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Everything posted by leftyk82

  1. Yeah uverse isn't at my address
  2. For Internet, does anyone use another company besides Comcast in the Mt Juliet area? They have really worked me over and I don't want to do business with a company with no integrity.
  3. He's got nothing on Mantracker ;)
  4. How do you figure that? Everyone is supposed to be taken care of now, either with their own private insurance (if they can find it) or Obamacare...married or not, homosexual or not has not impact on that. I just think this administration can use any headline for their benefit; especially when it's the outcome they hoped for.
  5. Yay! More people for Obamacare, yay!
  6. Anyone have an extra rail key they are not using? Looking specifically for the Glock one.
  7. DMark may have more detail but I don't believe an M4 qualifies as Service Rifle for classifications, but I've seen folks shoot M4's at these matches just so the can come out and shoot. There will be experienced shooters there you can squad with; just make that request with Mark Long. From what I've seen, the vintage match occurs after the spring time change so that both can have plenty of daylight.
  8. i hate to miss it, but i'll be working.     good luck to all attending.   if you are thinking about checking out High Power matches, there is no place better and no folks nicer than the group that gathers up at Gallatin once a month.  a wide variety of skills and ages are present, all with three goals in mind; have fun, be safe and shoot X's.
  9. And you'll let me borrow it at the next vintage match?????? ;)
  10. I will be moving mine soon. Think of it this way, would you let your toddler sit in a double wide as it was traveling down I-40?
  11. Great monthly match! See you there!
  12. Agreed. Or sell some to me :)
  13. I have a 452 American. Tack. Driver. Highly recommended!
  14. Sending a Marine your way
  15. Welcome! Thank you for your service to our country.
  16. Sad indeed. Not many left that are true country artists like the possum.
  17. Mr Stevens. Going strong since the Mississippi Squirrel Revival!
  18. My wife graduates from TSU on 5/11 and got an email saying good ole Rev is speaking. Anyone have a good set of Peltors I can borrow?
  19. Planning on going to get some supplies from David. May see you there, Red
  20. Keeps 867-5309 on speed dial
  21. Put a round in backwards in the bullet puller. I must've hit the thing 30 times and nothing happened.
  22. Thanks Tim. That helps me a lot. I had good results with 24.4g and was wondering what else would be good.
  23. Takes baths


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