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About MiddTennTaco

  • Birthday December 17

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    Murfreesboro, TN
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  1. I would like to know more about this also.
  2. [quote name="Oh Shoot" post="1188103" timestamp="1410287176"]All of that is far different point of view than the purely counterfeited knives in your first post. There's a significant diff between "knock off/copy" and outright "counterfeit". - OS[/quote] True!
  3. I understand what you're saying but do you think $500-700 for an auto knife is reasonable for a production knife? I've owned custom knives and I'm close friends with a very successful custom knife maker. Even he told me, if not for the artistic value/fit/finish, buy the production model for my purposes and I did. Although he did get pissed off at the manufacturer when he sharpened it for me. He ended up refinishing the whole thing, reshimming the blade, and replaced all the screws for free. I thought the dern thing was fine! Lol Although I don't carry a Filipino 1911 (I carry a Glock), it still serves a purpose. I don't see any $299 ATI 1911's rockin the holsters of any law enforcement or military agencies. But I know some carry Wilson Combats and the like. I was going to say I dont see many citizens carry cheap knock off 1911's but then I remembered that I've seen three people open carrying Hipoints within 3 years. Anyway, I hardly think that cheap $50 clones are taking away from their sales as its a completely different market.
  4. You can apparently get some incredibly good chinese copies from dhgate.com for about $50. They have Benchmade, Microtech, Spyderco, Kershaws, etc... I haven't ordered anything yet but I've been reading nothing but good so far about the website and the chinese clones. There are hundreds of reviews on youtube. Heck, I believe I'm looking at actual Spyderco brand knives shipped for a fraction of what they cost here in the states. Anyone here buy from them?
  5. I was there from 0830 to 1230. I got my knife sharpened for $5, a Glock 9mm 33rd happy stick for $35, two used chip mc 8rd pwr mags or $40, and a used fobus glock double mag holster for $15. Good day for me! It was nice seeing some familiar TGO faces!
  6. I'll be there first thing tomorrow morning!
  7. [quote name="Hershmeister" post="1181407" timestamp="1408507382"]There is a big sign listing all the rules on the left side of the road at the main entrance[/quote] Any idea what it said? If I legally can't carry there then I don't plan on going at all. Especially with all this purge crap going around. Dang!
  8. Bump. Anyone know if it's currently posted?
  9. [quote name="peejman" post="1169097" timestamp="1405535112"]Which functionally means they must be posted. Previously, Knoxville used their pre 1986 ordinance as an excuse to not spend money updating signage. This takes away that excuse. [/quote] Can someone confirm or deny this? Ohshoot?
  10. The air conditioning was definitely working. The left side of the building was freezing, the right side was warmer especially where they were cooking and by the condenser to the right of the entrance. I don't even know why the condenser is inside of the building.
  11.   Last gun show there was nice and cool - why would they not fix it? I'll be there probably first thing saturday morning.
  12. I guess I should have said something earlier but are any TGO'ers heading to the free BBQ at the OK Corral (Woodbury, TN) today? They open up at noon today (Sunday, 5-25-14) and will have free food, free drinks, and vendors. $5 range fee. They had around 200 turn up last year.
  13. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/index.php?/topic/78520-Smith-&-Wesson-M&P9-Pro-Series-4.25"
  14. For the record, I didn't even look at the feed ramps or the FSB. However, we didn't have a single feeding malfunction (or any other type) and the FSB must have been oriented correctly because of the groupings made with a mechanical zero were right at the point of aim.
  15. And that was laying on uncomfortable gravel, using a crate as a rest, a gun I had never fired before, cheap steel case ammo, and within what - the first 30 break-in rounds of the gun? lol. I dont know why we didn't go to the rifle side and test it out at 50/100/200 yds. Both of musicmans PTAC AR's are excellent shooters!


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