October 28, 2008
Categories: McCain
Gloomy Republicans are happy to get whatever slice of good news they can, and once again Joe Biden is the bearer of gifts.
"It should go to middle-class people," Biden said yesterday in Pennsylvania of Obama's tax cut plan. "People making under $150,000 a year."
Obama has repeatedly said it would be those making under $250,000 who would get relief.
Perhaps just a verbal slip-up, but it plays into the GOP claim that the Democrat's tax hike will inevitably "creep down."
McCain, speaking in Hershey, PA, today, jumped on Biden's statement, according to Lisa Lerer.
"Senator Obama has made a lot of promises," McCain said. "First he said people making less than $250,000 would benefit from his plan, then this weekend he announced in an ad that if you're a family making less than $200,000, you'll benefit — but yesterday, right here in Pennsylvania, Sen. Biden said tax relief should only go to "middle-class people — people making under $150,000 a year." You getting an idea of what’s on their mind. A little sneak peek. It's interesting how their definition of rich has a way of creeping down.
UPDATE: Obama's campaign responds, sort of, to McCain's attack, reiterating that their plan is to cut taxes for those making under $250K and ignoring Biden's reference to $150K.
Sayeth Tommy Vietor:
"As Obama and Biden have always said, under their plan no family making less than $250,000 will see their taxes increase one cent. And if your family makes less than $200,000 — as 95 percent of workers and their families do — you’ll get a tax cut."