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Everything posted by leftyk82

  1. Yes matches are BYOA. I started out shooting PMC at 100yd reduced matches while learning the positions/fundamentals and working up a match load.
  2. While Mark is having his morning earl grey, I'll comment.   If you start with a stock M16A2, a competitive rifle would have a match barrel, free float tube, two-stage match trigger and 1/2 or 1/4 minute (preferably pinned) rear sight.   Some will add lead weights to the handguard and buttstock as well.    Add to that some match ammo and a sling and you'll be ready.
  3. not routinely, no.  but so far twice this year we've gone out to a friend's farm and worked on some tactical maneuvers; shooting on the move, hammer pairs, elevated heart rate shooting, full load out, etc.   i'm not mil or leo, just trying to mix things up and add tools to the toolbox.
  4. are you asking about CMP and NRA High Power Service Rifle matches?  if so, yes there is a good presence of those in the mid-state area.
  5. I'll be there with my wife and a Marine.
  6.   it's a still image from an iphone movie.  the frame must have caught it just right.
  7. Buddy of mine. Smoke, vapor trail, sweet.
  8. my hands measure 8.5" from palm to middle finger tip.   any full size glock with large backstraps are comfy to me.
  9. well, it sure was a hot day but i enjoyed my first match.  thanks to DMark for the instruction last week and for those in my group with the helpful hints.  i hope to do another one soon.
  10. i'll be there.  this will be my first IDPA match. 
  11. [quote name="bird333" post="1166246" timestamp="1404742956"]How fast do they ship?[/quote] I've had great service from them. Just placed an order this past week, it's due to my house on Friday.
  12.   ordered these.  Thanks for the recommendation!   would one need to add soft armor beneath these plates for comfort?  they will be in a Mayflower APC
  13. I'm going on 9/15-16
  14. Target, missing the mark
  15.   Totally agree on all points.  I have the ALG on a carbine but I won't rely on that rifle or trigger for supreme sub-MOA accuracy.   I've also had and subsequently sold the RR NM two stage.  Night and day differences my friend, night and day.
  16. hey J   i have the SSA-E on a 6.8 that i just built.   have you ever shot a two stage trigger?  if so, you'll know that most will be 4.5-6 lbs, well within tolerable limits and not a 'hair trigger'.  the take-up on the first stage on the SSA-E will be the majority of the entire pull weight and you can feel a distinct wall that you come up to.  just apply a bit more pressure (approx 1.5-2 lbs) and the trigger breaks like an icicle.     i don't think you can go wrong with any Geissele trigger or product……and for a target or hunting rifle, the SSA-E is a fine choice.  
  17. i've ordered 2,000 rounds from them before and got great shipping times.  i second the above, give 'em a call.
  18. [quote name="DMark" post="1156776" timestamp="1402281381"]At one of the tables there was a [u]real[/u] 1903A4 Sniper for sale. Did my best to buy it. The seller and I started at over a thousand + dollars apart from each other, but worked it down to a few hundred dollars difference between us. We just couldn't close the deal. It was still there when I left this afternoon. He has my card...... :x:[/quote] Thinking....I can live on one kidney right ???
  19. Thanks! That's pretty neat. I know nothing about knives at all.
  20. Worker told me they have 2100 guns in stock. I was pleased with the ammo and accessories selection. But the $599 used Glock made me cringe. Oh well, it's close to my house and will soon have reloading supplies I'm told
  21. Just left from there with a Mini Mag smile on my face
  22. [quote name="Dolomite_supafly" post="1155064" timestamp="1401807871"]I watched it over the weekend on Amazon. It is an amazing movie. Anyone else catch the fact Marcus was in a few scenes?[/quote] Yeah that was cool! Kind eerie that he was in the chinook
  23. [quote name="hughd" post="1154559" timestamp="1401710585"]I can't make out the markings...[/quote] Try this
  24. From what little I gather, this is my uncle's knife passed down from his father. Anyone know anything about it based on shape and markings? It could be a home build for all I know. I'm certainly not fluent in blades, so I thought I'd ask. Thanks.
  25. nice!   does this mean your Navy Garand is for sale?


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