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Everything posted by 10-Ring

  1. Good info, I don't want to go into a lot of detail but I work in a remote area without cell service or other means of contact. If something were to happen at work, then more than likely someone (possibly a stranger) would have to drive to an area where there is coverage and call it in. Therefore I would not have an opportunity to talk to dispatch myself. Also in my particular situation once the initial threat is eliminated I feel certain that the threat would be over unless the perp had someone else with them. I also know most of the local LEO and they know me so I do have that going for me, I still can't be too careful or count on that. They are aware of the dangers that I am facing and are aware that I carry (I carry open at work and have had several positive conversations with the LEOs.)
  2. I have a friend that does the pre-paid legal thing as well. I think the issue that I would have with pre-paid legal is that they could send anyone to represent me. Much like my weapon of choice it is one of those things that I'm not looking for the most economical one out there, I'm looking for the best one out there. I'm a tight SOB but there are some things that smart people spend good money on. Guns and lawyers (if my butt could be going to prison) are two of those things.
  3. An acquaintance of mine came very close to having to use his weapon recently and it has really got me to thinking. I want input on what measures need to be taken in the unfortunate event that someone needs to shoot another person in self defense. I've spent a lot of hours recently going over what happened to my buddy in my head and asking myself what I would have done. I'm a pretty logical person and of the mind set of "don't step out the front door unarmed" but thinking about this incident sometimes just gives me the chills and makes me feel very anxious, but I think that's just because what happened to him could have just as easily happened to me. Lawyers- Should all of us that carry have a lawyer in mind that we would have represent us? I'm thinking that this would be a great idea and also to carry your attorneys business card with you. If I had to shoot someone I think I would politely tell the detective when they arrive that I wish to speak to my attorney before speaking to him. It might even be a good idea to call the attorney before the police arrive? How can we find a good lawyer? I recently did business with a local attorney on something very minor, he does criminal law too but I would not want his goofy butt defending me in anything serious. Anyway, here is what I would do afterwards if I had to shoot someone in self defense. 1) Secure weapon so that it is not on my person when the police arrive. 2) Don't disturb anything that could be considered as evidence. I have no formal medical training, so I don't feel as if I could help my assailant if he is still alive. Thoughts on this? 3) Try to remain as calm as possible. 4) Contact attorney ASAP. 5) Make sure that I in no way appear threatening to the police when they arrive. 6) Don't discuss the matter until I have spoken with my attorney. I would appreciate any additional input. I'm just going with my gut on all of this and I'm not an expert so please feel free to tell me if any of these are dumb ideas.
  4. Murgatroy, I also noticed in another thread that your scorpion appears to be professionally done. Most of the neck tats I see look pretty lousy. Seems that most of the tattooed people that I've come across that are trouble makers got their ink on Bubbas back porch while Bubba was working on his second case of PBR that evening if you know what I mean. I recall plenty of run ins with heavily tattooed people in another life that I lived but none of them had good ink, not a lot of thugs running around with quality work on their bodies for some reason???
  5. Check out supercircuits.com they have a lot of DIY kits at decent prices where they will sell you everything that you need for a 4-5 camera setup or whatever you want. You should be able to tie in your DVR to your internet and view remotely as well.
  6. I've had lots of negative interaction with people that had neck tattoos, I have yet to have positive interaction with such a person. I'm not saying that I would discount someone just because they had a tattoo on their neck, but I would proceed with caution. I don't consider it being closed minded I consider it to be taking into account previous life experiences.
  7. I only mention these because no one else has and they are a lot closer to you than some of the other suggestions. I do admit that scenery wise these locations will be lacking when compared to your options on the East side of the state and, yes, I'm allowed to say that because the places that I suggest are where I stomped around growing up. My suggestions are Long Hunter State park and Cedar Forrest. Hunting will be a no no at Long Hunter but it is amazing how far away you can get from everything back there. I used to do overnighters backpacking and rarely saw other hikers. Cedar Forrest has tons of trails and you can hunt there. It is relatively flat as well.
  8. Sounds like another good reason to just hold on to them. I realize that doesn't suit everyone though.
  9. I've ran this scenario before, and have a plan, and a plan B. However anyone have advice for those of us that live in rural areas? I'm 15 miles from a police station and just about anything else. I had two guys (bear hunters) try to throw up a roadblock on me last year, which I fear a roadblock more than someone following me. Initially my plan if being followed is to just keep driving, however if I'm coming in from down and pass my house (I live on the main road that comes in from town) it's another 25 miles before I get to anything. Of course I always carry when I leave the house, and although I don't use cell phones I carry an old one to call 911 on if need be, not that it would do me much good with the coverage area out here.
  10. I read the book "One Second After" lots of good info even though it's fiction. Imagine every single thing that you own which is electronic no longer works. That's how it is going to be. We will be living 150 years in the past but without the infrastructure that was available 150 years ago. It's some scary stuff, any one that hasn't read "One Second After" I highly recommend it.
  11. Songs been out for a pretty good while, at least a year. I haven't seen the video yet though and don't know too much about Aaron Lewis. I hope he really is like the way he portrays himself in this video and not another Nashville sell out like pretty much the rest of country music. I liked the George Jones and Charlie Daniels Cameos. I caught CD's part on the radio but never noticed the Possum was featured in the song.
  12. It would be just the thing for someone starting a prison sentence.
  13. 10-Ring

    Flash Mobs

    Here's a crash course...
  14. I got that, but could it not be considered discrimination to deny the sale to someone such as Robtattoo, (hope you don't mind me using you as an example Rob) who is not a citizen but is in the country legally? What if, say it was an item that was less controversial to the general public such as a cheese burger. Are we going to tell Rob that he can't have a cheese burger because he was not birthed in America?
  15. I wheel and deal from time to time and I've definitely thrown some low ball offers out there. I will not lowball without looking at something in person first, I don't even talk money until I go look at the item. When I do lowball it's because (or maybe sometimes I just tell them) that it really isn't what I want. For instance, if I'm looking at a vehicle I may say "We'll it's not in too bad a shape but it really isn't quite what I'm looking for. Plus that radiator is leaking and the tires are bald. I'm not sure how motivated you are to get this thing out of your yard but if you were interested I would be willing to give you "x" for it." I've had people take me up on my offer and I've had people politely decline. I never recall anyone's feelings getting hurt or anything. It's just business. On the mention of Craigslist, oh man I'm sick of it. I have a couple of vehicles for sale on there now, one being a motorcycle and the E-mails that I get are ridiculous. I think I've weeded out the real time wasters though by putting certain things in the ad. Motorcycles are so much worse to sell than cars because there are so many people out there that just want to take a joy ride. Therefore I put in all caps in any motorcycle add that I place "I WILL NOT MEET YOU ANYWHERE, IF YOU WANT TO SEE THIS BIKE YOU WILL HAVE TO COME TO ME." and "NO FREE TEST RIDES, NO ONE WILL RIDE THIS BIKE UNTIL I HAVE CASH IN HAND." Believe it or not this actually seems to work.
  16. Just throwing this out there. From a legal perspective, since there is no law prohibiting the sale of ammo to non-residents, could the fact that Dick's will not sell ammo to non-residents be considered discrimination. I see no difference personally between what they are doing and saying "We won't sell ammo to people of certain ethnic backgrounds."
  17. I hold doors and whatnot anytime I get the chance. A couple of years ago I had to wear a sling for a couple of months due to an injury. I was amazed at the kindness of strangers. I'm somewhat of a loner so I'm pretty independent but it can be a little tricky to manage with one arm, especially when you have things to carry. Numerous times people would jump ahead of me to get a door for me. The girl a Chik-Fil-A that took my order walked my order over to my table for me because she realized that it is hard to manage a try and a drink with one hand. The clerk at Kroger asked if he could take my groceries out to my car for me. It really made me feel good to live in rural East Tennessee, where courtesy is in fact not dead. Now Tennessee drivers on the other hand are a different story. It seems for most that once in the drivers seat Tennesseans care only about themselves.
  18. 10-Ring


    I've been on NetFlix for a couple of years now. I live so far out that the only internet I can get is satellite and I have a 300mb per day limit. Therefore I'm keeping my fingers crossed that NetFlix keeps sending DVD's because there isn't much streaming going on here. I tried to put up an antenna but I can't even pick up air channels here. I don't have enough time to watch TV most of the year but I have a few slow months, I just can't justify satellite TV for those 2 months, so Netflix works great for me. I keep it at 2 discs at a time when I'm busy and when work slows down I splurge and do about 6 discs at a time.
  19. In a round about way this ridiculous theory only rationalizes (In the minds of idiots) the bailouts that Obama gave to companies such as Chevrolet and Chrysler earlier in his term (Also why I won't own a Chevrolet or Chrysler product.) "Hey it's not their fault they went under, so we should bail them out."
  20. When I canoed the Caney Fork my group camped on the side of the river. Wasn't really a designated camping spot and I don't remember seeing any. Looked like it backed up to a cattle farm, I'm not really sure if it was okay for us to be there or not.
  21. I was born and raised in Middle Tennessee but I got to the mountains as quick as I could and have no plans of leaving. I live in Blount County right on the edge of the park. I try to stay away from Sevier County period. I can't stand Pigeon Forge, Gatlinberg, and Sevierville. It's like Panama City in the mountains. It's nice and quiet here most of the time, lots of places to fish, camp, and hike. Lots of wildlife around too. I understand the traffic thing from both sides. I understand people on vacation like to putt around but if I leave my house it's 5 miles one way and 8 miles the other before I get a chance to pass. I see this stuff everyday I don't want to go to work at 20 mph nor do I want to sit behind someone that is doing 20 mph on my way home. We get a lot of tourist traffic on my otherwise lightly traveled road. I don't get impatient until the pokey in front of me has had a couple of chances to pull over, then I just consider that person to be inconsiderate. To Deerslayer... I understand just what you mean about the tourists on Harleys. I deal with them everyday. There are some decent ones but more common are the "My loud pipes are awesome and you are GOING to listen to them" crowd. The sound systems on those things are impressive, I've been able to hear them over their loud pipes well over a half mile away before, and clearly. By the way, I'm not bike bashing, I own 5 motorcycles. I can appreciate a nice sounding exhaust but I realize that just because I do doesn't mean that everyone else does as well. I only have one bike that is loud and I try to be courteous and keep the RPMs down when I'm anywhere where there are other people around. I know my neighbors don't want to hear me a mile away when I come in from a ride, so I ride a gear or two high to keep the noise down.
  22. I used to fish the Caney some. It's pretty easy to fish. I believe the rest stop is at mile marker 267 and it is accessible from both east and west bound lanes. You can get off of 40 at Buffalo Valley Road, exit 268, bear right, go to the split and take a left, in about a 1/2 mile you should see a sign for the dam. You can drive right down to the access and there is lots of room to bank fish or wade. I canoed the whole thing once but don't really recommend it unless you like paddling a lot of still water. The last 5 miles before you hit the Cumberland doesn't have much current at all. You can also access quite a bit of bank by taking hwy 96 over the dam and immediately turning right onto hwy 141. There is a nice little place to fish right there by the camp ground.
  23. The appeal of hunting bow season for me was two fold 1) the thrill that can only be understood by someone who has actually bowhunted. And 2) Getting to hunt early in the season before the deeer are "gun shy." I have no desire to bow hunt in January after the deer have been chased around for 2 months by every moron in the state that owns a rifle. I'm with WD on this one, it's going to mess up the rabbit hunting anyway. The guys I always rabbit hunted with waited until deer season was over before we rabbit hunted so as not to disturb the deer hunters. Plus we all deer hunted the whole deer season anyway.
  24. It's always a good idea to record interactions with law enforcement. Most phones and many MP3 players have built in recorders. And if it is laying there in plain sight face down no one will know. It could save your butt if you wind up with a corrupt cop.
  25. If that's the ETR that I know then there must have been 7 pages criticizing the building techniques.


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