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Buy 3 more roosters to replace it, then set up a video camera, record the next criminal act and have the courts remove his right to own a firearm.
State suspends gun carry permit for James Yeager
TMF replied to ironsniper1's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name="Superman" post="882687" timestamp="1358011320"]AFA the "I will kill anyone that tries to take my guns" that is said by people all the time. Hell I have heard Phil Valentine say that on the radio many times. I heard him say it a couple times last week. Why is it such a big deal now? Because Yeager said it, I dont get it.[/quote] That's not the only thing he said. When referring to the possibility of some executive order he said "if they move another inch, I'm gonna start killing people." I promise you, if I heard someone say that who was heavily armed, regardless of venue, I would feel as if lives were in danger and would be compelled to contact authorities. -
[quote name="bkelm18" post="882659" timestamp="1358009605"] I've waited my entire life to make a RIM job joke.[/quote] I'm glad you didn't let the opportunity go to waste. I was going to work in a Canadian joke originally but couldn't think of anything good. RIM jobs never even occurred to me. A sign of old age starting to set in.
[quote name="bkelm18" post="882652" timestamp="1358009268"] Hey at least the government is supporting some jobs. Even if its just RIM jobs.[/quote] Damn, that's a good one. You win the internets today, sir!
[quote name="JayC" post="882645" timestamp="1358008700"] Why don't people freak out when they see a police officer with a firearm? Because they've gotten use to seeing police officers with guns.... I know of no better way to 'condition' the public to thinking carrying a firearm is no big deal, other than seeing otherwise law abiding citizens carrying a firearm around them day after day with nothing bad happening. How does that logic not work?[/quote] It will never, ever, ever, ever ever be a normal thing to see a guy walk down a city street with a rifle. Did I mention ever? After September 11th I had to post guard at my local Nat'l Guard armory with my loaded M16 with a basic combat load and do regular perimeter patrols. This was in the middle of a very small town, and even then I got a lotta looks, and I was in uniform. There are few places where it is an everyday thing for the average Joe to walk around carrying a rifle: Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya... well most of sub-Saharan Africa. We will never be on that list. Even in the "wild west" folks kept their rifles in a scabbard and their pistols holstered.
[quote name="ProjectDexter" post="882624" timestamp="1358007639"]After watching the video and reading the reports of that "incident" with Yeager, I guess I don't get what everyone is saying, any tactical training course I've ever been to will tell you that a car is NOT cover, get to real cover, and return fire. That's what the video and report show he did. I would have just driven away , guess that makes me a coward too.[/quote] I've been to a course or two myself. Vehicles can be used as cover at the wheel wells and engine block. War is not an individual event. I would rather die than leave my buddies behind. Maybe that is stupid, but so long as I have a means to help them survive, I will use it. Perhaps that is what he was doing. Perhaps he assessed the situation and determined the greatest survivability for guys there was to act in the way he did. I don't know and neither does anyone else. However, based on his recent character revelations, my money is on cowardice.
State suspends gun carry permit for James Yeager
TMF replied to ironsniper1's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name="mikegideon" post="882613" timestamp="1358006941"] Finally, James borrows a brain from his attorney, and comes out with a message that's in line with the roughly formed concensus. "It's not time." To me, that doesn't mean "Take my guns and pass the granola".[/quote] No, but it shows that his word is absolutely worthless and his tough guy act is, well, just an act. I would agree with just about everything in his latest vid, but this guy sells himself on being this tactical guru tough guy, and the reality is he is just a blowhard that is full of so much BS its comin out his ears. This is the reason I have always ridiculed his stupid videos he puts out as his legion of fanboys tout that no one would call him a coward to his face. Well before three days ago I wouldn't call him a coward, but now I know he is and I would absolutely call him in person if my opinion was solicited. Before I just thought he was a douchebag. -
[quote name="glock55" post="881057" timestamp="1357869757"]Glock and Blackberry Love the Glock ----- Hate the Blackberry[/quote] They still make Blackberries? I thought the government was their only customer.
State suspends gun carry permit for James Yeager
TMF replied to ironsniper1's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name="DaveTN" post="882595" timestamp="1358006103"]It has yet to be determined that what he said is covered as a 1st amendment right. That would be tested if he was arrested, or will be tested in his hearing on his permit. I expect you will see a whole different level of legal expertise and respect of the defense when this goes to the hearing as opposed to the last time we saw that. [/quote] I'm betting that he gets it back. That will be yet another story that the media goes after to make our state look crazy for giving this man back his permit to carry a firearm, but then again they all think Tennessee is off the rails anyhow. -
[quote name="daddyo" post="882540" timestamp="1358001070"]I think this is part of the gun grabbers' strategy - showcase the blowhards and present them as being representative of the gun "culture" and as such, very dangerous to the public at large. [/quote] I think you are 110% right. They have an effective strategy, and we are losing the battle in terms of public perception. Granted, it is easier for them since they control the media, and the parts they don't control still need to get ratings. We don't get the benefit of parading the anti-gun nuts to the American people. The only people that get to see how looney some of those folks are will be folks like us. We need a better strategy. We need the NRA to stop sending so much junk mail and reinvest that money into a working strategy to change public perception. Eddie the Eagle ain't cutting it.
State suspends gun carry permit for James Yeager
TMF replied to ironsniper1's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
This is good theater. Maybe this is why chicks are into reality shows. Oh yeah, what a little biach. Somebody shoulda told him, if you want to roll with the big dogs you can't piss like a pup. -
State suspends gun carry permit for James Yeager
TMF replied to ironsniper1's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name="6.8 AR" post="882525" timestamp="1357999544"]Let's see, right now, we are on the 7th page of advertizing for James Yeager. I thought someone talked about that, once? .[/quote] Ha, well at this point I don't believe it makes a difference, especially because he is all over the news. Besides, he admitted that his certs are expired, which I'm sure will cause an audit of some kind if he was still conducting business that required any certs to be current. Also, I'm betting that his legion of instructors are jumping ship as we speak. He just shot himself in the foot in regard to his business. I don't see him recovering. But this is all good theater when you consider the history of all the other bonehead things he's said in the past, so I'm entertained with the train wreck unfolding, but sad that this is going to be used against you and I in the fight to keep the 2A intact. -
Destructive power of Shotgun vs AR 15 video
TMF replied to JG55's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I did a paper on this in college that focused on shootings which involved AK47s and 12 GA shotguns and their ballistics. I focused solely on California shootings since that was where they were all taking place back then and AKs were the big satan at the time; I added some data from the Vietnam War to give it more weight. My intent was to scientifically prove to my professor the so-called assault rifles were far less dangerous than a low tech pump action that was never on the ban list. The numbers came out to a rough 16% mortality rate for victims of a 7.62x39 wound and a 68% mortality rate for victims of a 12 GA shotty when using standard buckshot. You look at the numbers and have to wonder why libs are so scared of mag-fed rifles. I know they can do math. -
[quote name="vontar" post="882494" timestamp="1357997075"]So, if an action is wrong, it is OK if it has been going on for decades?[/quote] Well hindsight and all. Our role was limited anyway, and it wouldn't have changed the out come. We spent more last year on red-cockaded woodpeckers than we did on support for Libyan rebels. I felt from the start that we were better off with Qaddafi, but Europe was gonna do what they do and we were right to stand with them no matter who is the President. At least everyone learned a valuable lesson and are staying out of the Syria thing, which is even easier now that the free world doesn't care enough to keep the ratings up on the war footage. I don't think that there are right and wrong answers in matters such as these, just varying degrees of soup sandwich that we should always avoid taking the biggest bite out of.
[quote name="Paladin132" post="882469" timestamp="1357990426"]Ok, I was not going to say anything because I will be shouted down, but late last year I made a promise to myself that I would no longer ignore a conversation because I thought I would lose. To do so give us the situation we find ourselves in now, with an uninformed population that uses the police as a weapon because they are scared by the sight of something. A folk, no law was broken in the instances I have seen. If we do not stand up and come out of the closet we are going to become criminalized. Crime is a construct of society and does not necessarily follow intelligent or reasonable processes. I point you to the law in California where you cannot whistle at a whale as an example (maybe I am a dumb hick but I would not have thought that illegal until seeing the news story this week about it). While I am not one to go out and open carry, many folks advocate doing so when I do something for recreation - hiking and backpacking. It is something I have considered. Perhaps instead of acting like those we criticize (think about the comments above that go on the feelings of the situation not the facts) we should structure our responses to say well that was unwise and I believe that it makes our lives harder as gun owners. It bothers me that we as a group are so divided – we have allowed anti-gunners to do that to us and it weakens us. Of course some outliers are going to be out there flapping, but hunters are unconcerned because they do not think their rights are at risk (and they are on the horizon too folks) and OC vs CC and on and on. We have compromised to much already. Let us compromise a little bit more down to a 10 round magazine then 8, then 5, then 1. It is a moral argument and one which must be challenged, stopped, and in some cases rolled back. Now as to my feelings on this thread topic: if they were not breaking the law, then why not? Would it be that bad to have an organized gathering of gun owners who have their weapons with them? No? Then consider what are USPCA and other shooting sports? What about when we gather for breakfast as a pro-gun club? No it may have been unwise, but only because we have allowed our countrymen to become scared sheep. As gun owners we are supposed to be sheepdogs. Sheepdogs do not ridicule the sheep for being sheep - it is their nature.[/quote] The problem here is context. It is not unusual to be driving down a country road and see some fellas on the side of the road with rifles slung on their shoulders. Where I'm from folks have them secured to the front of their 4 wheelers, and usually it's an AR15, and no one even bats an eye. This is because the immediate assumption is the rifle is being used for hunting or being taken over to a neighbors house to shoot. So what would be the context of carrying a rifle around in the middle of the city? I have no fear of guns, but if I was to see that my immediate reaction would be much different than if I was out in the country, and for good reason. My first assumption would not be that they are just carrying it around for the hell of it. Now, being the somewhat competent gun enthusiast, I may have notices that their mag wells were empty and then realized they were just being assclowns, but do you expect the average person to know that? If you do you are not being very genuine, or you have zero understanding of the vast majority of Americans who don't keep a small arsenal in their houses. I don't blame them for getting spooked. Not only that, spooking the people was likely the desired outcome here, so they could get in the paper then b**ch about their 2A blah blah blah. These people are doing us no favors and work directly against the interests of responsible gun owners who wish to keep their rights intact. Folks who embrace these jack holes work against their own interests, and are foolish.
I've had my sh** rattled more times than Yeager, that is for sure. More or less doesn't really matter though; he is an idiot, and the fact that he played "just the tip" in regards to making threats against the government, then told everyone who told him to tone it down for his own good to f*** you, then suddenly TOOK that advice from a lawyer and is now trying to zap every video of him making that statement off of YouTube. This clearly defines his cowardly nature. Don't say you're gonna do something, then back down like a little b**ch. he would have been smarter not to say anything at all, but now that he did and can't stand by his statements shows me everything I need to know about that waste of oxygen; he is a coward. Normally I wouldn't second guess anyone's actions under fire, but based on the evidence he has supplied us with, I would be silly to believe he is anything but a coward. Getting in to a fire fight doesn't suddenly make you a badass, nor does getting injected with HGH and challenging everyone on the internets to an MMA fight. This guy is a cartoon character, and I enjoy the comedic value he holds, but I will be DAMNED if I would accept that he is some kind of combat hero when he has never once raised his hand and took an oath to serve his country while we have so many that do. He does not fall into the same category as our veterans.
[quote name="RobertNashville" post="882354" timestamp="1357965662"]Is what James said really all that different than what many have been thinking in the privacy (or sometimes not so private) of their own thoughts? [/quote] Yes. Besides, there is a big difference between thinking something and saying it... intent or something along those lines. I fantasize about doing some very awful things to the Westboro Baptist Church guy, but if I come out and say, "if he protests one more Soldier funeral I'm gonna kill him", I have entered into a new territory. No, Yeager didn't make a threat specifically toward a person, so he didn't commit a crime as far as I know, but the sentiment of an unstable trigger happy roid-rager was clear to see. And it wasn't as if he said that he would shoot anyone trying to take his guns, he left off with, "if they move another inch I'm gonna start killing people." I don't know what that means. Do you? Certainly if I heard a heavily armed lunatic say that in any venue, I'm going to contact law enforcement, because I would feel as if someone's life is in imminent danger, wouldn't you?
State suspends gun carry permit for James Yeager
TMF replied to ironsniper1's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I dunno, calling folks to arms then ending with "if they move another inch I'm gonna start killing people" SHOULD put you on the radar. No direct threats were made at anyone specifically, so I don't think he'll be charged with any crime, but getting your HCP suspended is a different story. This is different than saying "if Jennifer Lopez makes another movie I'm going to figuratively start killing people." Yeager meant what he was saying in the very literal sense, although I don't believe he has the stones to back up his threats.... he is, after all, a pants wetting coward. -
[quote name="Oh Shoot" post="882157" timestamp="1357953720"]Okay, Ed used him in part of his own "gun crazies" segment, but said Yeager's lawyer had told him not to appear. - OS[/quote] Hmmm, I wonder if he told his lawyer "f*** you", like he did to all the other people who dispensed legal advice for him to shut the hell up. I'm guessing not. What a hypocritical coward, to backtrack and do exactly what he was cursing everyone for telling him to do, while at the same time not having the balls to stand by his original statements. With his recent behavior, I have absolutely NO doubt that all the previous rumors of cowardice under fire are true... it is clearly in his character.
State suspends gun carry permit for James Yeager
TMF replied to ironsniper1's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name="TGO David" post="882171" timestamp="1357954320"]Wow, dude... sometimes I think you're completely blinded by Lady Liberty's knickers or something. [/quote] She's not wearing any knickers... Bill Murray addressed this in Ghostbusters II. Very distracting, if you ask me. -
State suspends gun carry permit for James Yeager
TMF replied to ironsniper1's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Yeah, I guess they shouldn't have suspended his permit on account of him being a danger. They just need to look at his record of being a coward in a gunfight and know that he is no danger to society. I know, I know. Low blow again, but f*** him. -
[quote name="Lester Weevils" post="881723" timestamp="1357929095"]Thanks TMF. Agreed if one hasn't bought yet and has a permanent outdoor location in mind (or even definite plans to operate outdoors a lot) then it would be better to buy an outdoor camera. Some of the sensitive high-res pan-tilt-optical-zoom outdoor cams with nice sony CCD chips cost thousands though.[/quote] And something to consider as well, if a person intends to incapsulate an existing camera to protect it from the elements, you're gonna have a hard time getting it so that the IR LEDs which allow low light viewing to not reflect back on the glass and flood out your camera.
[quote name="KahrMan" post="881843" timestamp="1357939995"]Just reported the Yeager's hcp was suspended because of a material likelihood of risk of harm to the public.[/quote] Bahahahaha! Boy, can you imagine the roid-fueled temper tantrum he's throwing right now? I bet it's epic!