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Posts posted by Mousegun

  1. The P-11 is a bit fatter than the PF-9 (the one I have). The trigger pull on the P-11 is longer and harder than on the PF-9 and I know a few that have gotten rid of the 11 because of it.

    I would go with the PF-9 over the 11 even though it doesn't hold as many rounds. It is more concealable and easier to shoot.

  2. According to this site, they say to apply directly over bluing.

    DuraCoat Firearm Finishes Quick Guide

    But I don't buy that for a second. If you carefully sand the surface with 600 grit wet and dry to rough it up a bit and hit all the areas, you should be good.

    That is what I did on a shotgun receiver and it worked beautifully. The finish, after applying some clear coat, came out just as I wanted it to and it is sticking like it was glue.

    You do need to spray it on, no brushing allowed.

  3. As a motorcycle rider I can tell you one of the most dangerous operators is someone on a cell phone or someone who has earphones on and is not paying full attention to driving.

    I simply avoid them but some riders (like the dude you encountered) think it is their duty to educate the population about driving and not paying full attention in order to make them, and their fellow riders safer. Safe and motorcycling is an oxymoron. You are never as "safe" on a bike as in a car but you can minimize the risk and that is what I do via avoidance. Riding is a personal choice.

    When I started carrying, I gave up the ability to counter people like this especially with a get F**** which is a strong challenge to escalate the situation.

    Please be cautious to do same in the future. I am responsible to all my fellow CCW holders in my actions because what I do is reflected on everyone. The media will see to that. So too are you responsible in the same way I am.

  4. There is absolutely nothing wrong about someone posting their property.

    At least the people involved are deciding rather than the ones in Nashville.

    I do not think there will be a rash of posted retaurants if it becomes law.

    Still a long ways to go.

    Yes, but wouldn't it be nice if Tennessee was like some other States and the posted sign didn't mean squat unless you were asked to leave and refused.

    What I would like to see would be a ruling that you can't open carry in a restaurant that serves (sorry to the open carry connoisseurs) and didn't prosecute you if you were concealed.

    Posting a property over-rides the fact that the State of Tennessee has granted you the legal right to carry a firearm and there are times that "just leaving" is a difficult situation.

    It ALMOST makes me wish that Tennessee was a concealed carry only State and all the stupid no carry here and no carry there rules were eliminated.

    That may be a more reasonable compromise. How many times have you been with a group and had to face a restaurant dilemma? It has happened to me numerous times.

  5. The loader comes with a case trimmer but NOT with a case length gage or shell holder set up. That is where the links I posted come in. You could do it without the length gage but you would have to make careful measurements with a dial gage.

    Primers have lead compound that are toxic so keep the loading area clean and if you tumble your cases, the media gets contaminated and if you kick up dust when separating the media from the cases, it could get into your system. Be careful of that.

    Start off with the least amount of recomended powder charge and work your way up if you need more umph.

  6. I got the 4 holer before all this fun began while they were still available and would not go back on anything.

    Here is the scoop.

    I ordered my 223 dies direct from Lee. Paid a few bucks more but I got them a lot faster.

    For auto loading rifles use a full length sizing die. Bolt action and most lever action can use a neck sizing die. The full length die for autos make feeding more reliable because the case expands after being shot.

    Get the Lee factory crimp die. That will fill the 4th hole and it is the best way to crimp a bullet head to the case. It is not dependent fully on the length of the case like a roll crimp die is.

    Get the Lee case trimmer, length gage for the case caliber you are reloading, shell holder and lock stud that can be chucked in a drill. This set up will keep the case lengths to factory specs. being that they stretch a bit when fired. This item is not the shell holder that goes into the reloader but a stand alone shell holder and lock stud.

    The lock stud is the part the chucks into the drill and the case holder that comes with the length gage screws into the lock stud. The length gage screws into the case trimmer. The tip of the length gage goes through the de-primed case and touches the base of the lock stud and prevents the trimmer from cutting the case too short. The drill spins the case and allows the cutter to do its work.

    This link will get you into the case length gage area.


    This link will show you what the lock stud looks like.


    You don't have to get this stuff at Midway, the links were added to show you what this stuff looks like.

    The Lee reloader's instructions are pretty good but allow some time to set things up.

  7. One thing that hasn't been mentioned to now is the lead factor in reloading.

    Primers are a large supplier of the type of lead compounds that cause problems if ingested. A lot of ingestion comes from dust that is generated if and when you tumble the cases and then siphon the medium to separate it from the brass.

    Take precaution when doing this. Not in a room that is lived in or near a vent that spreads air around the house. I always do it outside with any wind at my back or on still days, I even set up a fan and a good dust mask.

    Any primers that get away while reloading, find and get rid of.

    That lead is spread to the inside of the case when the primer goes off too which makes the tumbling medium contaminated in time.

  8. The newspaper claimed that the new "no gun" policy is for any Lenoir City owned building. I don't know if the city owns buildings that businesses are in. Businesses that previously did not have "no carry" signs on the doors.

    I guess this means that they now have to display signs dis-allowing firearm carry if the building is owned by L.C. Up to now, I haven't seen any changes but I have not yet gone to a high number of different businesses either.

    Has anyone taken the time to write them a considerate, but to the point e-mail or letter about this issue. I have.

  9. Wow, I followed this post from the get go and am a bit surprised it took 5 pages for someone (Fall Guy) to finally lay it out clearly. This just shows how confusing and somewhat difficult the stupid gun laws can be.

    I am researching the laws myself for a friend who is being gifted a gun from another state and would like to add even a bit more clarification to Fall Guy's good post.

    *****I made additioal clarification changes in red and openly accept responses with any conflicts to what I added. This is the best interpretation I could come up with after research of many other sites and opinions from others. It is the sum of those opinions that said the same thing but IANAL applies throughout.*****

    If I understand all of this right, here is my take.....

    A private transfer (gift, trade, will or sell) of a firearm (handguns and long guns) between two residents of the same state does not require a FFL.

    A private transfer (gift, trade or sell) of a firearm (handguns and long guns) between two residents of different states does require a FFL. Except if the firearm is gifted through a WILL to a person from another state. Then it can be legally transfered without an FFL

    If you want to acquire (gift, trade or sell) a Handgun from an out of state source (Private or FFL) it must go though a FFL of your state of residence. Same as above when it is gifted via will.

    If you want to buy a Long gun from out of state, you can buy it directly from a FFL in the state you purchase it, but not from a private party. You may be able to buy it through a private party if you and that person go to an FFL in the state you are purchasing the long gun from and have it legally transfered to you. Then you can transport it back to the state you live but only if the long gun is legal in the state you are going to (the state you live in).

    Here is the law as written.

    As taken from the NRA website.


    Acquiring Firearms

    The following restrictions apply to firearms acquired through purchase, trade, receipt of gifts, or by other means.

    From Dealers

    Provided that federal law and the laws of both the dealer`s and purchaser`s states and localities are complied with:

    • An individual 21 years of age or older may acquire a handgun from a dealer federally licensed to sell firearms in the individual`s state of residence
    • An individual 18 years of age or older may purchase a rifle or shotgun from a federally licensed dealer in any state

    It shall be unlawful for any licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer to sell, deliver, or transfer a firearm unless the federal firearms licensee receives notice of approval from a prescribed source approving the transfer.

    Sale of a firearm by a federally licensed dealer must be documented by a federal form 4473, which identifies and includes other information about the purchaser, and records the make, model, and serial number of the firearm. Sales to an individual of multiple handguns within a five-day period require dealer notification to the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Violations of dealer record keeping requirements are punishable by a penalty of up to $1000 and one year`s imprisonment.

    Sales Between Individuals (but I am suer this also includes gifts)

    An individual who does not possess a federal firearms license may not sell a firearm to a resident of another state without first transferring the firearm to a dealer in the purchaser`s state. Firearms received by bequest (inheritance) or intestate succession (?) are exempt from those sections of the law which forbid the transfer, sale, delivery or transportation of firearms into a state other than the transferor`s state of residence.

    18 USC Sec. 922 01/03/2007





    Sec. 922. Unlawful acts


    (a) It shall be unlawful -

    (1) for any person -

    (A) except a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer, to engage in the business of importing, manufacturing, or dealing in firearms, or in the course of such business to ship, transport, or receive any firearm in interstate or foreign commerce; or


    (5) for any person (other than a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer, or licensed collector) to transfer, sell, trade, give, transport, or deliver any firearm to any person (other than a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer, or licensed collector) who the transferor knows or has reasonable cause to believe does not reside in (or if the person is a corporation or other business entity, does not maintain a place of business in) the State in which the transferor resides; except that this paragraph shall not apply to (A) the transfer, transportation, or delivery of a firearm made to carry out a bequest (will) of a firearm to, or an acquisition by intestate succession (?) of a firearm by, a person who is permitted to acquire or possess a firearm under the laws of the State of his residence, and (:D the loan or rental of firearm to any person for temporary use for lawful sporting purposes;

    I don't fully understand what interstate succession means and I believe the term FIREARMS applies to long guns and pistols.

  10. I sent one off to the "Kenter" himself with an e-mail addredd taken directly from his website borrrowing a quote from a previous post (shame on me):

    "there is a criminal element in parks in and around the larger cities in Tennessee and we don't need people carrying guns in those kind of places." He said he is for some new gun laws and supports hunting, but "there are some places people should not be taking their guns."

    So if there is a criminal element in parks, and simple reason dictates that criminals do not follow laws, then it defies common sense to stop law abiding firearm carry permit holders from being able to protect themselves in a "criminal element".

    A law abiding gun owner that has proven him or herself should never be denied the legal right to defend themselves in any place a law enforcement officer is allowed the same privilege. We are defenders of the same cause and both know that ONLY if life is threatened could we use the tool provided.

    Please rethink your position and get Naifeh out of the equation. There is, as you know, an ever increasing number of people that have taken the responsibility for their own protection and that number will not stop rising. At some point it will become a voice that will be hard to drown out. Please don't compromise our position any further.

    Thank you,

  11. I believe that silence is golden on this wrongful sign issue and respectful discussion with the owner is mandatory when a proper sign is posted.

    I often do wonder how it would go down if an improper sign was posted and one was caught carrying concealedl, claimed the sign was a law violation and used that as defense.

    The one word in law that scares me about this situation is the word "intent". I could only hope that the "intent" of the sign would not be enough to convict a person who fell victim but a good lawyer would probably be needed for a win on this one even though a lot of cases are thrown out on technicalities like this.

  12. O.K. here is the answer to your problem.

    You short stroked the trigger and in doing so caused the hammer to drop from a half cock position that did not give it enough punch to ignite the primer.

    Kel Tec recently released a new hammer block that prevents this from happening. If you do short stroke the trigger, the hammer will not fall unless you allow the trigger to go fully forward and reset the hammer mechanism so the trigger works properly.

    You can call Kel Tec and they should send you the new hammer block for free. If you go to this site and do a search, it will give you the procedure to put the block in. If you don't feel comfortable doing it, you can send the gun to Kel Tec but it will take a while to get back.


  13. I don't think this will qualify but in the swinging swirling state of the People's Republic of New Jersey, an air gun is considered a "firearm" and is registered as such.

    So even though I now live in Tennessee, my "firearm" was used for the contest this month.

    Here is a picture of the target, gun (firearm) a Baikal .177 IZH-46M, and a close up of a 10 shot, one handed, no rest group from 7 yards. Some of the shots went through an already existing hole and can't be seen.

    I can only assume an air gun is a center fire because the air blast pushes the pellet through via the center of the pellet.:hat:

    Dec Shoot Contst.jpg

    Dec Target.jpg

  14. Kel Tec PF-9. They have gotten all the "bugs" :P out of this gun in the last 6 months of production and will usually send anyone who asks for them, the parts to upgrade some of the older guns, for free.

    It is thinner than the P-11 and can be kept in most front pockets without being IDed.

    You have to hold on tight because it is light and YOU have to be the mass for recoil that the gun doesn't have.

  15. I sent Simon Properties an e-mail a few minutes ago specifically asking the question. They do not have it posted, and don't even mention it on their web site. I will be very surprised if they respond, and even more surprised if they respond with a "yes, you can carry". If they say "no, you can't carry" then I won't carry and you guys can pretend I never wrote this (because you would still be "legal" because they don't have it posted). Either way, I'll let you know what they say (if they reply). Later, B

    That is usually not the way it works. If they made an over site, they will correct it much to the detriment of us all by putting up the signs before the ink dries.

    Never ask. If the sign is not there, go for it. If the sign is incorrect, you have to decide if you want to take the chance of being the "test case" if you are caught.

    Either way silence is golden.


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