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Everything posted by 10-Ring

  1. It's hard to form an opinion without knowing more.  I had a couple of bad professors while I was in college.  One was tenured and I was taking a class from him the last semester before I graduated, this class was required to graduate and offered one time every two years.  The professor was nuts.  He would give us an assignment, I would complete it and turn it in, he would give it back and tell me that I did it incorrectly and show me how he wanted it done.  I would do it the way he showed me and turn it in  again.  He would then tell me that I did it incorrectly and show me how to do it, except this time it would be the same as the first time that I did it.  Eventually I learned to save all of my work and on multiple occasions I would turn in the first version twice without editing, get a do over the first time and he would accept the work the third time.  I got a D in the class and was able to graduate without waiting around for 2 more years.  Another professor did not care for male students.  She routinely gave female students higher grades than male students for the same work.     The fact that she was going to school for free is irrelevant.  If she was in fact done wrong she has just as much right to compensation as someone who paid tuition.  I'll say it again for the people that don't read all of a post before spouting off a rebuttal, I'm not saying that she is entitled to anything, there are plenty of dirty goings on the education world.  There is certainly a chance that she was done wrong.
  2. Glad you caught it before it got really bad.  I'm just getting into reloading and want to start casting eventually but I want to do it safely.  I'm wondering if and how it really can be done safely. 
  3. I'm not poking fun or anything else but what is the deal with handle bar tassles?  It seems like they would beat the crap out of your forearms???
  4. 10-Ring

    Opinions please!

    Again, it would be nice to know the guns intended purpose.  If it is a carry gun I wouldn't normally recommend a 1911, they are heavy, carry few rounds, and are not as dependable as their more modern counter parts.  That being said my 1911 is my favorite pistol to shoot.  I'm not big on brand loyalty but mine is a Kimber.  I picked it up from a friend that was selling it cheap to buy a Glock.  I had shot it previously and loved it, I told him if he ever decided to sell it let me know.  I got a killer deal on it.  I will carry the Kimber with confidence but usually don't just because it is heavy.  If he is looking for a carry gun a Glock would be hard to beat but many of the other brands mentioned are good as well.  
  5. I know I'm going to be mad if I watch but I'm going to feel ignorant if I don't can't decide.
  6. As a former wrestler I hate to see this.  What sport is more pure than wrestling?  Man against man, no equipment, it's just a man, his muscle, and his brain.  The Olympics are as high as it gets for a wrestler.  I made it to the collegiate level but it is such a huge jump from there to the Olympics.  There is no minor league, there is no major league, it's a sport you will never get paid to do.  It is a sport that the general public cares nothing about.  It seems to be a rapidly growing sport in Tennessee.  Although it seems it has been watered down since I was doing it.  Used to there were not many wrestlers, probably because it was hard.  I see a lot of schools picking up wrestling programs that did not have them before.  Good memories though, I'm thankful for having a high school coach that was a hardass, wrestling played a big part in making me who I am today.  I remember coach telling us at the beginning of the season "You finish this season and it will make a man out of you."  Didn't make a lot of sense then but looking back all these years later it makes a lot of sense.  The sport really taught me responsibility and finishing what you start no matter how hard.
  7. I'm trying to do some research about the militia groups that were there.  Just to see what they are about more than anything.  The first guy that spoke the one from Minutemen of TN said they had a Facebook page but that their webpage was no longer up.  I found their webpage and it looks about half A'd but I can not find a Facebook page for them.  I can not remember the name of the other militia that was represented and can't find the paper I wrote their name on.  Again, I'm not interested in joining a militia I just want to know what the organizations that are out there stand for before I stand beside them to fight for my rights.
  8. Not a big Whiskey drinker, finished off a 750mL the other night that I had bought around the first part of November.  Crown Royal is my liquor of choice, followed by Wild Turkey.  Whiskey makes me stupid though so I limit myself to 1-2 highballs when I do drink it.  Learning as I get older to savor and enjoy the good stuff instead of trying to polish off a handle of cheap stuff in a night.  Reminiscing about the things I did in college makes me think I must have been one bad SOB back then to drink the amounts that I did and still accomplish all that I did.  One Friday night like that today would but me in bed until the next Wednesday.
  9. Another problem is the loss of farmland and the maximization of use of remaining farmland.  Quail like places like fence rows and there are not as many fence rows as there used to be, plus we farm as close to the fence rows as we can.  Another big problem is there are a lot more birds of prey such as hawks than there used to be and they will kill out quail populations in quick order.  A friend of mine owned a quail hunting preserve and I've watched the hawks destroy his populations.  As in swoop down on a covey in cover and kill every bird in the covey, it's frustrating to watch.  It also seems there are more predators than there used to be.  It's sad, it's been years since I've jumped a covey while squirrel or rabbit hunting, used to occur pretty regular.
  10.   That is some sound wisdom right there!  I will be reusing that if you don't mind.  Sounds like your pappy was a smart man.
  11. I feel silly for going halfway across the state and attending the dinky rally in Nashville, sounds like the Maryville rally was much more productive.  Unfortunately I had a family obligation in Nashville and was unable to make it to the Maryville event, wish I could have been there.
  12. Just got home from a Nashville to Knoxville motorcycle ride.  I'm not going to complain about weather in February that is nice enough to ride in.  Got a ride in to  Savannah, Ga last month as well, so far it has been a decent winter.
  13. Welcome!  We used to be neighbors,  I will be moving back to Blount Co. next month but on down 129 closer to 411.
  14. You are on the right track JMR, social media is crutial.  I know a lot of folks on here don't like social media but that is the easiest way to get the word out about things like this.  Next time I will be creating an event and sending it to everyine I know.:-)
  15. Ok I admit it, I really suck at estimating attendence so I stand corrected on my liberal estimate :)  Nimrod, you did a great job! I liked the angle you worked, I've never noticed that there is that much corelation between gun righs and civil rights.  Hope, you stick around here!   On the militia isue, my dad and I have been discussing this all day and we find many pros and cons. All of the representitives of the militias stated that it was not their goal to overthrow the government or anything radical like that. They stated that their goal is to be an avenue for people like us to unite to preserve our rights that the government is trying to take away. For me I'm going to have to spend a lot more time researching about militias before I can take a stance on that matter. At this point in time I think that there is a possibility that militias are not necessarily a bad thing.   Looks like Knoxville was well represented!   Special thanks to WSMV News channel 4 for focusing their whole segment on the dingaling that showed up with the AR and not giving any attention to all of the law abiding citizens that made a good peaceful demonstration. 
  16. I would have estimated the turnout in the 300-400 range.  A few speakers had very good things to say.  Good overall experience, this needs to be a reoccuring event and we need to get more people out and we need to be more organized.
  17. Not old enough to experience the pre nanny state.  My first girlfriends dad had an old Western Auto single shot .22 that sat in a corner.  Once I was trusted there I was instructed to use it to shoot all squirrels on site.  I remember that being a very sweet shooting gun and I never remember missing with it.  I've kept my eyes open for one like it every since.
  18. I continue to ride and am always keeping an eye out for those trying to kill me.  "I'm glad your phone call is more important than my life a**hole!"  Our speed limits are dumbed down to accommodate the lowest common denominator.  The Autobahn has a similar fatality rate as US interstates, the catch is if you crash you are likely to die, over there you drive and only drive, Europeans don't understand why American cars have cup holders.   Unlike gun ownership operating a car is a privilege not a right.  In a heartbeat I would support legislation to make driving tests rigorous but up or do away with speed limits.  It takes me about 3 hours to drive to my parent's place.  If there were no speed limits I could make it in an hour and a half, safely.  Speed limits, you are wasting time thanks to stupid people. 
  19. There are so many variables when it comes to insurance.  If you have BCBS you probably have a pretty decent policy.  It won't hurt to comparison shop but don't just look at the price, look at what you are getting as well.  Pay attention to what each policy will pay towards surgeries and whatnot.  Take into account any potentially dangerous activities that you participate in.     Take myself for example.  A few years ago I had what I thought was a decent policy.  I had a motorcycle crash and got to test the insurance.  Turned out that my insurance only covered about 60% of my associated medical bills leaving me with a fortune to pay out of pocket.  Looking back I would have paid another $20 a month to have more coverage, which I decided that I didn't need when I purchased my policy.  Look at it like this, I know they are taking a chunk out of your paycheck for insurance, but if you have a good policy that $360 a month could mean the difference down the road of bankrupting your self versus being financially secure should you or your wife be involved in a serious accident.     You could come out ahead now but if curtain climbers and old age are in your future $360 a month for health insurance will look like a deal. Check out some competing policies and let us know what you find out.
  20. I'm with you here Dave.  I don't have any guns that I'm not supposed to have, I can say undoubtedly that every piece I own is not stolen.  However, years ago I had a pistol stolen from me that I eventually got back.  2-3 years ago I got pulled over in Anderson County for rolling a stop sign.  Deputy ran my serial numbers and told me to have a nice day, said he appreciated me informing him and didn't write me a ticket for the traffic violation.  I didn't mind him running my numbers because I have nothing to hide and cops that do this will get more stolen guns back to their rightful owners. 
  21.   This one was a Yuasa that I got at Mountain Motorsports.  I over paid for it but they kept my bike for 4 months for warranty work and killed the factory battery that was in it.  BTW it was more the fault of Suzuki Warranty than it was MMS for it being 4 months.  If anyone is considering buying a Suzuki Factory Warranty I can say that the $500 I have spent on it has saved me about $6,000 so far, I did however have to spend multiple hours on the phone and present my own service records after the dealer (Not MMS) recorded my mileage wrong between services and voided my warranty.  Only time I have ever had to threaten legal action against someone to get satisfaction.  But yes, I failed to put it on one of the 5 battery tenders that I have sitting in a box somewhere.
  22. I would attend but I' headed to Nashville to attend the rally at the Capitol and will not be back in time. 
  23. I'm going to be there for sure.  About to head to Nashville.  Remember what Hickok said, if you bring a sign, make sure all of the words are spelled correctly or you will wind up on the news.  It also will not hurt to take a shower and look presentable.  Let's show the public that we are regular, well educated people, not a bunch of redneck hillbillies.  I think I should be able to accomplish this feat for a couple of hours anyway.
  24. Went out Sunday on a bike I haven't had a chance to start in a couple of months.  Battery was dead as could be and wouldn't take a charge.  Only had it 14 months.  Battery from the factory lasted 4 years.


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