronics quoted me the wrong price over the phone and I showed up looking for it. I didn't get huffy with her or even expect to get comped. She did it because she felt as if she misled me on price and that the store owed it to me. This all happened in the crazy pre-Christmas rush of customers. That is some pretty good customer service if you ask me.
  18. Seemed like a fair article giving both sides of the argument. Of course, the other side is wrong. :)
  19. [quote name="macmonkey" post="877885" timestamp="1357561630"] Please have a little more faith in your fellow citizens as we'll be depending on you to make us a legitimate force.[/quote] No. I strongly suspect that the loudest voices aching for conflict don't really understand what they're hoping for and I doubt they have the stomach to do what would have to be done. Having trained, equipped and fought along side folks who spent their lives under real oppression such as displacement, bombs and mustard gas, there was a different eagerness to take control of their destiny by force. Ambivalence, having experienced the horror of conflict but understanding what had to be done to secure freedom for their children. Nobody was itching for a fight or looking for storybook glory. We haven't experienced that kind of oppression and I haven't seen the same kind of understanding of war from the loudest voices condoning or hoping for a revolution. Not that I worry it will happen, but from my perspective you have to understand how absolutely silly the notion of it is considering the contrast between real oppression and a government overstepping its bounds, especially when the notion is being posed by folks that could never truly grasp how destructive and terrifying that reality is until they see it for themselves. In fact, I don't think I truly grasp it either since I knew eventually I'd be getting back on a plane to my big American house, so I could drive my big American truck and bang my hot American wife. But perhaps I have just a little more insight than most so I can put it into perspective. I dunno, I'd rather see my kids grow to continue the fight at the ballot box, make me grand kids and put me in a home when I'm 90 so I can feign dementia and grab young nurses' asses. That sounds a lot better to me than getting blown into a half dozen pieces by a hellfire as my family goes on to starve without a provider. If that makes me a sheeple, well then..... Baaaahhhh.
  20. [quote name="orientalexpress" post="877873" timestamp="1357558978"]I worked for Target a long time and every year there's a toy for Christmas that's impossible to get. As employees we knew when new shipments would arrive. As long as you were off the clock you could buy them and do whatever you wanted. Some people put them on eBay or whatever. Too me it's not any different, that's a benefit of working there.[/quote] I doubt your old employer would agree. I recall that as an employee, using my employee discount to purchase items for resale was a firing offense. Even as a regular patron, it is still a d**k move to buy out all stock on something to create an artificial drought and cash in on it. What's going on right now with shortages has less to do with folks worried about buying up stuff in fear of a ban and more to do with folks clearing the shelves so they can make a profit off the situation. Those folks I would classify as first rate douche nozzles.
  21. Low prices and customer service notwithstanding, the point is at least they would respect their customers enough to not allow their employees to misuse their privileges in order to screw the consumer, profit from said screwing, and create/contribute to an artificial market drought of a particular item. I would assume Gander Mountain is no different, which is why I also assume the individual in question has deleted his old posts to cover his a$$. Perhaps a follow up call to Gander Mountain management could confirm/deny that this practice is acceptable. At least then we'd know where they stand in regards to how they value their customers. Someone help me out; am I not being logical/reasonable here? Am I missing something? Is this really the community I've always been proud to tout as having a higher moral character than the average mouth breathing American?
  22. Why there aren't resource officers at every school in America (K-12) for reasons other than the active shooter threat is a mystery to me. Yeah, it'll cost more to have a few more LEOs in a department, but what it makes up for in regard to situations teachers are expected to handle, and then are criminalized for handling it would seem worth it. That fact that he would be armed is just gravy in terms of being a deterrent to mass shooters who seem to choose places that don't have armed citizens or LEOs. We spent more money protecting Iraqi schools from suicide bombers than we will ever spend on resource officers at our schools in our own country. Plus we get a person that will have the ability to taze these little hoodlums when they get lippy.
  23. [quote name="orientalexpress" post="877838" timestamp="1357539930"] Tell that's to places like walmart[/quote] If Walmart found out that one of their employees was buying out the ammo then selling online for a marked up price, they would fire them. I can only assume the reason Gander Mountain hasn't fired this employee is because the aren't aware he is abusing his employee privileges to make a profit.
  24. [quote name="6.8 AR" post="877820" timestamp="1357536636"]I hope not, also. You never know.[/quote] If a revolution happens I'll make it a point to be a Quartermaster. I don't think I would have the patience for the pool of current "volunteers".
  25. Yeah, this is kinda the same as folks who were cleaning Walmarts out of the prepaid smart phones so they could ebay them for 3 times the profit. Nothing legally I wrong with that. However, it creates an artificial shortage of an item which screws the consumer and only benefits a small portion of the phone buying population. So while it may not be illegal, it is a generally douchey thing to do and shows the low character of those that do it. On another note, somehow I doubt that his management at Gander Mountain would approve of him buying out stock before the customers get a crack just so he can turn a profit on it. The reason they give their employees access like that is for personal use, not off hours profiting. When I was a Walmart employee I received a 10% discount. That wasn't so I could buy up Playstations when they first came out so I could turn around and sell 'em at a profit when the shelves immediately emptied. I woulda gotten fired.


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