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Everything posted by Magiccarpetrides

  1. HAHAHA....no they dont easily go off and actually have a mag safety and manual safety so they can be carried safely in "rock and roll" mode.
  2. HAHA...its easy to get you Glock-Aholics worked up. Seriously Tungsten...as long as you have your wife to defend you with her real gun I think you will be ok.
  3. Rabbi, Im with you. I havent been carrying that long, and I do take it seriously but only to the extent to make sure its "safe". I feel as naked without it as I do my cell phone, but its definitely become a part of my daily routine to put it on in the morning much like brushing my teeth. It now surprises me when people look at me strange for carrying and where as before I kinda thought they were normal for being suspicious now I think they are weird for not carrying also.
  4. JOE, I think if Rabbi got them they might go under his ******** specials section like the venerable Mr. Kuehlenberg ;-D Rabbi is a little more blunt then you :-D Though thats not a bad thing either...you both are pretty cool guys...now if I could just get the both of you to move a lil closer to Knoxville.
  5. LOL one of my friends thats a chick wants a Hello Kitty rifle....I told her HELL-o NO shes Puerto Rican and crazy enough without owning firearms. Thats one girl I dont want to get into shooting.
  6. Congrats on the SIG...you wont regret it. I have 13 guns and if I could only keep one it would be my Sig 229 (which unfortunately is the only SIG i currently own).
  7. Poet...im sure someone will give you the exacts, but to the best of my knowledge just a valid driver's license so they can run a background check.
  8. Guns and More moved to Papermill FYI...dont know the new addy.
  9. You know www.bulletproofme.com actually sells old surplus kevlar for $25...thought about buying some to plink at. Willis...no prob on the site info...i use it a lot, be careful when ordering ammo though as far as shipping. They actually charged me $10 less for 500 rds then when i priced out 250 lol.
  10. If you ever come up to knoxville I will let you try some just gimme a shout.
  11. Just got my COMP-Tac Infidel....I will try wearing it all day tomorrow and see how it goes. First impressions are that I will have to wear an undershirt that tucks into my pants and that while concealing well its not the most comfortable draw position...where exactly is it supposed to be worn at 4 o'clock? UPDATE: Its almost 11 and so far still pretty comfortable. Tucked in under shirt with loose fitting over shirt. Conceals great and doesnt print...still dont know about how quick I could actually get the thing out...course im used to the convenience of a pocket carried J-Frame
  12. hehehehe....start em young...I take it you meant "airsoft" m4 right?
  13. A proper mullet need not be taxi-dermed just vacuum sealed. The gel is a non-issue because a proper mullet is not over-gel'd Just gel'd enough to add shimmer not grease. go to www.ratemymullet.com for more pointers and info.
  14. Hellz yeah...im not a big Glock fan but next to a Beretta 93r thats my favorite machine pistol....does it have an Estended on it?
  15. I went ahead and got this for the extra $30.00 Thought it would make for better defensive ammo if I had to use it as such. http://ammunitiontogo.com/catalog1/product_info.php?pName=500rds-40-sw-federal-le-reclassified-135gr-hst-hp-ammo&cName=40-sw-hollow-point-ammo I also picked up some Centurion HD Ammo and some Low Recoil Nickel Plated Fiocchi 00 Buck :-D
  16. Is your Glock 19 FA or did you just post a picture of it for ****s and Giggles??
  17. Im leanin towards his fault; not FN's since I have never heard of one ka-boomin with factory ammo. I can absolutely blaze away with this gun and not have one FTF or FTE.
  18. It seems like 229's are all over the map these days. I have seen them from $500-850 for standard DA/SA models
  19. Not that I can see...it is very strange....I have pretty much disassembled the thing to get a better look and it didnt help...I wonder If I can get her back together lol.
  20. Quite long...definitely a full size. Type in mossberg 500at on gunbroker and you will see what I got to work with. Edit: before the dowel came out it made a rattling noise in the tube...I dont hear any more rattles.
  21. Oh lol...I was under the impression it happened to you. I have not seen this problem happen to anyone else So Carry Away is what I say ;-D
  22. I wonder if this has been corrected on the USG as thats what I have. Might be a possible reason the IOM was discontinued....I love mine...this is some depressing news...Im glad your alright. have you contacted FN yet? You might want to talk to Bob Ailes If im doing this correctly I would say absolute maximum an 1/8 in on my USG


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