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Everything posted by leftyk82

  1. Not sure of your budget but a good one for around $180 Konus Spot 80
  2.   and mine.  met him this morning.  smooth process with all my questions answered.
  3. This is one I wish I was in town for; been wanting to try this.
  4. Good start, I'm thinking of doing one myself. I know of some good 8.5" barrels......but they're in 6.8 SPC
  5. how have you frequent fliers verified your firearm contents once you arrive at your destination?   i'd imagine it might raise a few eyebrows to open your case inside the airport but i'd also want to make sure all is well before leaving.   advice?
  6. All too true, unfortunately.
  7. Anyone in the Mt Juliet area have an extra?
  8. I reload rifle cartridges only and just a few calibers; 223, 6.8 SPC and 30-06. Within those I load for general shooting and competition.     Dies for general shooting are RCBS and Redding, never an issue with either but their lock rings could be better (solved with Lyman/Forster lock rings).   For competition, Redding and Forster.  The Forster micrometer seating dies ensure bullet to case alignment for little to no runout and they are very simple to adjust; very important for the loads I use, but not so much for loading up plinking rounds.
  9. You should probably buy some extra G 21 mags I have listed :)
  10.   then i'd skip the brace mod and just buy a correct-fitting tube :)     better safe than sorry
  11. based on the above phrase, 'converted to a carbine'............did you make this into a rifle with a buttstock?  if so, technically/legally you cannot make it into a pistol, according to the BATFE.     stripped receiver -> pistol -> rifle = OK   stripped receiver -> rifle -> pistol = NOT OK   secondarily, modifying the brace at all, from what i've read, is also a no-no in order to stay legal in the AR pistol realm
  12. from jarheadtop.com, link below   Planning on going to Camp Perry for the National High-Power Rifle Matches for the first time? Here is some useful information to get started. If you have not shot Camp Perry before, you must contact the NRA competition division and ask them to put you on the list for a "packet." Call 1-800-672-3888, push option six, then extension 1475 and the pound (#) sign. NRA will send the packets out about June 1st, make sure you fill it out and send it back right away. One year I waited till just before the date on which you have to pay a late fee and I found myself on the waiting list. I almost didn't get to shoot that year.   http://www.jarheadtop.com/articles_CampPerry.htm   what discipline are you wanting to participate in?
  13. O Captain, my Captain
  14. Agreed. His comments towards my opinions of a particular trigger were peculiar to say the least. That was my only brush with him.
  15. sounds like the 'avoidance' and 'not firing any shots' was a good play.  you had very little information to work with and, if they were locals, they would probably have more advantages than you if they intended harm.   i say, way to keep your cool. 
  16.   RRA 2 Stage is definitely a good buy.  I had one on my HP service rifle and used it for a while before upgrading to a Geissele National Match.  The RRA was more gritty than the G; just wasn't as smooth.     I had been told to never try a Geissele……because after that I wouldn't want anything else.
  17.   like the saying goes, not wrong just different.     skill replacing gear, interesting subject and one worth thinking about.  i tend to be a gearhead in most of my interests......just the way i am.  i don't think, however, that skill can shave pounds or take grit out of a trigger pull, but you or others might be able to shoot just as well with a Geissele or any number of makers.     to the OP's query.......you won't be disappointed.  and on the off chance you are, you'd have plenty of buyers for your slightly used trigger :)
  18. Plenty of competitive shooters would disagree
  19. More than positive experiences with my SSA-E and High Speed National Match. Pull that thing with confidence.
  20.   if you haven't bought ammo in years and only bought one round today……i'd say the streak is still in tact :)
  21. Just got word that good friends of mine leaving for Lagos on a mission trip.....they are canceling it. Low risk but high consequences if the worst were to happen. Heartbroken for them and for the 2,000 kids who look forward to the camp all year
  22. Location: TVA Steam-plant Gallatin, Tennessee   Match Distance: 100 yards for all match events fired at reduced course targets.   Entry Fee: $10 all competitors, maximum 51 competitors in 3 relays.   Registration: 0730-0830 held at target shed NO ENTRIES ACCEPTED AFTER 0830   Rules: Current NRA High-Power Rules will be in effect. Challenges: No fee, match director judgement.   Course of Fire: The 50 shot National Match format will be used in competition. A 15 minute unlimited shot sight-in period will precede the off-hand match for each relay.  
  23.   you could definitely get started at reduced course (100 yd) matches with that.  once you hit the XTC (big range) matches at 200, 300 and 600 yards that 55g will hurt more than help.  there are factory 77g loads that you could shoot from distance if you don't currently reload.  the more you get into this sport, you'll see that to be competitive you'll lean towards loading your own rounds.   as far as what's needed, i'll always tell people to show up and shoot before making a shopping list.  if you have a rifle and some ammo, you can borrow everything else plus it gives you an opportunity to see what other gear people have and what might suit your interest and pocket book.   in your area, i'd imagine the closest place to shoot is ORSA in Oak Ridge.  
  24.   Yes, an A2 buttstock is required to be legal for the Service Rifle category.  An A1 might be legal.....I'm still reading my rulebook :)   as far as building goes......you and Mark and others may be more highly experienced that I am, but I'm sticking to building a match lower but buying a complete upper from vendors like White Oak or Compass Lake, assuming funds allow.  but that certainly isn't required for just getting going.  


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