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Everything posted by MattCary

  1.   Was in another thread that was combined with this one.
  2. All of that land was once Deane Hill Country Club, and I don't think it's all been developed yet. Probably still quite a bit of hiding spots back in there.
  3. Our luck, they'll track the call and Napoleon, Jr. Would show up on a sting operation.
  4. Prayers and well wishes for a speedy recovery, Don.
  5. Thanks, Lumber_Jack, and everyone.   I'm planning on filing a claim, just looking for who to call to do the actual work...   I cut up the last one, and have the wood stacked in the back for the smoker project; this one is larger than I can handle on my own.   The fence is the real headache, as the fenced in yard for the dogs is no longer fenced in.
  6.   Thanks, Enfield.
  7. Also; anyone know a good temporary dog fencing material? Cheap and easy to stretch from the house to the back fence until this can be repaired.
  8.   The large stump seen just to the right of the outbuilding is from the neighbor's tree that fell last year. Into my yard, across the fence. (I was on the toilet in the bedroom for that one, I thought I was going to die with my pants around my ankles.)   I would cut it up and rent a splitter, as this would be excellent firewood for the smoker I intend to build, but this tree is way bigger than my 18" saw. (Everything from the fence to the stump is too large.)
  9. My wake up call at 6:30 this morning. 10 feet outside the bedroom window, luckily it fell away from ours and the neighbors house. Anyone here deal with trees? What would be best way to deal with this much Oak? It's way larger than my chainsaw, so I'll have to have help with cutting it up. Would a sawmill be interested? Someone who sells firewood? Can you use oak for fence posts? (As you can see, I'll be replacing one whole end of the fencing; thinking of making the field fencing posts from the tree itself. Just looking for suggestions better than just paying someone to haul it off. Thanks.
  10. Flown on Pearl Harbor day as well! Awesome!  :usa:
  11. Rubio must be destroyed, a la Sarah Palin and Herman Cain, but the water is the only thing they have so far.   So the water it is.   Look up the Communist Van Jones' comments on Rubio for further evidence.
  12. Turns out the subject of this raid is a reader on TTAG, and his story is being told there:   http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2013/02/robert-farago/this-is-how-the-dhs-seizes-your-guns/
  13.   Exactly my point.   The shots of the local PD searching vehicles with rifles and pistols in hand is pretty remarkable.
  14. Tear gas went in and the building burned down... that seems oddly familiar.
  15. :stunned:
  16. OTOH, the dude looks like he's been on a beach for a week wearing some pretty big ass sunglasses.
  17. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!    The 5 idiots slamming into the door one at a time is priceless.
  18. That's about the stupidest accessory for a firearm I've ever seen. And I've seen this:
  19. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2013/02/robert-farago/lapd-shooting-victims-there-was-no-warning-there-were-no-orders-no-commands-just-gunshots/#respond   "“‘There was no warning. There were no orders. No commands. Just gunshots.’"   Sounds like things are getting a little unhinged in LA.
  20. Someone has been reading Matthew Brackens' essays.  :usa:   I've been planning on trying this with some GI mags myself.
  21. I did a little digging and figured out why O doesn't look like he's shooting Skeet in the photo released. It's because he's not shooting skeet. He's shooting Trap (or just shooting into the field.) In the photos below, O would have been standing on the right side Trap square, shooting out into the trap field. I Google Earthed "Camp David" and lo and behold, there is the skeet field: And here is O shooting "Skeet" next to the down at the level view of the field: You can see the curve in the path and the low house in the Google Earth image.
  22. Glad you made it safely! Welcome to TN!


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