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Everything posted by leftyk82

  1. some days are diamonds......
  2. great post in the comments section at the end of the article...........   Pretty sad when a foreigner respects our rights more than our own elected officials.
  3. mine is < 152
  4. i have the Lyman and Sierra manuals; i've never looked through the others.  The Lyman manual has good step by step instructions for pistol/rifle reloading from start to finish.   the new Hornady manual is also supposed to be good.   youtube and members/threads on this forum are a good way to gain some knowledge too.  I'd recommend reading whatever manual(s) you get and watch videos or someone in person and ask questions...........all before loading your first round.   what types of cartridges will you be reloading?
  5. [quote name="ggwilde" post="1104726" timestamp="1391278075"]Great looking dog.[/quote] Thanks. That's Gracie the Gunsmith.
  6. nice shots.  i'm out there for the XTC and Mid Range matches, yet to begin for this year.
  7. No plate carrier but two leg rigs.
  8. [quote name="BallisticArms" post="1094201" timestamp="1389628508"]Hey all i'm Caleb, I have lived in middle TN all my life, I'm currently living in the big town of Hohenwald (if you don't know where that's at its ok I didn't either until i met my wife). Looking to meet some great people that share my passion.[/quote] Lived there a few years when I was a kid. Welcome!
  9. welcome aboard!  
  10. Any Reloder 15 you can bring back?
  11. [quote name="gregintenn" post="1095160" timestamp="1389750852"] Smilin' Larry also has some good videos on the Midway site![/quote] And that's the way it is
  12. I don't even have a Tavor and I'm reading this thread b/c there is Geissele talk!
  13. [quote name="DMark" post="1091111" timestamp="1389131833"]My son began shooting IDPA when he was 14. You might want to visit one of the local matches to see if that would interest him. Also, at the Gallatin Gun Club Service Rifle Matches, we have several coaches on the line to instruct. I'm one of them. [/quote] +1 There are more than a few juniors (competitors under 20) shooting High Power at Gallatin. DMark and others there are safe, qualified and excellent instructors.
  14. i wish i was into reloading when those prices were around
  15. I'd buy this before a .380 any day.
  16. [quote name="SonnyCrockett" post="1089526" timestamp="1388929008"]We should be excited , why ? Even the video presenter looks bored[/quote] +1 Even the way he presents it is odd. "You guys asked for it" almost sounds like " it's your fault, we HAD to so don't blame us"
  17. Welcome from Mt Juliet. Sincere thanks for your service to the Republic.
  18. It is, yes. Forgot to mention that. Shooting off a front rest. Center mass hold.
  19. Finally, got a chance to shoot the Garand today at Stones River. Best group with Greek ammo.
  20. Watching 'Carentan' episode of BAND OF BROTHERS
  21. [quote name="Sam1" post="1087083" timestamp="1388534238"]Just got finished watching it and this was hands down one of the best war movies I have ever seen. Not only was the movie itself awesome, it was done in an extremely tasteful manner with a tribute to each one of the soldiers before the credits . If you like anything to do with the military, I guarantee you will love this movie. Am going to watch it on the biggest screen it's playing on as soon as it hits the theaters.[/quote] Full agreement
  22. As already noted in another thread, I saw it at a screening. It's very well done, in my opinion. I plan on seeing it again.
  23. [quote name="rugerla1" post="1086776" timestamp="1388462401"]I wonder what kind Hickok45 wears in his videos and how good they work. I'm assuming they work good if he uses them. They look like the 80's headphones, connected but small plugs, easily put on and taken off.[/quote] Howard Leight http://www.howardleight.com/earplugs/qb2hyg
  24. Gives "jellies of the month" as Christmas gifts


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