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XS Big Dot 24/7 tritium sights
Rifleman replied to downtown's topic in Firearms Gear and Accessories
The Outpost installs Glock Big Dots for FREE with purchase. 15 bucks if you bring your own. There is a price list behind the counter that covers all pistol sight install prices. -
Excellent point. edit to add: I did not intend for you to actually respond as to what you would do if it came to bearing arms. Purely rhetorical. Excellent answer though.
I cannot answer for Shay, but there are veterans of combat in those photos. I can say that because I recognize them. More to the matter, what is being taught in that course IS NOT military operations. Rules of engagement and SOPs are much different for civilians working PSD. The majority of people who received standard training in the military would not know where to begin on many of the topics covered in that particular course. I have not taken that course, but I plan to soon. I have taken several other courses from TR. I have learned how to survive an ambush at an ATM, the legal implications of shooting someone, how to thwart a home invasion and protecting my family. They do not teach you any of that stuff in the Army, Marines, Navy, or Air Force. I would not use someones service in the military as the basis for measuring competence in teaching every subject matter involving personal defense, or defense of a client. If TR was teaching how to direct artillery, calling in close air support, attacking enemy emplacements, or any other type of military maneuvers this would be a valid point. Some of the instructor I have met through TR have also done those things to great success and would be qualified to teach that, but why would they? You can get all that by enlisting. Many of these private training companies are in business because they are teaching things that are not taught by the government, or at least not yet.
Tungsten, may I offer another perspective? In your signature line you have a quote warning people of being enslaved by tyranny. And you issue the challenge "COME AND TAKE THEM!" What will you do it THEY come to take them? If you believe the "keep arms" part of the second amendment it would silly to ignore the "bear arms" part. If you own a weapon that was designed to fight with, and that is the one of the purposes you own it for, learn to do so. Simply owning cool guns does not keep evil in check.
Hick's Law 1952: for every response choice added, the amount of time required to react nearly doubles. Summary: do it only one way all the time, every time and you will be less likely to stumble when a response is needed.
No metal detector = Carry Metal detector= No Carry
If it gets really bad, Camden has the nicest McDonald's I have ever seen. I wonder if they are open 24 hours?
I just registered. I hope nothing eats US! I like this part: "Students are asked not to bring space blankets, parachute cord, food, compasses, backpacks, waist packs or any other non-typical items that will not be found in anyone’s pocket on an ordinary day." People envision themselves as having all this neet equipment if something bad happens. What if you don't?
50% of assaults are perpetrated by MULTIPLE assailants. (I hate stating statistics without some resource, can anyone back this up?) Multiple hits are often required to stop an attacker. What if there are three, four, a carload? What if you miss with the first four shots? Yes that can happen if someone is actively beating you with a 2x4. READ JIM CIRRILO'S BOOK! Possibly more important than having more firepower is the ability to fix a stoppage with a fresh mag. Magazines can be very finicky, even a small amount of lint in the right place can send your gun screeching to halt. Carry a spare mag. Better yet also carry a spare gun in your pocket. S&W J frames are nice.
Shay, do you mean On Killing by Grossman? That book is next in my "to read" stack.
One more thing to keep in mind. All of these guys who run successful training outfits have type A personalities and rock solid opinions on what they teach from techniques to gear. (I would be worried if they didn't) That just comes with the territory. Clint Smith, Gabe Suarez, Pat Rogers to name a few. Read some of their stuff, you will see what I am talking about.
Big muscles, web gear, and cool guns will not save your life. Train your brain. Principles of Personal Defense, Jeff Cooper. Concentrated wisdom from a master. A timeless classic. Gun, Bullets, and Gunfighters, Jim Cirillo This is man and this book are way underrated. Cirillo was a member of the NYCPD Stakeout Squad. In just six years he walked away form SEVENTEEN gunfights victorious, often against multiple opponents. He has something to say to anyone who carries a gun. The Book of Five Rings, Miyamoto Musashi 1643 Another man who walked away from many duels. Philosophy and mindset. The Farnam Method of Defensive Shotgun and Rifle Shooting, John Farnam. Accomplished trainer and military and LE veteran. Practical advice for self defense with real guns. Also has a book on handguns I have not read. Surgical Speed Shooting, Andy Stanford. Not the traditional Modern Technique coined by Cooper, but you cannot argue with the results of what Andy teaches. I plan on taking the class of the same name from Stanford next time I get the chance. Add to this list.
The Tueller drill. I witnessed this several times over at the last force on force class I attended. I also participated, I was the guy with the gun and the guy with the knife. From 21 feet almost everyone was able to get a shot into the attacker charging with the knife. The horrifying reality is you are probably going to get cut regardless. Your chances go way up if you MOVE! Move as if someone was trying to cut you with a knife.
I see your point.
As someone who has been through a fair amount of training courses may I offer some advice? I would not cross this school off my list (or any school) because the owner is not courteous enough to make an appointment, or has strong feelings about a type of gun. He probably has some very good reasons for his opinions, and may have something valuable to teach. This is what is known as instructor shopping. It is not always a good idea to judge the school based on the reputation (good or bad) of the director. I know because I did it when I first got started. Then a wise 5th group Master Sargent told me to stop picking apart instructors and just go listen and learn. If you disagree with everything the guy teaches, you can throw it away. You still got two or three days of concentrated time using your gun without interruption and that is always valuable. Mr. Tune as stubborn and rude as he may be could pass one little thing on to you that may one day save a life. This is why Tactical Response does not announce who will be teaching a particular course. They don't want people coming just to see Mickey Mouse (Yeager). Go to a school with wide open mind, no ego, ready to learn and see what you take away. If at the end of the experience it is disappointing, don't go back. If you feel enlightened, consider seeing what else they have to teach.
Marswolf, I would like to respectfully request you qualify yourself for some of the statements you make in this training forum. The only reason I ask for something like this is because you have so many discouraging things to say to people considering training and I am wondering what your motives are (I do not like to guess or make assumptions) You have even stated civilians who receive tactical training "look silly" and are making "an attempt at reflected and false glory that has not been earned". Are you a professional tactical or firearms instructor? Have you received any training from professional instructors other than government issued training? If so what courses have you completed with what outfits?
Ronnie will be on NRA news tonight at 8:45 pm CST discussing the Illinois an New Jersey proposed bans. It is on Sirius 144 Or on the net at NRA News
This has been an interesting conversation, but I have to leave for a while.
I think it is a responsible citizens right and responsibility to learn these skills even if you do not have badge or uniform. Many provide valuable service to their country and have never worn a uniform. Our military is the greatest fighting force that has ever existed and to them the highest respect is due, but I cannot stand it when people talk about civilians as second class citizens who are "undeserving" to receive the best training or own weapons. This nations freedom was not won by professional soldiers alone. It was a lot of fathers who put down their plow and picked up a rifle leaving everything else behind.
Good point. If they are people who want to learn to use a carbine to provide defensive cover fire while wearing body armor, communicating, and moving to and from cover, I guess I am a wannabe. Where do I sign up?
All of those pictures are what people actually show up with. That is just the way it is. I have been at least one class with SEALS, cops, soldiers a marine, and civilians. Obviously all those people had different gear. So someone who may look like a "wannabe" may be some battle hardened warrior who has killed more people than drunk driving. You never now. Yes, some people show up to a pistol class with a drop leg rig they will never use. I think they will learn through further training and realize the benefits of actually training with the gear they carry. There are also civilians who realize they may be preparing for the absolute worst scenario. They are possibly better trained and equipped than most of the military. I salute them, they are doing a patriotic duty and are actually exercising the "bear" part of the Right to Keep and Bear arms. And yes, some guys are playing games and in it for the hobby, or the sport of collecting training. They are not hurting anyone though. Here are some pics from the last Fighting Pistol class I was in. Just normal people with regular carry gear. We even had two women!
In this society (and most others) men are expected to the be the hunters, protectors, warriors etc. Women are expected to mothers. That is no way meant to down play women, on the contrary motherhood (and parenting) is one of the most important jobs that shapes the future of this world. So I am saying a bit of this reluctance for women to become warriors is prewired either by the Creator or thousands of years of society influence. My wifes trains to some degree and has a desire to do more. She is signed up for Force on Force now. Having children awakens the "protector" in moms. Reading "The Gift of Fear" had a big impact on her. I also point out the bad things seen or heard on the news especially when they happen at the places we all go, malls, schools ets. Try to make them realize this stuff comes in to our pretty little worlds.
I have dueled a few times with UTM marking guns. The guy who aims with his sights always hits, the guy who "point shoots" might get a hit, they guy who does not stand still rarely gets hit.
Big Dots
I have had one low light training class using handguns. The handheld light is the most versatile tool in my opinion. I own a handgun mounted light, and would use it. I feel that first learning how to use a hand held is extremely valuable.