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Everything posted by Magiccarpetrides

  1. the EMP in 9mm is pretty sweet...I could only imagine the .40 would be as well. If you take care of it the EMP should hold its value since they are quite rare. My vote would go to the EMP...I hear nothing but good things about Springfields Customer service should you have issues later.
  2. Oh god we dont need a Cbob vs Glock arguement.....even with overruns the Cbob is 100x better looking Oh wait...did I just start flinging Sorry A lot of dealers were giving discounts on the "overruns" last time I checked because they had recieved one in turn. For the money in the 1911 platform I believe its very hard to beat a Dan Wesson...mines just a .45 not a 10mm but its reliable as all get out and takes a daily beating and still has yet to have any hiccups.
  3. Wow...you got some nice firearms. I recommend and Eotech or Acog...they are both great....course iron sights are never a bad choice either. Gorgeous rifle btw.
  4. Thats a nice one there mark. Nate...yeah I should charge AIM...I do check there site at least once a day though lol. I have always had excellent service from them.
  5. Congratulations....its an experience thats for sure!
  6. One of these days I plan on adding one to my collection...I have always been fond of that revolver
  7. His opinion on energy reform as relating to the 70's energy crises and America making almost zero progress because oil got "cheap" again is spot on. Im afraid its about to happen again and the whole electric/hybrid car evolution might stall. I sale cars for a living and I would seriously welcome some alternative fuel sources even if it does hurt my business.
  8. linky for those that have money (unfortunately i am not in that group) Not a bad price on the .45 Beretta Storm either. http://www.aimsurplus.com/acatalog/Private_collection_Sale.html
  9. very nice! Congrats! Hehe....pellet pistol lol
  10. awesome first rifle(or last or third or 30th lol)...im jealous! (I dont have an AR)
  11. Well...Coal Creeks Slogan is "Automatics for the People" so thats kinda close...I got one of their stickers on my safe.
  12. I say keep the 9mm and wait til you can afford a 38 snubbie to have as a bug or summer pocket gun.
  13. Yeah it reminds me of when I had the Supra and went to car meets lol. A million questions the only funny thing is no one so far has asked to shoot it. Depending on the person I would probably let them. If any of the people on here want too and bring their own FMJ brass ammo they can shoot til their bored for all I care.
  14. hahaha....good times
  15. Bone stock the 9mm/.380's run from 1200-1300rpm The Lage slow fire upper brings it down to a useable 600ish rpm and you can change it out with different bolts(at add'l cost) to up it to 750 or 900rpm
  16. Thats a pretty cool idea...though I assume carrying a loaded machine gun is a no no eh?
  17. Thanks Creeky...if your ever down my way just lemme know and your more then welcome to shoot it...just remember its BYOA ;-D
  18. I ordered mine very recently and it was about 3 months for the sighted upper. The rail only upper is almost 5 months! Im number 327 for the .22 upper he is gonna produce sometime this year hopefully lol. So maybe by 2012 mine will be ready
  19. Wish I wasnt broke and hadnt just figured out how much more I have to give the gov'mt this year :-( Great deal Joe. For anyone thinking the .32cal is underpowered Buffalo Bore makes some excellent self defense ammo that will kill anything two legged short of a 300lb crack head.
  20. The reason I prefer a 1911 is because for me personally it points easier then any other gun I own. I also find the trigger the easiest to shoot rapid when combined with the "push" of the .45acp Also mine exhibits amazing reliability...I have never had a single FTF or FTE since its been my carry even when I have been quite lax on cleanings and it has turned into a lint trap in my M-Tac.
  21. Welcome to the site...I grew up in Maryville...live in Knoxville now. We need to get together for some shooting sometime at either Gunnys or Coal Creek Armory. Im sure if you PM an admin they would be happy to participate with an event that supports gun ownership.
  22. Dicks does manage to have shotties at a great price. I know Tungsten likes his 930spx if your looking for an auto I dont see how you could go wrong at that price. Pump wise I think my 870 is smoother then my 500 but my experience there is very limited.
  23. The Knoxville Wally Worlds are selling the wwb 100rd 9mm boxes for $19.97 I bought two and grimaced....but the M11/9 is hungry and has to be fed a steady diet of Brass only ammo
  24. I know its not what you wanted, but a 401k is a better option. Just go the low risk bond route if your less risk oriented. In the end the results are better for you since it cant be taken away.
  25. If you have the cash you can offer them a lower amount and 9/10 times they will take it. Like buying anything else used its typically negotiable. Last time I bought a gun at a pawn shop they were asking $450+++ and i got out the door at $450 even.


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