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About EastHipster

  • Birthday 09/20/1967

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  • Location
    Nashville, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • NRA

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  1. Ulti Mag Chambered for 2 3/4, 3 & 3 1/2 in shells A few scuffs Shotgun Bag included Fiber Optic sights a stack of ammo…Turkey load, buck shot, personal defense, target $300 no trades North edge of Nashville
  2. The 17 is easier for me to operate and shoot. You can carry it...a bit more work I guess. The 19 is easier to carry. A baby glock is even easier
  3. Wow....I had no idea it was that high. I accidentally let mine expire gotta start over
  4. I'm sure I'm in the minority....but I don't like them. A good set of pliers, a multi screw driver and a good knife serves me better than my multi tools. i do carry a tiny leather man style, small tweezers and eyeglass screwdriver. Again, they work better than multi tools
  5. I recently moved to Hendersonville not far from Rockland and Drakes Creek. Any suggestions on some good shore fishing? i work at home so I can sneak out on weekdays....
  6. Mine is an Applegate Combat Folder 'first production run' that I got in the 90's. i switched to an Emerson Karambit for a bit and sometimes carry fixed blades or neck knives but the Combat Folder just feels right to me.
  7. I know this is obvious...BUT WEAR GLOVES when spraying permethrin. I was putting some on my boots and it ran onto my fingers. I IMMEDIATELY washed my hands with orange hand cleaner... I could still feel it tingling for several days. Nasty stuff. That said, yesterday I accidentally shot an arrow about 10 feet into the tree line in my back yard. I walked straight through the shortest brush (a little above ankle high....picked it up and walked straight out. I had two ticks on my legs that fast.
  8. Good tip. Kroger has had the wine aisle set up for a while now. Will check
  9. Touring with weapons can get tricky. Unplanned added shows in no carry states....traffic stops, venues with tight security...unexpected fly dates added while you're already out.
  10. I put an upgraded trigger on my Glock and tested to see how 'easy' an AD would be. i had to pull and hold a thick fleece jacket (couldn't get it to happen with a T shirt) through the trigger guard and push really hard into the holster to get it to 'click'.
  11. I've had a wilderness instructor for about 4 years. Nothing fancy. Bulletproof
  12. He's a goofball but it's fun to watch
  13. I didn't hear any this year during big Deer season in Whites Creek. 2 years ago they were very vocal


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