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Everything posted by leftyk82

  1. Good show. Sam had great prices as usual.
  2. I'll be there tomorrow
  3. You got me. I'm the first victim
  4. leftyk82

    S&W 4506

    My first handgun was a 645. Still have it and enjoy shooting it.
  5. Glad you like it!
  6. Very nice!
  7. Agreed. The quick google search I did tells that his wife runs ALG. Maybe she didn't want him to have all the fun.
  8.   Except, I never said that.  I was being literally figurative.     Clearly, Geissele > ALG, as Veyron > Jetta.  
  9. ALG Defense and Geissele Automatics have the exact same corporate address, save the suite number. That's close enough for me.
  10.   he do any work for you or anyone you know?    comparable to Joint Force Enterprises in Jacksonville FL?
  11. That's the one. Stock pull is somewhere around the 6 lb range also. I have no experience with the ACT on that same page.
  12. I would highly recommend the ALG QMS trigger. It gives about the same pull weight as a mil spec trigger (think home defense) while offering a repeatable crispness that's reliable (think target shooting). It's made by the same company as Geissele I believe. Plus it's only $45 from Brownells.
  13. Hope you will have that tomorrow, id like to see it
  14. I think I'll be there tomorrow also.
  15. Amen. Glad you are enjoying it. And Larue got it to ya quickly!
  16. I have one. I absolutely love it and it was worth the wait. Extremely stiff but also comfortable. Coyote color on black works well with jeans, shorts and khakis/office work wear. It's an everyday belt for me.
  17. Two lowers, please.
  18. I'm using the pancake loops in 1.5 for my 1.5 Ares and it works. If I recall, the standard loops on my Raven were a bit tight but still worked.
  19. Only other one I know of is a S&W 940. Hard to find and costly.
  20. Anyone have one in the Nashville area? I'd love to get a look at one in person before buying, if that's not too much to ask.
  21. very interesting.  it is a neat opportunity to see something historical up on the open market.  hope eBay doesn't yank it with some anti-Third Reich rhetoric.  
  22. Well I've made the call and made the switch. TDS is now my provider; my house was apparently already wired for fiber so that's a plus. So long Comcast, your monopoly of awful customer service continues to reign.


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