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Everything posted by MattCary

  1. Yep, Bill must have put on his diaper before that segment. He didn't get one item right. "Heavy Weapons?" "Heavy Ammunition?" WTF? Co shooter bought 6,000 rds. Not 60,000.
  2. Two Alabama fans are in Neyland Stadium watching the Alabama-Tennessee game... One looks down and sees Smokey, the UT mascot on the sidelines, licking himself. He nudges the other 'Bama fan, points, and says "I wish I could do that." The other one says: "That dog would bite you!" What does a tornado and a divorce in Alabama have in common? Someone's losing a trailer. Good luck and grats on the new job. Could be worse, you could be moving to Gainesville.
  3. I came up with this: "Calling an AR-15 an "Assault Rifle" is like calling a Chevy Impala a "Stock Car."
  4. http://washington.cbslocal.com/2012/07/24/james-holmes-received-26k-grant-from-bethesda-based-national-institutes-of-health/ Well, that solves the "where did he get the money" questions. I guess he didn't build that.
  5. Welcome to the party Links.... if you really want to "feel our pain" try reading the comments on this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/21/us/shooting-at-colorado-theater-showing-batman-movie.html I dare anyone to make it through the first full page of the "Reader's Picks" comments without your head exploding. This one required a full roll of duct-tape to keep my head intact: "The 2nd Amendment needs to be changed so that everyone knows without question or confusion that the amendment was intended to protect a state's right to have a militia. It does not mean that every person has a right to stock pile weapons and to use them at will to commit murder and mayhem." Couple of questions for this... person ... number one, your feelings on my suggestion that we change the first amendment so that sheeple like you can't spread their cooties? And, number two: What if you get your proposed change and my State decides that we are all members of your precious Militia? (And who has been running around arguing that the 2A means that you can "use them at will to commit murder and mayhem?" We seriously need to reign that person in.)
  6. Yep. Best bit of reporting I've seen all day.
  7. Well, damn, that didn't take long: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/07/robert-farago/100-round-ar-15-drum-at-batman-massacre-sparks-call-for-hi-cap-mag-ban/#comment-330166 Lautenburg is already calling for a hi-cap ban. (Actually renewing the one he came up with after Tucson.)
  8. This is all so predictable. Reaction from the 7:00 PM MST Presser: OMG! He bought ammo on-line! OMG! He bought magazines on-line! OMG! He bought a 100rd drum magazine on-line! Anyone want to wager on what the first new legislation that will be proposed from this will address?
  9. Ramjo, I too found it interesting he has all the "evil guns" categories covered. Ar15, 12 gauge, and Glock. OS, Agree with the small relief he's not an HCP. Sad situation, prayers for the injured and all families. As I've already said to family: It wasn't the guns, it wasn't the movies, it was the individual.
  10. Would this be one of those situations where drawing and holding at gun point until LEO arrives be an appropriate response? I also agree with Lnksys, on building up, without necessarily going right to guns.
  11. Damn! That woman could certainly have made this a really bad situation. She's within one step of walking right in front of the muzzle. WTH was she going? She was moving towards the threat. Oh, watched it again, perhaps BG tells her to move to the other side?
  12. And, as always, England prevails. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) Is he elevating his weapon because it's what he does at the range? Or is he making sure he doesn't cover someone coming around the corner? It happens pretty quick, I don't really get a feel for it one way or the other.
  13. Wow. Zach was on the side of the road in Jefferson City today, if I hadn't been on my way to an appointment, I would have stopped and chatted with him.
  14. Very interesting. Will watch this and see how reviews and such go before going any further.
  15. It's Tennessee, can't we find a couple of actual conservatives to represent us in the Senate?
  16. +1 This was the first thing I thought while reading the OPs post. Insert "Go Dirty Harry" here instead, GZ has enough trouble without your help. Any of our legal counsel willing to offer up their thoughts on intervening in a third party attempted murder? Assuming she has been stabbed, and an HCP intervenes with commands to stop then firing? It'd be difficult for me to stand by and do nothing in this situation. Also, I believe I've read elsewhere that there is no duty to act or such, correct? In other words, an HCP holder couldn't be sued civilly for not intervening? i.e. "You had a gun and you didn't do anything?"
  17. Thoughts, prayers, and positive energy for you and your family; and thanks to your son on deployment.
  18. Well this got a hell of a lot more interesting...
  19. I wasn't criticizing his shoot at all, nor disparaging Florida. Just that, if someone had wanted to, they could have said the two were "retreating" and he was "pursuing" while shooting. The last shot out the door into the street also had some pucker factor associated with it. I was laughing my butt off the whole video, the Keystone Punks routine was great.
  20. First, he's damn lucky they aren't filing charges, the way he chased them out shooting. These are the same people that are prosecuting GZ for 2nd degree. Second. Bwahahahahahaha at the two fools running over each other trying to get the hell out of there. Priceless.
  21. This whole affair has officially reached "travesty of justice" status. I certainly hopes this breaks GZ of his Democrat support.
  22. This whole affair has officially reached "travesty of justice" status. I certainly hopes this breaks GZ of his Democrat support.
  23. I agree, almost started a thread on this last night. I've decided that this fall, when I'm doing youth sports pictures, any obvious Obamabots are going to get incredibly crappy photos, so that when they complain, I can tell them it's their fault, since O says it isn't mine. It also made me wish I did weddings, so I could do the same thing. I had a great fit of laughter pondering that. I dubbed this O's "The customer is always wrong" policy last night. Since I get no credit for what I do right, I obviously can't get the blame for what I get wrong, thus it must be the customer's fault.
  24. I wouldn't worry so much about the BPs.... I'd be more worried considering that almost every one of these fulfills what the DHS had in their last report of how to recognize us right wing crazies.
  25. Giving the Repubs the bird in 2006 gave us Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her BFGavel... How about we give the Dems the bird this time around and decide on who needs the bird the next election cycle?


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