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Everything posted by keeterbird

  1. keeterbird

    cz 75

    Love my CZ75BD because it has never met a bullet it did not like.  The cheap Russians do as well as Winchester
  2. My first handgun was a H&R 929 with four inch barrel. I sold it in college, but found one about a year ago. I was excited to get one like it. Early memories are strong.
  3. b/c CZs arethe most comfortable handguns, I could shoot mine all day. You will find your own reason to love them. They do multiply.
  4. look up czechpoint.com.  they have some ready to  come back as soon as they get their military rifles up to date.
  5. The H&R 929 was my first handgun. I can't remember when I traded it. I found one recently and now shoot it once a week-about 100 rounds. It is not nearly as accurate as the Ruger single-six, but a lot of fun and fairly accurate. It takes me back to the days when even as a teen I could afford to go out and shoot it. The single action is good the double is just fun. I have had only a few rounds that did not fire. It was my rabbit gun, but when I was young most of them were safe. I think you will grow to love it.
  6. I have two, one is deadly accurate, and one shoots low. The big problem is finding magazines that work. I have a bunch and they keep the gun from going into battery. Finding a good ORIGINAL seems to be difficult. Keeterbird
  7. I had the problem. Solved it by tri-focals. They are great.
  8. I have a similar model S & W. Mine is 29xxx serial number and nickel. I'm told it was a pre-model 10 dated from about war time. I paid $250. Don't know if that helps
  9. I have two CZ52 handguns. They are awesome. I have one that shoots low and one that shoots right on. I never figured it out.
  10. I have two and like the gun. Problem for me is the magazines. I have two that work well and four that are not reliable. The surplus ones are the best. Don't get the ones from Sportsmans Guide; I had my share of trouble from them. The gun is great though.
  11. I have been using Gunzilla for about two years, and even just in the dark closet I don't have any rust problem. Don't know how it works but it seems to.
  12. have one and like it. It is accurate beyond words. The 2action trigger is a bit still, but I got used to it after only 1k ROUNDS. It is almost as accurate as my Ruger. Let me know how the spring changes effect it.
  13. I have two colts left. Traded off a few, but I have kept two Official Police both of the early 50s vintage. I they have not had any problems and are still accurate, even with all the blue worn off. Triggers work well still. I have a smith early model 10, and it too shoots well and accurately. Maybe the old ones will last forever.
  14. keeterbird

    Ruger Single six

    I have one with over 5K rounds through it, and I only like it more each time I fire it. The price seens excellent, If it shoots well, and I can't imagine that it won't.
  15. You will love it. I do. Then you get a Makarov, and the beat goes on. The CZ-82 and the Makarov are perfect shooting guns for their age and the shell. I don't carry them, but love to shoot 12.50 a box ammo!
  16. I have 4 CZs. Love every one of them, even the 52! The gun is reliable, and accurate, but for me the grips are great. They just seem to fit me. I suppose that is quite accurate, and with the PO-1, the grip is shorter, but does not seem to be uncomfortable like the short glock. At least for me.
  17. try a dab of Gunzilla.
  18. I had a 24/7 pro 40 cal. It was reasonable and I never had a FTF. It was reliable and comfortable, however, I also had problems hitting the target. I'm not a great shot by any measure, but mine shot low, very low. I traded it for a Taurus Tracker and it is the most accurate in the world. In both cases the Taurus is still very comfortable to carry, one I can shoot and one I can't. I just stay with my abilities. I applaud you for keeping shopping local.
  19. My favorite is a Ruger Single-six in 6 inch. I have over 5K through it without a failure and accuracy is still good I also have a double action,, A Taurus Tracker in 6 in. Smooth and accurate. I paid $300 for it and like it very much, but my love is the single six. Look for TRACkER 22 and see how you like it.
  20. I use gunzilla with all my weapons. I have found similar red stuff in the fluid. I don't use much, but I was wondering if it could be the micro corrosive stuff from the original ammo. I'm currently using it in an 03-A3. Just to test my theory. I have found no problems with the weapon using gunzilla. any other theories?
  21. Hope you managed to find the ammo. I love shooting mine. Thanks to you, I put it in the range bag. Ammo is cheap, Just received 1k and paid $217. I will be a couple of hundred less today.
  22. I guess the most comfortable for me would be the cz82. That is followed by the CZ75B. What can I say, I think I have Czech hands.
  23. Ruger Single 6, 6" is something you might look at. Mine is accurate and just fun to shoot. One nice thing is that it takes a while to load the single action and that gives one a lot of time to view targets and to visit with co-shooters. I have over 5K on mine.
  24. I have two Bulgarians and they shoot eveeeeverryyy thing. I have not had a stovepipe at all. Use them with Wolf and Brown Bear mostly; all the same,I just love plinking with it. At the height of the ammo shortage, I could still get a thousand for $146. It may not be the strongest round, but for plinking: Availability is first. Price is second.
  25. keeterbird

    CZ 52 or TT-33?

    I have three CX52s. Love them. They can clean out a range. Folks will gather to see what you are shooting. They are study. I have never broken a firing pin and my decocker works in all of them. Two are right on and one seems to shoot low. It takes me a few magazines to get on target with this one. Each has 3K rounds through them. My TOK just seems to shoot easier and is dead accurate. I still haven't figured out why I love the 52s.


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