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[quote name="knox" post="901119" timestamp="1359663386"]That's promising. Thanks for the reply.[/quote] Well I had a P226, and it was nice. Worth a little bit too being one of the older ones. But I never carried it and didn't enjoy shooting it due to the 100lb trigger and going between SA/DA. My Glock is fun and easy to shoot, I'm more accurate with it and can get first round on target almost 1/2 second faster than my Sig. I did have the chance to shoot a P226 XFive which is single action like a 1911, and that was by far the nicest shooting pistol I've shot, ever. I could shoot like a champ with that thing.
I use the free turbo tax online. I started doing it this way a few years ago when I discovered that going to H$R Block was a waste of money. We usually get a decent return due to certain deductions, but this year I'm getting a CPA to get advice on how to screw the system and work as many deductions as I can. My taxes are going to be several thousand more this year according to my latest pay stub, and that's with three dependents. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of paying more and more while half the country pays nothing.
Eh, I had a Sig. Got rid of it for a Glock. I'm more satisfied with my Glock.
From the article: "They may not be doing anything but walking their dog," he said. "But they're going to have to prove it." Haha, I'm not one to get confrontational with police, but if I was told to prove that my intentions were legal and just when I'm out walking the dog it is going to end with me in handcuffs and a bankrupt PD after I get done gutting them with my lawyer. Seriously, there are PDs having to cut back all across the country and I keep seeing stories of police chiefs putting up "sue me" billboards.
Working Armed Security how are they excluded from Signs?
TMF replied to Patton's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
[quote name="Patton" post="901021" timestamp="1359654392"]I was asked today with Armed couriers, specifically money couriers, how they are capable doing their job and not conflicting with legal anti-carry signs. Obviously the property owners would have to be willing to prosecute. I find it hard to believe they are only at the mercy of anticipating property owners will not seek prosecution. So here is one of the ultimate questions. A Brinks messenger has a money pickup inside a school, are they breaking the law?[/quote] Probably, but that would require a lot of steps to get there. First some one would have to call the cops, then you'd have to find a cop that was willing to cite the guard, then a DA willing to prosecute. The judge would surely throw it out. In the end it would result in the carrier telling the posted location to get bent and take it to the bank themselves and risk getting robbed and shot for having a boatload of cash. -
Should Gun Owners Have To Buy Liability Insurance?
TMF replied to East_TN_Patriot's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Of course owning a gun puts you automatically at higher risk for a gun related accident than someone who doesn't own one. That's like saying that I'm more at risk for a lawnmower accident than someone who lives in an apartment. However, lawnmowers aren't covered in the Constitution. The mere mention of a requirement of liability insurance in order to possess a firearm should be met with a "you're a effing moron look" and walk away because the person lacks basic reasoning skills. -
[quote name="mikegideon" post="901005" timestamp="1359653441"]I don't blame Yeager for being mad. I blame him for saying stupid shit on the Internet. I would think that any trainer that teaches carbine courses is bent out of shape right now.[/quote] Yeah, I was just making jokes. I thought he was so emotional due to an estrogen imbalance, but this makes more sense.
[quote name="Chucktshoes" post="900786" timestamp="1359623650"] Several of the big trainers I pay attention to have adjusted their class rules to allow for use of .22 in classes along with reduced total round counts. Some of them have even adjusted their class prices for near term classes. I would say the training industry is either already feeling the pinch or being proactive to minimize the bite. Regardless, it is already affecting the business model.[/quote] Ahhhhh, now I understand why Yeager was so mad.
Hipsters drink PBR now? I don't know if that is funny or sad. At any rate, I never understood why PBR always got a bad rap. I've always enjoyed compared to the taste of beer flavored water such as Coors and Bud, or skunk flavored water such as Natti Ice or Busch. PBR is the way to go.
[quote name="Stegall Law Firm" post="900612" timestamp="1359598824"]I wonder how cost/availability of ammunition will affect the training industry this year. People might not be as willing to shoot 1000 rounds when it's 60 cents for one stinkin' round of ball ammo. [/quote] I imagine you'll see a lot of folks using their dedicated .22 for these carbine and pistol courses.
[quote name="Lester Weevils" post="900763" timestamp="1359610622"]Any guesses? Far more difficult to solve than an "un-solvable" three-body gravitational orbit problem.[/quote] If this were family feud the top guess would be "Whitey", as he is at fault for all the woes of the world. Every nasty sub-culture in America that finds itself at the bottom of the barrel blame everyone who isn't at the bottom with them. I think of all those occupy idiots, and how they blamed everyone but themselves for why they are so deep in debt, but can't look at themselves as being the cause of it all. I have no use for people like that. Anyone who embraces their station in life, high or low, and acknowledges their role in putting themselves there I can respect. Anyone who blames folks like me when they see me with nice things can suck start a shotgun for all I care.
Machine gun fire from helicopters over Miami
TMF replied to Solver's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name="JayC" post="900341" timestamp="1359583551"]The only MH-6's that are known to be flown by the US Army are from the 1st Battalion, 160th SOAR. If you've seen them flying in and out of Bragg they're probably those guys. The military only lists 51 MH-6/AH-6 in it's inventory, which is just enough to cover the 2 companies attached to the 1st Battalion, and the training company. Also, since they're flying MH-60L DAP Blackhawks, and the 1st Battalion, 160th is the only know Army unit flying that air frame, these guys are based out of Fort Campbell. Also, there are no 160th stationed out of Bragg at this time, but we're all aware that high speed units such as the 160th are flung all over the place on assignments, but these guys call Fort Campbell their home. Or there is another unit that the government doesn't acknowledge doing high speed training in Miami :)[/quote] The ones I'm aware of at Bragg are sliced from 160th and are permanent party there. -
[quote name="zgunbear" post="900314" timestamp="1359581524"]These are the tyoe of people that will tear the cities apart if the government can't pay them anymore. They are the ones that will riot and burn down things because they aren't getting free food or free phones anymore Our society is doomed[/quote] Good for them when that happens. Let 'em bring it all down. Other parts of the country will survive just fine. They can't shoot looters in Chicago without having guns to shoot them with. In TN they'd learn day one to take that nonsense elsewhere.
Teen who performed at inaugeration shot dead in Chicago
TMF replied to walton6467's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
This story is a fake. Handguns are illegal in Chicago and therefore it is impossible that one was used.... again..... in the 600th-ish handgun related murder I Chicago in the past 13 months. Good thing the law abiding folks aren't allowed handguns to shoot criminals with. Can you imagine the mayhem if bullets were being fired back? At least the bullets are only going in one direction. Seems like they all got it under control up there. -
Machine gun fire from helicopters over Miami
TMF replied to Solver's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Yeah, I guess if they cordoned off a safe zone to let brass fall free that would make sense. There are plenty of MH-6s out of Bragg as well. That's where I'm assuming they came from. -
[quote name="Jonnin" post="900035" timestamp="1359555484"]surely you were going to take the lady to the range and have her shoot it at least once a month so she has the confidence, skills, and familarity with the gun to use it if need be. [/quote] Haha, some of us are lucky to even go on a date once a year, let alone to the range once a month!
[quote name="6.8 AR" post="900004" timestamp="1359552645"]Yeh, after they get tazed a couple times, the business gets burned to the ground. Those people have a short life expectancy. Just a little generational training, Gordon. Start with little stay with little. That bunch won't change. BTW, you can see that in your town. Just like I do in Clarksville.[/quote] At least in Clarksville you have to go off the beaten path a little to see the third world sections.
I leave my wife with a G19. She still has a hard time racking the slide, as she does it the way a girly girl would, so I leave a round chambered. It is as simple as point and click if she needs to use it. I figure if she can't solve it in 16 rounds it won't be solved. I don't see her having to do a combat mag change in a gunfight if she has 16 friggin rounds. She'll either hit something or make a whole lotta noise. Either way, you aren't going to find many people who will continue their attack if they are shot or being shot at, just so they can rape or steal. I always see a lot of people suggest revolvers for women because there isn't a slide to rack or whatever. It doesn't pass the common sense test for me. Their revolver will likely only hold 5 rounds. If they expend them do you think the average woman is going to handle a speed reload on a .38 while someone is trying to kill them? Not likely. Why not just give them a firearm with 3 times the capacity so they don't have to screw around with slides and whatnot. Oh, and before someone chimes in with something about their ability to clear a malfunction let me add this: I own a Glock. I've put 2k rounds through it of every type of ammo I can think of. My HD ammo is the good stuff. I'm confident enough that she won't have a malfunction with it if she has to use it. If you are that concerned about your spouse clearing a malfunction on a semi auto pistol, then you own the wrong pistol for home defense. Get a Glock.
[quote name="mikegideon" post="899932" timestamp="1359536301"]I'm not starting to lose it. It's gone. They're the enemy, plain and simple.[/quote] I thought you had a domesticated liberal.
[quote name="mikegideon" post="899925" timestamp="1359535322"]LIBeral reTARDS[/quote] I'm starting to lose my level headed respect for the opinions of liberals. I'm developing a true hatred after what I've seen done in the past few months. Two big ones, my taxes going up considerably and a run at my personal property (firearms). I thought it would at least be another year or two before they came at us, but they are just pulling out all the stops and going for the prize. If the Republicans fail to take back the White House in 2016 we are so effed.
With the tax increase I just got ('bout 4k up from last year) I'm having to adjust expenditures on certain things I was planning on this year, meaning that the 4k that would have been reinvested back into the economy will not be. I assume this is true across the board with folks who are seeing tax increases (folks that work). Liberal Democrats have to be the dumbest effing people on the planet to let this happen in an already failing economy. Do they not understand that in order for the economy to turn around people need to spend money? This is the primary reason I voted for Romney. Say what you want, but he wouldn't be trying to take our guns right now and he actually understands that the economy runs on people spending and businesses hiring/producing.
Why are they attacking carry permits? I wasn't aware there was a rash of mass shootings being perpetrated by permit holders.