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Everything posted by ls3_kid
I wasn't sure and I have no idea what it could be...
From Penn State to State Penn.
Great Wall of China at 3:47?
Double Diamonds Black Desert Sand
Yep checked it, that was odd. At least it got fixed fast so I can order them.
Is it down for everybody else right now or is my computer being whack? This would happen right when I'm about to buy some ha. Home Only the home page works nothing on the left.
Well I know where I am not buying my next gun.
Somebody sent me the Grand Jury Presentation and I could not make it to the 3rd page. Sandusky is one sick you know what.
My dad has feet problems and he wears Rockport. Hope this helps.
I'm not an LSU fan, just don't like BAMA. Then I'm sure you'd love the JoePa jokes going around.
Is it the butthole surfers or beach boys? Theres so much interpretation to these. I don't know cause I haven't looked yet and yes it would of been nice if I posted the whole picture. Sorry.
Still here.
1. Green Day - On the calendar bottom right with one day colored green. 2. Match Box 20- Bottom of picture, to left of the calendar on the ground 3. B-52s - The two large airplanes at top center. 4. Gun's-n-roses bottom left 5. Led Zeppelin - the big zeppelin up in the sky. 6. Queen - bottom center-left 7. smashing pumpkins (right hand side on bottom) 8. Great White (left side next to the gold guy leaning on the building.) 9. Eagles (upper right hand side) 10. White Zombie-left hand side, under the Virgin sign, above the guns and roses. 11. Blur - Guy on the far right that is blurry. 12. Alice In Chains (right side next to the Blur guy) 13. Rolling Stones (back center and right side of street) Dang it! 14. Gorillaz (three apes in the top center) 15. Nine Inch Nails (Just above left of Matchbox Twenty) 16. Blind Melon (bottom right) 17. Sex pistols 18 Iron Madien (center crosswalk) 19. Men Without Hats 20. 50 cent 21. Nine Inch Nails 22. Queen - holding the pistols 23. Prince -getting jacked by the queen 24. U2 - on building above police officer 25. Garbage-just right of center 26. Phish (in the bowl near the bottom right) 27. Black Flag (just to the right of center) 28. Red Hot Chilli Peppers - bottom right next to Blind Mellon 29. Is teh Queen Holding Sex Pistols? LOL 30. Whtiesnake- Light poll above girls amking out on left 31. RadioHead - center 32. Styx - sticks on the ground I think 19 is actually Men Without Hats. I'm not too sure though.
1. Green Day - On the calendar bottom right with one day colored green. 2. Match Box 20- Bottom of picture, to left of the calendar on the ground 3. B-52s - The two large airplanes at top center. 4. Gun's-n-roses bottom left 5. Led Zeppelin - the big zeppelin up in the sky. 6. Queen - bottom center-left 7. smashing pumpkins (right hand side on bottom) 8. Great White (left side next to the gold guy leaning on the building.) 9. Eagles (upper right hand side) 10. White Zombie-left hand side, under the Virgin sign, above the guns and roses. 11. Blur - Guy on the far right that is blurry. 12. Alice In Chains (right side next to the Blur guy) 13. Rolling Stones (back center and right side of street) Dang it! 14. Gorillaz (three apes in the top center) 15. Nine Inch Nails (Just above left of Matchbox Twenty) 16. Blind Melon (bottom right) 17. Sex pistols 18 Iron Madien (center crosswalk) 19. Blues Brothers (slightly left of center) 20. 50 cent 21. Nine Inch Nails 22. Queen - holding the pistols 23. Prince -getting jacked by the queen Updated.
Can we post more answers after a few more people have given answers, or is it one and done? I suppose that's fine. Updated ze rules ya! 1. Green Day - On the calendar bottom right with one day colored green. 2. Match Box 20- Bottom of picture, to left of the calendar on the ground 3. B-52s - The two large airplanes at top center. 4. Gun's-n-roses bottom left 5. Led Zeppelin - the big zeppelin up in the sky. 6. Queen - bottom center-left 7. smashing pumpkins (right hand side on bottom) 8. Great White (left side next to the gold guy leaning on the building.) 9. Eagles (upper right hand side) 10. White Zombie-left hand side, under the Virgin sign, above the guns and roses. 11. Blur - Guy on the far right that is blurry.
This is only fun if people follow the rules. Rules 1. Post only one band per post, no double posts! (give other people a chance, one post per page is a good guideline) 2. Don't google an answer sheet 3. Copy the person(s) answers above you 4. Add a Description of where the band is. Ok now that seems easy, let's see how this goes (I hope it hasn't been done here, if so it's still a cool picture). Also to help you find bands once the answers get limited here is a bigger version of the picture. Find the bands image by vurdlak8 on Photobucket (Click picture in link to expand) Here we go... 1. Green Day - On the calendar bottom right with one day colored green.
But he couldn't kick the chair out from under him. Late joke, but still funny.
When I first decided to buy a 1911 I was going to buy a nice one and set my budget at $1500. I wanted a nice Kimber or something along those lines. I ended up buying the Remington R1 (not enhanced). I did not go for the enhanced because I didn't/don't want fixed sights or the fiber optic sight. I do however want an enhanced trigger/hammer, beavertail, and 8 round mags. I guess I could have changed the sights on the Enhanced R1 but I want to go my own route for looks. Now the regular R1 is an awesome gun. Great quality, despite all of the horror stories I have seen/read. Mine is very accurate and reliable (I have only had 3 or 4 FTF but I believe that was due to the stock mags). Since buying WC and CMC mags I have had zero problems. If you want all of the options that come with the Enhanced the Remington is a great gun.
CoD better be awesome online otherwise I'll just put BF3 back in. I'm too good with the Jets right now.
If Bama wins I will be completely sick of this road to 14 crap. Edit: Oh and I had a dream that Bama used some of Lesticle's own medicine against him with an opening onside kick. No way it will happen.
I think that's under the option of, don't post lol
No problem. It was interesting information anyway.
Now that I've shot more rounds through it, the gun works flawlessly. Especially with the Chip McCormick and Wilson mags. I'm getting some VZ grips, mainly for looks and to keep the stock grips in nice condition. Then an ambidextrous safety due to being heavily left hand dominate. Eventually (around 1k rounds) I'd like to get a new hammer/trigger/beavertail.