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Everything posted by bmoorelive

  1. thanks for all your input, to TominMN for letting me wear him out with questions while he made suggestions. I ended up going with this one ( Smith & Wesson M&P15 SL MOE FDE )because it felt like a good deal. I could have spent many more days/nights obsessing about more options. I'd like to focus on getting a decent light, and maybe a vertical grip. Any suggestions? Honestly, and embarrassingly I zip tied a cheap j5 tactical light to my mossberg shockwave 20 gauge and it has held up through shooting at the farm, and lights up the house well. For the AR I'd like a real mount and a budget light that can handle the bang. I have a cabelas rolling hard case that locks up but it is huge, and too many locks to get it out. What do you guys with l
  2. is this it? Ideally I would like to find a way to have a quick releasing locking cap to keep my 4 year old out, so I can keep it under the bed. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F303304268939
  3. Also, I use a soft Ukelele case for slinging over my shoulder.
  4. that's great! I made my own version of the Mossberg "just in case" using a 4" pvc tube and caps. Kinda like a locking well cap. Wish I had seen this post sooner and not wasted time making my own beat up looking tube!
  5. As a potential newby to the AR platform, it was interesting to experience a "feel" when holding the various rifles. For example, the ruger ar556 and the m&p spot felt less "sturdy" or "tightly constructed" as the Saint. The Sig M400 seemed to be the best constructed, in my ignorance. I've got a habit of overthinking a purchase, however, if the different brands are interchangeable, then I would want to be discerning about which brand and model to begin with. I'm sure after shooting whatever I buy, and then shooting others, I'll start obsessing about swapping things out. I did read to just shoot a 1000 rounds or something with what I get before doing any changes. Like my mom said when i bought my first house "don't buy furniture yet, just sit there for awhile and see what finally sticks and fits".
  6. That lever action looks fun!
  7. Do any of you have the Springfield Armory Saint? A dealer handed me one today, and it started speaking to me.
  8. Thanks, TomInMN! We are driving to East Tennessee next weekend, from the west side if the state. I will keep an eye open on here for some used options. If not, Bud's gun Shop, or Smokey mountain could be options. thanks again
  9. Just to answer the question from GregginTN, I'm not wearing any pants. She bought me this sweet LL Bean robe, so i just walk around in it. She goes to work, bosses around a hundred employees, and comes home to me in my robe. Before she gets home, I get to go to Target, yoga, and hang out with the other "moms" at the pool. So, I'm pretty grateful to be offered $850 to go buy a gun.
  10. TomInMN, Good point on the adjustable stock, so she can shoot it. Might be a good idea to "get" what she wants to get me, and I'll just "let" her use it. In that case, maybe I would consider a base model Ruger AR556, or M&P Sport. I have not yet looked at Anderson, Aero, PSA, Wyndam.
  11. Peejman, Thanks for the feedback. I'd love to take another step and rent and shoot them, but I'm afraid that my fiance will change her mind if I don't jump on it quick.
  12. Good morning! I got some exciting news from my fiance that she would like to buy me an AR style rifle for my birthday, which is tomorrow. I'd love some feedback from other tall guys, with long arms (physiological arms), or short guys with long arms. I do not have to make a decision by tomorrow, and the budget is about $850. I'd like to stay within that budget on something decent out of the box, and not do many modifications. My fiance showed me a picture of a M&P Sport II OR Magpul MOE M-lol Crimson Trace Model #12939 and said her friend picked it out, but wanted to show me first before buying it, and let me pick something else if I didn't like it. I simply do not have the time, or knowledge to do the work. And cleaning... I love not cleaning my Glock 19. As for me, I'm 6'5 tall, and have a wingspan about the same as my height. My neck is long, like an ostrich, but less hairy. The challenge for me has been finding the right fit ergonomically. Most rifles have felt really uncomfortable to shoot because of having to have my arms pulled too close to my shoulders, and having to turn my head and twist my neck to get to the sights. What I have shot, or "tried on" at the dealers: Ruger AR556, Colt, M&P Sport, Daniel Defense DDM4 V7, Sig M400. Some others: Ruger Mini 14 Stainless. Although I haven't shot it yet, The DDM4 V7 felt like getting a hug from the prettiest girl in school. I need to stick within the $850 budget though to make the fiance happy. I know It may be wise to add my own money on top of the $850, but this needs to be a gift to me from her, not from us to me. I may get the Upgrade later. The mini 14 stainless steel felt the best on me other than the DdM4. I like the idea of less urgency to clean the gun. I'm seeing prices new are over the budget but used looks viable. I appreciate anyone's input. Thanks!
  13. I have a Flat coated Retriever, Rhett, on a farm with my family. He meets all the requirements that you mentioned. The key for us is that dirt and water shed itself off his body which helps us keep the house clean. Just don’t let the Flat coat around anything with feathers. We have a 3 year old and He pretty much has done everything to Rhett that would make a dog want to bite a kid and he hasn’t. Rhett will die to protect pur family and thinks its his job to answer the door and spends most his time staring out the window. He is loyal and senses danger or bad characters and gets pretty scary when someone approaches that isn’t friendly. We’ve had german shepherds and the begians but they killed the sheep and goat. We didn’t work with them enough giving mental and physical training and they got anxious and bored.
  14. are u selling the bodyguard?


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