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Everything posted by ls3_kid

  1. So my dad has this "custom" 1911 and I want my Desert Eagle to match it. Any suggestions of who or where to go? I've contacted the people who made the batch of 1911s and they can't/won't do it. Also I am waiting on word from www.fordsguns.com they seem to do a bunch of Desert Eagles (I've heard Magnum Research used them to finish their DEs). I haven't finish stripping the paint yet but you can tell the finish was bad under the paint. Here are pictures of the 1911 and DE
  2.   I'm on fire today, a case of the Monday's I guess... I meant you said it WOULDN'T be my last.
  3. You told me in another thread when I bought my DDM4 it would be my last black rifle.  lol
  4.   Oops!  I forgot that in my original post..... 5.56/.223
  5. First I said I wasn't getting an AR... Now I've bought my second upper. I need another job. It's a 10.5" got a pretty good deal, idk what want to do with it yet. I will probably just do a pistol build while I wait on my tax stamp for SBR. I really wanted to go shorter like 7.5" but couldn't pass this up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. There is a time and place for decaf coffee.  Never and in the trash.
  7. I've been asked a few times.  I never give my truthful full answer, but I respond with, "Anybody that chooses to carry, should have made the already choice thay they are ready to take a life while defending their life, a friend or family member".    Which I think that is true, but there is no need for me go to into my long drawn out thoughts with somebody that is asking me this.  My friends either carry and don't ask these types of questions, or my friends that are against guns... well we don't talk about guns... unless it's in the news... and they want to try and ridicule me. 
  8. ls3_kid

    AR Novice

    I would still say I am a beginner with the AR platform.  I read a decent amount before making my first purchase.  Learning the general knowledge, how it works, what the parts are called.  When I first started I did not even know what a bolt carrier group (BCG) was or consisted of.        Like I said I am still a beginner but once I gained general knowledge I was ready to make my first purchase.  Reading helped me realize what I actually wanted in/from my first AR.  I couldn't be happier with my first purchase and I plan to build a SBR in the near future which I am ecstatic about.      Overall my advice: 1.  Read 2.  Find out what you want 3.  Buy or Build   If you have any questions feel free to direct message me, there are others out there who have more knowledge than I do, that is for sure!
  9.   No you're fine.  Thank you for the input though.  I am still weighing my options.  I purchased a Burris Fast Fire III yesterday from Amazon but then canceled it. 
  10.   Do you have any pictures of your set up?  Also how do you have yours attached (if using the MKIII)?
  11. On my Ruger I first went cheap with a BSA RDS, worked great for a little while, now it is crap.  Anybody have any input on what sight to use?  I have been looking at sightmark and have read some decent reviews on them.  Along with Bushnell RDS.  I could careless if it is low pro.  I don't really feel like buying another $500 sight especially on a $400-500 handgun that I just plink with.    I've never heard of Doctor sights but reviews say they are good (hell now that I think about it the only bad reviews I've read are on BSA and others alike).  This sight is $250 any personal experience?   Overall I want a sight that is not garbage and does not have to be "competition".   Edit:  I guess this should be in gear/accessories.  Mods you can move or leave here.  My fault.
  12. I just ordered one of those buttpads, well worth it. I don't care what anybody says.
  13.   Hey I have a RG .22 revolver that has never failed.  My parents bought it to shoot cans with back in the 80s.  Love that thing lol.
  14.     Yeah I just fire it in the air as warning shots... about that.
  15. Rendezvous for ribs (tell them you are a AAA member and you get free meat and cheese plate, sometimes they ask for the card).  Also make sure you have a few ghost rivers if you like beer.   Central BBQ for pulled pork   A side note, a neat little lunch spot is "Lunchbox Eats".  I had a turducken sammich there.  Pretty good stuff.
  16.     Basically sums it up right there :)
  17. I miss those roads. SC doesn't have much to get excited over Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18.     That's what I have is just an ole side by side :( Then an AK and an AR.  :)
  19. I wish I could say some stuff about the Hound and George R. R. Martin, it kind of intertwins into Arya's sword trainer too. Mainly just a theory that many people believe. Are you talking about Tyrion the dwarf Tannister? Yes he is great. Side note Martin's wife has said if her favorite character gets killed from the show she will divorce him. Martin has two more books still to write, hopefully he doesn't croak before these are finished. All of this talk really makes me want to pick up "A Storm of Swords" and finish it. Decisions decisions.
  20. My "low end" AK47, I love it and works flawlessly. I want a side mount with a Rakurs A-1 Maybe one day Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. My three favorites are (In order) Ned, Arya, and The Hound.  Believe it or not reading the books gives you a different input on Jamie Lannister.  I liked him in the books. 
  22. I can not wait.  I have read the first two books which were great... however I think for the first time I like the show better than the books.    Who is everybody's favorite overall character?  (trying not to give any spoilers)
  23. At least Game of Thrones starts Sunday.   Walking Dead season 3 was miserable to me so I stopped watching.  I have heard this season has been fantastic but I'm still mad at last season.  Doubt I'll give it another chance. 
  24. ls3_kid

    Remington R-51

    :(     Hopefully they turn this around.
  25. Wow glad everybody is safe. 


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