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221 Fireball

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Everything posted by 221 Fireball

  1. Any of the above mentioned are great guns. To me, the most important is how well it fits and feels to the individual shooting it. When I switched to O/U, I started with a Red Label because I liked the looks. That was the wrong answer, because it never felt right to shoulder and my clay targets busted reflected that! Then I started shooting some friends' O/Us at the range to see what I liked. Of all, I found the underrated CZ felt really good. I bought a CZ and then a Beretta...kept them both for awhile and sold the Beretta, realizing that the CZ was my fit. They're less money and not as 'frilly' but I've burned a lot of rounds through mine with no problems. I love it. Check out their website. http://www.cz-usa.com/products/by-category/shotguns/   But Runco is correct about the Citori, its a great gun. I still have a Browning Gold Hunter ... I've never been disappointed with a Browning.
  2. Was good to finally meet biker trash there, not really the scary guy I expected. Did you really ride with the Hells Angels? :ugh: ........... :rofl:
  3. Another great day of shooting, and a great squad. A big thanks to the ROs for keeping it safe and fun.
  4. Yeah, I can relate to that previous life. But when I sold my evil assault weapon, I kept a bunch of those low price rounds, so I have a pretty good supply of ammo. But the handloading is really impressing me with this rifle, as the military stuff I tried really didn't group well, but makes a good stash for SHTF shtuff.   I looked at a CZ, which I really like their rifles, that's what my Fireball is, but I came across this M77 Ruger and its pretty nice.
  5. Went to the range today...with two loads, the 2.175 length and some 2.165 length. The 2.175s went MOA at 50 yards (only 7x scope, so kept the range short to cut down on human error, me), the deeper seated 2.165 three shot groups all touched for nice ragged clover hole, under 1/2". So much for the theory that bullet should be close as possible to the lands for tightest group. The 2.165s seat the bullet better than halfway down the neck. Think I'll run 100 of them and try recovering some bullets to check for expansion. This is going to be a fun gun, recoil is minimal, I can stay on target through the scope. Groundhogs beware. Been wanting a 7.62x39 bolt for awhile, because I though it be a great plinking centerfire rifle ... I think I'm on the right track. Any other "7/39" bolt owners out there?
  6. Guess putting a Tapco stock on my Winchester 94 would not be cool with this crowd. :ugh:
  7. Reloaders Bench has a good stock on them right now. Supposedly, they can't sell them higher then Dillion does, so check the website for price first. Something about Dillion having fixed pricing on their products.
  8. Working on a new reload project, thought I'd ask for some weigh-in from my TGO subject matter experts. I've got a Ruger M77 in 7.62x39 with a .308 bore. I've got some .308 Sierra Varminter HP 110 grainers I want to use. I've gone through five loading manuals but cannot find an O.A.L. for that particular bullet. I'm using 24 grains of 4198, and my Hornady manual says 2.200 for the 110 spirepoint. Those HPs though are really short and even at 2.175, there not seated very deep into the neck, maybe a third in. I feel I should maybe seat even deeper, but that's going to really back me off the lands. At 2.175 it does feed easy and the bolt closes smoothly.   Any reloaders out there ever use this bullet? Any ideas for a starter depth?
  9. Man, I could whack some weeds with that!
  10. Guess I need to watch that movie :popcorn:   So was that the movie where during a shootout, they kept pulling out longer and longer barrel pistols trying to itimidate the other thug? Or was that a different movie? Saw one like that a long, long time ago.
  11. Nice, I've got a 1965 Hi-Power and love it. Just fits my hand so well.
  12.   Don't we all ... don't we all. :)
  13. JAB, read the side of the bait tank at the minner shop ... ya got to quit buying those dang Chinese minnows! :rofl:
  14. Gallatin IDPA matches are open to the public, and you don't have to be classified. You just have to be at the gate and have a member let you in. When you go into the steam plant, you'll come to a "guard shack" (won't be anyone in it), turn right there, and go down about a hundred yards and the gate is on the right, right past the new construction.
  15. Deep breaths everybody,,,deep breaths. :pleased:   I like Reloaders Bench, they've always been priced at what I call normal suggested retail (or market price), no bargains, but they usually had anything you needed. Things are wacky right now, so they have their troubles as well. As a small business, I can bet they aren't getting the wholesale prices they once had either, so you can't expect them to sell at 'normal' prices.   I've posted it before...until everybody quits buying ammo at ridiculous prices, ridiculous prices will stay. I will not pay $30 or $40 for a .22 brick, much less $50 or $60! I've been doing some fishing lately, minnows have not gone up at all. :pleased:
  16. My brother deer hunts with a Weatherby .300 mag., using Nosler 165gr ballistic tips. The golf ball size exit hole is impressive, and as he'll tell you, "I don't eat ribs, and don't have to track 'em."   I use a 7/08 with 140 gr Nosler ballistic tips ... I have to track them...sometimes...but I always find them.   But I will admit, drop dead in tracks is a blessing if you're hunting hills and 'hollars'...especially if you're on the hill and your deer goes down the 'hollar'!
  17. Hmmmm, those mobile rocket launchers almost look like models from Godzilla ... LOL
  18. Greg, Great story ... and beautiful rifles. Here's an idea you may want to consider. Write down on paper a short article about those rifles ... the history, specs, what they meant to your father, what they mean to you, and what you want your kids to know later down the road about the whole story when they get older. Then seal it and put it in safe keeping. A lot of things said get forgotten over time, dried ink does not forget. I'm fortunate to have my 35 year-old-son close by and we still shoot together when we can. I'll start to talk about this or that gun of mine and a deer story behind it, or where and when I got that gun and he won't remember that I told him those same stories 25 years ago. So I've started to write down information on my favorite guns and their history as I now have three grandsons. None are old enough to shoot yet, but I have some rifles earmarked for them. There are no guarantees in life, so I want a record of my firearm legacy to them, in case I'm not around, because one day it will matter to them. Walt
  19. Dang...that scared the bejesus out of me! Don't do that!
  20. I'm with ya Will, but wish I would've waited for the explanation, because I slugged my barrel and now my hand is sore as hell! :rofl:
  21. Seems like a lot of concern over selling a box of ammo among us otherwise pretty decent folks ... especially when I saw on the news last week that prison inmates filed more than 173,000 fraudulent tax returns last year ... and the IRS can't get a handle on it. :yuck:   ...just saying :pleased:
  22. The world has really gone crazy. :puke:
  23.   Totally agree ... WE need to just say NO to overpriced ammo. And we need to start here. One only has to look at our own TGO classifieds to see the profit making going on with ammo. It has caused an artificial shortage in my opinion. If WE would just suck it up and do without for a few months, I believe the gougers would go away. Everyone has some stash for SHTF stuff, but to keep buying at ridiculous prices makes no sense. If you're a target shooter, shoot up some of your old stuff or grab a pole and go fishing instead for a couple months and wait. I mean, how fun would target shooting be if you're burning $1 a round .223 or plinking .22s at 15-20 cents a shot!?  Here's an interesting video on the subject and I believe has merit...    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjVqZ_--0Cs
  24. Guess I'm old school about my 1911s. To me, FS is like putting spinners on a 57 Chevy ... but hey, we got some fun conversation out of the post :popcorn:
  25. Wow ... looks like I'm preaching to the choir. So Steelharp, what's the practical you see about the forward cuts? I mean if you want to check if loaded, how 'bout tug at the rear with the muzzle down and forward.


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