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Everything posted by zapfbroad

  1. scott layden @ benchmark home loans / stewart strickland @ benchmark / greg goodman @ swbc / shawn kaplan @ access national mort. / jim hodges @ acme mort. corp. / mac mcreary @ cendera / shane atwell @ primary residential mort. / tonya esquibel @ swbc just a few names of mortgage loan people to bounce out.. i really like scott, he's pretty dang smart on the numbers. are you not using a realtor ? they should be able to provide you with a few recommendations as well as give you a timeline idea of requirements and estimates. what happens next, next, next, etc.. it's a complicated world to navigate without getting burned. im sure there are a few agents/brokers on here somewhere too that can chime in with more ideas
  2. My wife has always approved of my carrying but two weeks ago told me she wanted to go to the range and shoot again (not related to CO but to an incident with a coworker who had an attempted home invasion). We've been fortunate that all the guys at the ranges have been exceedingly polite & pleasant to my wife so she feels comfortable shooting and enjoys the time together. Finally decided she not only wants to get an HCP but she want's her own gun for her birthday. We're leaning toward the SR40C, she really likes the feel of it in her hand. Actually, I really liked it myself & may look for a twofer deal lol. She had been lookin at concealed carry purses on etsy in the middle of the night but didn't find anything not ugly. Amazon has a lot of concealed carry purses she can look at. I think one of the biggest things keeping my wife from carrying has been the 'how to' with women's clothing. She really liked seeing options in action. This one is popular and it got all sortsa wheels turning in the missus head. There are several other vids that she may find to help her figure out how she can best carry. Glad she's excited about it! Congrats! http://youtu.be/ogGBPVk5GQk
  3. i wanna see the dash cam footage
  4. grammar actually
  5. Dan Cathy isn't a politician. He's a businessman, whose father 'single-handedly' built his business. The same day that Rahm Emanuel drew his line in the sand to support his unconstitutional stance he welcomed Louis Farrakhan to Chicago and embraced him publicly. That man is one of the most vitriol inciters of racism, anti-semitism & homophobia in the public eye of this nation. Thereafter, Rahm Emanuel's sentiments were affirmed by other like minded individuals in charge of running major metropolitan areas. Make no mistake this is more than just about one family's business or personal ethos. This is more than just about whether or not same-sex marriage is something that should be tolerated & accepted or if it is acceptable for the gay community to demand that non-gays also endorse & support their lifestyle choices. 35 years ago these politicians would have received short shrift from the media, the populace & their fellows in the government and sent home to pack for their new life in Mother Russia. The continued climate of political correctness has adjusted for such an erosion of morality and values that no longer is it acceptable to be a man of conviction and backbone like Dan Cathy. The assumption was that Chick-Fil-A would cave under the pressure of the juggernaut of Political Correctness and that this continued degradation of society would continue in it's declination. Fortunately, there are some other people who feel the need to take up a righteous fight and champion on behalf of Dan Cathy in order to symbolize that we have not forgotten who we are, where we came from, or what this country is about. A harmonic resonance to sweep the nation, complete with disbelief and discontent. That is why so many millions, yes across the country those numbers of people attending are in the millions, showed up to patron Chick-Fil-A. Some people weren't really even sure why they showed up, it's easy to fall in with Christ & the 1st amendment. It's inexorably difficult to continue that walk daily supporting and living the Gospel of Christ (or the 1st amendment). The 1st amendment is 1st because of the importance in the structure of our government. The view that a prohibition against a business because of the owner's viewpoint differing from that of a civic official where the business operates within is not part of democratic republic in which we live. It's the ideology of a totalitarian dictatorship. That pressure that many of you have articulated to go is a part of the struggle and it's admirable but it must be aligned in context of your freedom to do unto others, improve yourselves & contribute to society. When you live as a persecuted people it's not impossible but it's damn hard to lift up others. That's why now is one of the most important times in our country's history. We are at a demarcation in the road between two paths. We've been walking up to this fork for some time but it's important to pay attention, educate ourselves about the truth of the reality in which we live and make sure that we are walking the path We want to continue on towards our kingdom. People must truly stop trying to blindly live the soundbites of ideology that politicians are so willing to dole out by the cupful and examine, unpack, question, and consider. There is no constitutional right to marriage of a man and a woman. To continue this predilection of advocating a constitutional right for a man to marry a man or a woman a woman is simply pandering to a minority. 32 states including Rahm Emanuel's have decided that by popular vote that the state should not recognize gay marriage. Gay 'rights' advocates will not accept the populace's will, they must foist their will upon the populace by judge shopping. It is only by judicial decree that gay marriage is recognized. It is characterized as intolerance, bigotry, homophobia if you don't accept the gay advocates' perspective all designed to elicit an emotional response to conform. Why should two men be allowed to marry each other and be recognized as equal to a tradition that has dated back more than 2000 years? Why not a father & daughter of legal age without reproductive capability? A brother & sister? They love each other too. Why not allow a man and two women to marry? They all love each other and want to share health insurance and pass on estates as well. What gravity lends more credence to a homosexual couple as opposed to a polygynist or polyandrist? They conform more closely to the traditional societal view of marriage just in plurality. What about one woman & ten men, well it's not love but it's financially expedient so why should we judge? Outrageous & absurd to even ask? Well is it then? If we're going to advocate everyone having equal rights then regardless of income everyone should pay the same tax rate. Otherwise we're discriminating against the wealthy and successful. Taxes actually Are in the constitution. Article I. Section 8 of the US Constitution. This idea of equal rights seems to fail scrutiny when applied to this context. People do not have Equal rights, they have Inalienable Rights, they are Created Equal. It is essential to understand the defining difference in believing we have Inalienable Rights and Equal Rights. To continue to pursue a utopian society is folly that has historically been predicated by ruin. This is inarguable except that people choose not to pay attention to history or the present. It's far more comfortable to live in a fractionalized reality than to day in and day out accept and understand the difficulty of life and the rewards of success due to those challenges. To be clear, I could care less who marries who, let's get some birds involved right. I care what people tell me I Have to accept. That's Liberty. That is what is being eroded. There has been since Vietnam a pervasive effort to destroy the United States and remake it. The effort begins by saying, we're a bunch of elitists in the world (guilt). Look what they are doing over there (greener pasture). That's not as Hard for everybody, granted no One is likely to succeed beyond others individually but it's not about the individual it's about the society as a whole (easy solution). It finds a handhold in the hearts of many Americans because this echoes what Jesus said about peace and loving one another right? Washing feet and all that? But it lays scorn to the scouring of the wicked that God laid upon the world, the righteous fury in which God smote down the sinners, those were hard times. Times to make a man go to a mountain and pull his hair out and scream at the sky. Jesus and God one and the same, two sides of a coin. As I said it's easy to fall in with Christ. There's a band of troubadours 2000 years in front of us calling us to the party. It's God that comes to us alone, demands absolution and to look upon Oneself starkly with honest conviction that we did what was right and we face judgement for our choices. This is part of what I imagine Dan Cathy meant by saying we are shaking our fist at God.
  6. I really like this new artist http://youtu.be/RnlZ5BuwpM8
  7. I've driven across the country & it is a noticeable difference in road courtesy whenever I get within 25mi of the TN line. In TN it's like "well I have to go 5 or 6 exits on i-65/24 so I need to scoot way over to the left & practically park my ass doing 1mi over the speed limit of 70 and not move if someone is obviously floating along behind me doing 80, well hmmpf, they just need to slow down to the speed limit anyways so I'll help them out (oh but wait I didn't really even notice they were behind me for like 2 minutes, now I'm nervous and should slow down to 68)" Most other states people understand the slower traffic keep right means slower, not just slower than the speed limit, get out the way. but more importantly pay attention, who knows why i'm flying like that, maybe i'm a horrible driver and don't see you, it's in your interest to remove yourself from my path. My other pet peeve is when people will ride holding hands with others cars next to them and don't move forward or back to allow traffic to pass. But my favorite is when it's two+ lanes. im in lane a. lane b has 2 vehicles. obvious to me they have been in a line for a half mile. i'm attempting to speed past. within 50ft of my approach 2nd car in lane b must absolutely Now get into lane a and slowly pass the lead vehicle causing me to have to brake suddenly. sorry i drive alot, road courtesy in tn isn't that good
  8. When I was in elementary school me & several of my friends got to school super early because we walked. We would take turns holdin the door for every teacher the was comin in with their bags of stuff. It's still in me now, some people give funny looks, some guys will give the nod or 'thanks'. Women sometimes just waltz by like I'm in their way while others will actually pause, make eye contact, & say thank you. They have the oddest look like you just made their day...I think that keeps me doin it sometimes when ppl are rude repeatedly. Sometimes I have to remind my wife to let me get the door but she's gettin better lol. When people breeze by like I'm the footman of the castle & they just avoid looking at me I occasionally add a loud 'your welcome'. Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
  9. Might be due to water issues with the drought & heat. They may have shifted parcels to greener acres. Maybe just temp. I've been seein dear but different areas than 'usual' Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
  10. saw this about 6 months ago, i'm not informed enough Definitively to really know what to make of it though.. i try to avoid just chew/swallow without seein the cookin
  11. i saw this yesterday and was wonderin too
  12. I didn't shave for a year out of laziness, I looked like a 14 yr old puerto rican. Nobody in the family can grow a beard but I don't have much leg/arm hair either. I can't do long head hair its waay too nappy, thick & hot. Buzzcut every 4 weeks for 10 yrs. When I was in my teens I wanted nothing so much as the lorenzo lamas ponytail lol. I dont admit that often either wow Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
  13. http://youtu.be/IouUsPsUg4Y
  14. "Zoological institution" so I can get tossed then watch the monkeys toss poop. I've been missing out. Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
  15. I am actually a little perturbed by how unaffected I feel about the incident itself, perhaps it's shock but I feel more like I'm desensitized as David noted. I feel the majority of my feelings stem more from anticipating what may lie upon the horizon both in societal view influenced by propaganda and dogma as well as what could occur to adversely affect Me legislatively, albeit in a knee jerk reaction or in a moment capitalized upon by those whom guns give nightmares. Many people I have found discussing it in real life and on facebook and thus far I've refrained from commenting any in either of those venues. I am thankful that TGO provides some keystone of rational reason when, to be us, now is looked at more askance than a mere 6 months ago. Though we had no involvement (who the hell came up with the TN plates bit?). There is lots of uproar & outcry from the usual suspects including Bloomberg within 12 hours calling for sweeping bans and anal probes or whatever else that dribble was he uttered in his nonsensical cute way. Assault-rifle bans! High capacity clip(*flinch*,*sigh*) ban! Ratify UN treaty ('whispered'). I don't plan to engage too much of any discourse with anti-gunners about this but in a moment of panic (I feel a pressing need to buy more ammo and additional arms) I was struck by something said on the radio from a caller last night... though he vastly underestimated the figures involved...so to more accurately say it.. "As of 2009, the United States has a population of 307 million people. Based on production data from firearm manufacturers, there are roughly 300 million firearms owned by civilians in the United States as of 2010. Of these, about 100 million are handguns." Estimates vary about the gun/person (45-90%) ratio but it's not trackable when you take into account theft, illegal trade, legal trade, everything else undocumented, etc,etc,etc... Then I considered how much difficulty the government had in trying to perform a census in 2010 with compliance from most individuals and a lot of voluntary mail-in forms to count those 310+ million people. There is no feasible way our Highly Efficient Gov't could 'round-up' assault rifles. Surely someone would have to see the logistical impossibility of this given even 80%(hah?) cooperation of sorting through 200million long arms. I truly feel that no ban would ever pass, nor if it did, could anyone make more than cursory attempt at implementing it. But I still feel compelled to by more ammo go figure. So anyways if you find yourself stuck in an elevator with some granola munching, dirty hippy that keeps rubbin on the laminate wood paneling to try to figure out how to hug it and they insist on bringing up how those assault guns should be banned then I'm sorry. If you reach a point in a discussion with someone else in which you believe they would be willing to listen to some Reasonable Facts... http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp contains a lot of data directly from FBI and Dept of Justice reports. There are links in the extensive footnotes to the reports themselves. They can't come get em but they can make it hard as hell to get anymore of em. Pay attention people, do what ya can.
  16. the theater is posted no guns & alot of people present were under 21
  17. phil valentine 99.7wtn show talking about how the theater chain posting gun free zone invites criminals
  18. it says "near homes throughout Rutherford County." so apparently they drive around on your dime & put people in danger with their wicked evil heinous black high powered assault rifles that probably have exploding hollow points
  19. Welcome back to 1957 people... “He didn’t invent iron ore and blast furnaces, did he?†“Who?†“Rearden. He didn’t invent smelting and chemistry and air compression. He couldn’t have invented his Metal but for thousands and thousands of other people. His Metal! Why does he think it’s his? Why does he think it’s his invention? Everybody uses the work of everybody else. Nobody ever invents anything.†She said, puzzled, “But the iron ore and all those other things were there all the time. Why didn’t anybody else make that Metal, but Mr. Rearden did?†- Atlas Shrugged
  20. Id recommend wearin a robe versus any kind of waistbanded pants for the 1st few days & keep it iced. Worse pain of my life. I had inguinal in 04, out for 2 wks. Can't say enough about overdoing it afterwards. I had phantom pains for 6mo because I pushedtoo hard too soon Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
  21. yeah i'll probably immediately be transported via traincar to fema deathcamp #672
  22. So does anyone know if the new West Nashville Police Precinct is posted prohibiting carry? I'd hate to start off on a bad foot in a new building and all...
  23. excellent topic os! My first time to the range (also 1st time firing a handgun) was like a master class, killed that paper silhouette like a damn jedi boss. I told them it was my 1st time so they rented me a gun & sent a fellow down to show me some basics for 10 min to make sure I didn't kill anyone or myself. After the intro tutorial which I had theoretical reading knowledge of in advance he turned it over to me with a single bullet in the chamber. Ok, 1in north of bullseye center mass. He was like wow. Loaded up the mag & let me at it. Had 15+ red center mass shots & nearly a dozen wthin 1/4 inch back to back. If memory serves this was at roughly 10yds. He asked me 3 times "so this is your first time shooting?". Took my target sheet & went back out to get a few backslaps & handshakes from the ol timers & realized I was hooked. They proclaimed me a natural shooter & I went on my way after getting some suggestions of which gun they'd sell me etc. Now for the humility... Fast forward 9 years, I've come to understand that in that 'very' controlled setting my shooting meant nothing. I shot with ample rest between shots & probably one the greatest rushes of adrenaline I had ever experience. I was scared to death as I shot that first round it became crystalline clear that this projectile can end human life & what that means consequentially. I had the most vice like kung fu grip o death ever & think it a wonder I didn't get permanent grip checkering on my palm. I was so mentally & visually focused on the endgame of the hole appearing 'here' on the paper. Sadly to say my initial outing didn't determine the path of my arc of skill. I've experimented and tried multple different things but I am merely an Average shooter that needs a new eyeglass prescription again. It's like that 11yr old kid that makes the half court shot at halftime but gets cut from the team for dribbling lol. I think some of the most crucial aspects of good shooting are just like any other sport. Muscle memory, visual concentration, breathing, mental concentration X 100. These are all developed with practice but the mental focus seems to be the greatest variable that I would attribute to the variances of bad, good & great days. Some days I am an amazing billiards player others I'm just a novice in appearance. I believe that's why we keep going to shoot all the time, objectively speaking, shooting ought to seem as boring as teeing off 500 times but you continue to observe yourself and learn. But any olympic athlete of note will always ascribe the greatest variable of performance to mental performance so don't take my word for it. Just keep shooting. P.S. technique will be the tipping point from mediocrity to greatness Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2


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