I have nothing against legitimate police officers. With that being said, this whole thing stinks. I understand shooting someone that has an AR drawn, but with no prior record and no evidence of illegal activity they should have just knocked....the guy is a freaking ex-marine. That should stand for something, that should have gotten him enough respect for a normal police department to say hey "this guy is just stuck in a crap neighborhood...lets send some regular blues to his door". Im sorry but they are lucky he didnt shoot first....if anyone knocked down my door im gonna go down in a hail of bullets or they are...no ifs ands or buts....you come into my house unannounced and 1 of us is going home in a body bag. How could he have known it was legitimate police and not some "gang bangers" out to rob him...he didnt, and he died doing the right thing(trying to protect his family)....I hope that everyone that was there on that warrant goes down in flames...this is just disgusting.