I own a Lee Reloader and use it for .38 special all the time.
I will say I have added other parts to it over time.
I added the Lee auto-prime because as said before I was getting primer detonations as I was putting them together. I think this is expected when you use a hammer on a primer. LOL
I lube my cases with synthetic motor oil :panic: it seems to work fine to me. I resize them all wiping them off as I go. I then clean out the die so that powder does not stick to the insides.
I added a digital grains scale, and the Lee Perfect Powder Measure because the dipper was giving me very uneven loads. The measure setup is a lot better than the dippers.
Now that I look around I have most of the things built up over time that come in the big single press kit. I ordered the press and die set someone linked earlier. I ordered it in mid January, and do not expect to get it until early March.
Even though I will eventually replace it all, it was still very well worth it as even when replaced I will still have the ability to manually load at the range or in case my press breaks. That and the experience has been well worth it.
My current process on the cheap for 100 cases:
De-prime them all
Put them in an inside out sock and toss in the washing machine with the laundry
Resize them all and clean die when done
expand all mouths
Auto prime them all
powder them all with Powder measure
back into die for bullets and crimp on all