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Everything posted by QuietDan
[quote name='Mark@Sea' timestamp='1352487980' post='842587'] Sorry, kids, you blew the fuse on the ice cream machine. Whining isn't gonna help. [/quote] Blew the fuse on the ice cream machine. Priceless.
All of this for a Coyote hunt, a varmint hunt, in compliance with state and local laws?? Written threats against family members of the gun store staff. Waaaaaaay uncool and actionable. Police and FBI involved. Good. The airhead CNN reporter goes out of her way to mention the date and time of the protest. Way uncool and complicit. The report says two police will be present at the protest to ensure things don't get out of control. It'll probably be more like SIX law enforcement officers, four of them undercover. Expect video to be recorded to identify the cast of characters and potential perps. Here's another name for the protesters in this context: Coyotes.
Atlas Shrugs. This all is very close to a classic Shopkeepers General Strike.
[b] Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips[/b] November 7th, 2012 [url="http://www.shtfplan.com"]Mac Slavo:[/url] The agenda no longer needs to be hidden from public view. With President Obama winning another term and democrats taking control of the Senate, the move to fundamentally change America from within has begun – with a vengeance. We’re all aware of the restrictive gun laws in the State of California which require low capacity magazines for handguns, fixed magazines for “assault†rifles, and a whole lot of running around just to be granted the right to carry a concealed firearm. Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has championed gun control in her state for decades and co-wrote the original assault weapons ban enacted by the federal government in the 1990′s, wishes to bring even more stringent federal mandates to the land of the free. What is being proposed by Feinstein is the most significant attack on the second amendment in history. [b]It would essentially ban thousands of firearms and require gun owners to turn them over to the Federal government.[/b] [indent=1] I don’t have the minutes of the meeting (yet), but sources tell me [b]California Senator and longtime gun-hater Dianne Feinstein’s legal staff held meetings on Friday with FTB/ATF legal staff to discuss a new “Assault Weapons Banâ€[/b] Madame Feinstein would be looking to push through Congress if President Obama wins reelection. This same “pretty good intelligence†says the items that would lead to a ban[b] would ban pistol grips and “high-capacity†magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of “weapons in possessionâ€.[/b] I don’t know about you, but if these things come to pass and I’m “in possession†I’m certainly not selling. In fact, the lack of interest in the idea surprised the California liberal’s legal staffers. Apparently, they believe no logical person could possible disagree with them. … I began receiving the first reports of increases in gun buying by people concerned about tomorrow’s election. Dealers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Indiana all tell me there hasn’t been a huge number of buyers expressing those concerns, but the numbers were noticeable. Among that group -and the majority of “regular†purchasers- the core driving most of the purchasing seem to be in their mid-to-late 30s. Again, home and personal defense are the most frequently cited reasons for buying. [i]Source: [url="http://www.shootingwire.com/"]Shooting Wire[/url][/i][/indent] At a Congressional budget meeting in September of this year, Feinstein alluded to her desire to reintroduce federal assault weapons ban regulations similar to those she helped cosponsor and pass in 1994 during the Presidency of Bill Clinton: [indent=1] [i]“Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to say, once again, in legislation, weapons of war do not belong on our streets…â€[/i] [url="http://www.scpr.org/news/2012/09/05/34168/senator-feinstein-says-shell-reintroduce-gun-legis/"]September 5, 2012[/url][/indent] It it any wonder that shares of stocks like Smith & Wesson (NASDAQ:SWHC) and Ruger (NYSE:RGR) [url="http://www.infowars.com/gun-stocks-surge-after-obama-re-election/"]surged this morning[/url]in response to President Obama winning a second term? While the majority of stocks across the world are in the midst of a sell-off and [url="http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/fed-report-100-chance-of-recession_11072012"]economic conditions indicate the country is in a recession[/url], America’s gun owners aren’t waiting to see what happens next. Senator Feinstein is serious, and despite this most recent report appearing only as a rumor, her comments earlier this year and her actions two decades ago, should leave no question as to where this is headed. They are coming for our guns; plain and simple. This article is brought to you courtesy of [url="http://www.shtfplan.com/"]Mac Slavo[/url]. Read more at [url="http://marketdailynews.com/2012/11/07/senator-dianne-feinstein-moves-to-ban-all-assault-rifles-high-capacity-magazines-and-pistol-grips/#3WR1eXMH8KDPkjMe.99"]http://marketdailyne...eXMH8KDPkjMe.99[/url]
[quote name='gjohnsoniv' timestamp='1352424155' post='842167'] Giant innuendo. [/quote] What's an inn-u-endo? Sounds painful!
(long pause) . . . Most women are not going to want to see your gun on a first date. Get to know her better before you show it to her. Gradually, especially if you're gentle with her, she may be willing to touch it, and, even later, make it shoot. If you're previously divorced, you probably know that after a certain amount of time, some women might want to take your gun away from you and lock it in a little box, or only let you use it when she's in the mood, or after you do some sort of favor for her. Hopefully, you'll find out early enough whether or not she's actually just jealous and wants one of her own, for the sense of power it gives her, or whether she's willing to share yours, which seems to make most couples happy. Of course, if you share it with her, you'll probably be the one who ends up cleaning it. I hope I'm being clear enough here. I am thinking that if you treat all kinds of guns with an appreciation for their power, that you introduce her to them with patience, that you use them respectfully and with finesse, and are willing to share them when she's interested, that shooting guns together will make both of you very happy. . . . Very, Very Happy.
It's a "Personal Protection Device." Who doesn't want to be Protected on a date? And you're a "Bodyguard." What young lady doesn't want to be Protected by a Bodyguard?
I guess I'm a little irritated, so I will be blunter than usual. I'll make a comparison to Baseball, to make it a little easier on folks. I'll try to use little words. There is Baseball, and there are fans of Baseball, and there are rules in Baseball. We support this team, or that team and it's all straightforward. Except it's not. There's a little concept called "Inside Baseball." This has a lot to do with the intrigue between the team owners, and the buying and selling of players, and a lot of other strange stuff that affects the outcome of Baseball, even though it's not "Baseball" itself. I imagine it's possible for a Baseball fan to enjoy the game, and never think twice about "Inside Baseball." And yet, to pretend that "Inside Baseball" doesn't have an impact on the game and scores and outcomes of Baseball, is, well, VERY STUPID. I have very little respect for someone that can't grasp that basic concept. In Politics, there are Major Parties and Third Parties and a lot of stuff involved in the game of Politics. And there is "Inside Politics" and "Inside Inside Politics" and "Inside Inside Inside Politics," probably 10 layers down. And, all this "Inside Politics" stuff affects Politics. So, among other problems, otherwise well-meaning individuals who vote for Third Parties in General Elections out of principle, or loyalty, or personal desire, are not creating the outcome they expect or desire. In many cases, due to "Inside Politics" they are working against their own best interests. They are being used by Powerful People who are playing "Inside Politics." Little People who do this to themselves, I am very sorry to say, are VERY STUPID. There really is no other way to put it. It is necessary to put your heart and soul into Politics and work to get your particular point of view incorporated in the views of one of the two Major Parties competing in the General Election. You will never get just exactly what you want, but there are millions of people in this country and more or less like-minded people need to compromise and cooperate to get some part of their views into the views of one of the two Major Parties, because of the millions of People, No One is getting just exactly what they want. To not do this, to not understand this, is VERY STUPID. If you are so VERY STUPID as to make this fundamental error, it is best that you just stick with Baseball. Voting for Third Parties in a General Election is a lot like playing Baseball in the PARKING LOT of the Baseball Stadiums where the real teams are playing Baseball. It uses up players and energy and resources that could be better used by one of the real teams inside the stadium. It would be a lot smarter to get a player or two, or a tactic or two that you want onto one of the two teams playing in the Baseball stadium.
That reminds me; it's been a while since I cleaned and ops checked my SR-556 . . . .
[b]Gun rights amendment approved[/b] NEW ORLEANS - Louisiana voters have approved a constitutional amendment to strengthen already strong gun possession rights in the state. The amendment was drawn up to eliminate language in the Louisiana Constitution that would allow passage of laws prohibiting concealed weapons. It also includes a requirement that any gun restriction laws be held to a tough judicial standard. Opponents said the measure could spell the end to gun prohibitions on college campuses, churches and government buildings, while opening a door for criminals convicted of gun-related crimes to appeal their court cases. Backers said such fears were overblown and that the amendment was needed to make sure judges don't undermine gun rights. The issue was one of nine proposed constitutional changes on Tuesday's ballot. [url="http://www.wbrz.com/news/gun-rights-amendment-approved/"]http://www.wbrz.com/...dment-approved/[/url]
November 7, 2012 [b] [size=6]Victory of the Demagogue[/size][/b] [b]By[/b] [url="http://www.americanthinker.com/hyatt_seligman/"][b]Hyatt Seligman[/b][/url] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]Our newly re-elected, incompetent President is good at one thing: Chicago style politics. Kill your opponent by character assassination and promise freebies to your base. That's exactly how he beat Mitt Romney, a good and decent man, a man of substance, who would have been a great president to turn our economic mess around.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Instead the community organizing, empty-suit incumbent won by pandering to the Democratic base and defaming and distorting Romney into an evil caricature. His simple plan of dividing and conquering through fear, envy and class warfare trumped all else, barely. Appeals to race, gender and emotion triumphed over economic reason and self-interest and the good of the country.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]What is that Democratic base? It's quite simple, a cobbled, bare majority of "victims" comprised of blacks, browns and women. It didn't matter to them that their unemployment was at record highs and their communities and lives devastated the last four years. It didn't matter that the President deliberately killed the oil, gas and coal industries and hundreds of thousands of jobs, or supported the teachers' unions over the right of their children to get vouchers to go to quality schools of their choice, or supported the auto unions over the mom and pop shareholders who owned stock, or that he crushed the middle class. It didn't matter to young people that they are personally bankrupt before they start out in life, already burdened by over $200,000 in national debt per person in their generation. And Obama ain't done yet.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Why? The external world is not real to them. What is real are their feelings and emotions. And why not? The modern American message to minorities and women is well learned by now. It's what our public schools have taught for fifty years. The most important thing about you is the color of your skin and what's between your legs. Don't believe it? Look at any high school American History or Civics book. Ten pages on the slave-holding, Founding Fathers and the American Revolution, thirty pages on FDR, the New Deal and Big Government saving America from the evils of capitalism and endless pages devoted to glorifying, heroic, victimized "Native Americans," and other minorities and, of course, demonizing our, evil white, imperialist, ancestors who exploited them and the earth itself. Such endless, sophomoric, guilt-ridden, pabulum has consequences, to wit, the blindness of navel-grazing.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Yes, Obama is the master of the "basic instincts" of his self-centered, narcissistic base. It's not complicated once you understand the con. To blacks he was one of their own and that was really all that mattered. They were in the bag from the start, 95% plus. To Hispanics, he bought their vote with his illegal, dictatorial, but hugely popular, to them at least, executive order for amnesty to young illegals. Result? 70% plus from a community that is Catholic, church-going, hard working, anti-abortion and generally conservative. To women he trotted out the classic Democrat ploy, the fear of losing control over their bodies and even added a new wrinkle, the "right" to free contraceptives even if you're a law student on the cusp of making $150,000 a year to start. Result, a margin of some 9 points, especially in the suburbs. Yes, pandering to the self-absorbed pays.[/font][/size] [size=4][size=5][font=times new roman,times]Toss in a little scapegoating and blame-gaming through envy and class-warfare, just to make the base feel even more self-righteous, and you have a country divided almost fifty-fifty, but more importantly, a winning electoral strategy despite being the worst president since Jimmy Carter, perhaps the worst in modern history.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Such is the vapidity of the American people today. Iran going nuclear? Libya what? Muslim Brotherhood, is that a new rap group? Israel who? Hey, Obama killed Osama! I saw it on Nat Geo! He's the guy I trust on foreign policy. Amazing.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Four years of disastrous failure at home? No big deal. 47 million on food stamps, 23,000,000 unemployed, robbing Medicare to pay for Obamacare, death panels, trillions of dollars wasted, gas doubled in four years, energy and food prices rising like crazy, entitlement spending out of control, no budget in four years -- not to worry. Just tax the rich and fuggedaboudit. Problem solved. [/font] [font=times new roman,times]Damn Republicans. Don't they know it's all Bush's fault? Plus they only care about whites, right?[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Romney shares some blame, too, for losing, barely, an easily winnable election. He coasted when he had a five point lead. He played not to lose. He allowed himself to be defined early by attack ads. He let Obama off the hook for Libya, his blind support of the Arab Spring and his obeisant, appeasing foreign policy that helped set our embassies afire across the Muslim world. Instead, Romney's third debate on foreign policy was like a group, me-too, hug.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]But Romney's biggest mistake was to try and turn this into a technocrat, tunnel-vision campaign on the economy alone and not to focus on where Obama was truly vulnerable, on character, trust and integrity, because of the latter's many, many lies and distortions, especially after Benghazi. Two weeks of "Why should you trust a President who won't tell you the truth about Benghazi?" could have gone a long way towards putting the President on the defensive and maintaining Romney's momentum. Instead, like Senator McCain four years earlier, he let Obama off the hook without a swing. Why should Americans care about character if Romney doesn't?[/font] [font=times new roman,times]So now we have the spectacle of blacks, browns, young people and many women screaming in ecstasy at the man who has bankrupted them and generations to come by making empty promises paid for by trillions of dollars we don't have. They won't know their betrayal until it's too late, until the Piper has to be paid, when inflation is out of sight, our credit rating is downgraded, when the entire coal industry is shut down and fracking banned, when China stops buying our worthless debt, when the dollar standard is discarded and we can't delay disaster by printing more worthless money or buying our own treasury bonds with money borrowed from China, when we finally, inevitably, fall off the cliff into a truly great depression and/or World War III breaks out, only after anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying Iran has nuclear weapons and Israel is possibly incinerated. What a great second term we have coming.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]These epochal issues were what was really at stake in this Presidential election, but Mr. Romney, good man that he is, wouldn't go there. On the contrary, he praised Obama's good intentions, refused to dramatize the real danger, apparently out of fear of being labeled a warmonger, and lost the true battles of character and ideas to the shameless, craftier, demagogue.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]If only Romney had chosen Marco Rubio, the obvious, ethnic choice for his Vice-President. Crass, yes. Racial politics, yes. But Rubio was equally or more qualified than Paul Ryan, and sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, to win Florida, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and more, and save your country from itself.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]If the Republicans get that, maybe they can win in 2016, if we survive the next four years. It's going to be touch and go. We have an unrepentant, unaccountable, scapegoating, leftist demagogue in the White House with all the "flexibility" in the world and worse, the mastery of how to pull the wool over the eyes of his base whenever and however he wants. Honey, you ain't seen nothing yet, plus four Supreme Court nominees to rewrite our "deeply flawed" Constitution of "negative rights only" that Professor Obama despises.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]You get the government you deserve. Pray for America. We have let the dogs loose.[/font][/size][/size] [left] [background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Read more: [url="http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/11/victory_of_the_demagogue.html#ixzz2BYBY0vLY"]http://www.americant...l#ixzz2BYBY0vLY[/url][/background][/left]
A Last Minute Appeal To Libertarians And Non-Voters
QuietDan replied to gun sane's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name='strickj' timestamp='1352166641' post='839734'] Thank you for your service. [/quote] Thank you for your kind remark. However this is not about me, this is about you. You have just now gotten ten years older in my estimation of you. I don't know if you played sports in school, or whether or not a coach or a friend of your parents ever lit you up. If it's ever happened to you I imagine they didn't do it because they hated your guts or wanted you to fail but because they could see the promise within you. In my opinion, this is the most critical election of our times. At some point, probably after November 7, we ought to drink a beer and laugh about this. God Bless You in your voting decision. -
A Last Minute Appeal To Libertarians And Non-Voters
QuietDan replied to gun sane's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name='strickj' timestamp='1352158737' post='839619'] Laugh it up. At least I provided a backing instead of just laughing at you. [b]If my numbers are wrong then provide the correct numbers.[/b] I'll not hold my breath waiting on Fox news to say something negative about their poster child. [/quote] Actually, salvaging your one misbegotten vote is not worth more than 100 posts. Take your biased wiki-facts and check the context. What was the job loss in Massachusetts prior to Romney? What was the job loss after Romney? You don't know. It's pertinent. You didn't check. That makes you ignorant in the original meaning of ignorant. What's more, you are willfully ignorant. You were presented with facts. You ignored them. You know what your own mind is, additional facts to the contrary. It seems that your desire to be right over-rides your desire to understand. Do your homework. Pay attention. Otherwise, stick with your view in spite of being presented with evidence to the contrary by people who lived through the time and were actually there. Stick with your view. Live with it. Choke on it. You have now demonstrated that YOU ARE NOT WORTH correcting. You are a child and will apparently remain a child. Throw your vote away. Stomp your little foot in your rightness. Once upon a time, in a different century, they used to say "Don't trust anyone over thirty." One day soon, you will be over thirty, and you'll actually find out how ignorant and narrow your thinking is, and you won't pay any attention to yourself because you'll be over thirty. I've been in the military for well over three decades, longer than you've been alive apparently, and overseas a significant portion of my life in a combat zone "defending the country." And then, with other folks like me, we come home, and we come across silly little punks that make us think -- WHY DID WE BOTHER? We'd like to continue to "save the country" to the extent that we can, and little know-nothing, smart-ass punks stand up on their hind legs and spout self-righteous nonsense and refuse to be corrected. Fine. Throw your vote away. Vote for Obama for all we care. When we all sink into a Socialist, Marxist, Communist Hell-hole of ignorance, brutality and depravity, deal with it. We who defended your right to be a complete moron will probably be dead, either of old age or at some cross-roads barricade, and you can go through all the sweat and heartbreak and fight your own damn battles and learn the hard way, if you learn at all. -
[quote name='Good_Steward' timestamp='1352065753' post='839038'] Does the size of the safe come in to factor? If not, I am golden. [/quote] If your "safe" is a "room" and it's full, you may not be golden.
[quote name='TNBrat' timestamp='1352045897' post='838876'] [url="http://www.darkpolitricks.com/2012/10/media-bizarrely-claims-looting-in-aftermath-of-hurricanes-is-a-myth/"]http://www.darkpolit...anes-is-a-myth/[/url] TNBrat Hiding in the woods… [/quote] Oh, and there's no voter fraud either . . . /sarcasm off
[quote name='Erik88' timestamp='1352052761' post='838933'] I agree but what leads you to believe they will be cut off anytime soon? It was take a major collapse of some kind before you start to see these programs scaled back. If anything, I expect them to continue to rise. [/quote] I'm expecting them to be scaled back when a new administration starts culling the squirrels out of the bird-feeders. I'm all for taking care of the "widows and orphans" which we are called upon to consider. Heck, my wife and I feed the birds so they don't starve or freeze in the winter. But, we draw the line at the "squirrels" human or otherwise, who are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves with a little effort on their part. A lot of the EBT cards were passed out hand over fist -- they should have just printed the EBT cards with "Vote for Me, Barack Obama, your Sugar Daddy." They handed their supporters EBT cards instead of cash (nearly the same thing) because it's against the law to offer cash for votes. Start cutting it back from even 10 percent of the population that doesn't deserve them and those ten percent will brick a window and burn the store to take what they can no longer EBT. That is what a riot looks like, and if it happens in a broad enough area, the looters get shot while the buildings burn. I expect this to happen. It's a good thing I don't own a store, because if I did, I would be tempted to do what the Korean storekeepers in their L.A. enclave did during the Rodney King riots -- stand on the roof with rifles and shotguns and prepare to shoot all comers. And their stores didn't burn. I don't expect the rioters to leave their own districts, but if they were to come into my suburban neighborhood, I would expect them to get shot down at a barricaded street-corner, right next to a plywood sign that would say "We Shoot Looters."
A Last Minute Appeal To Libertarians And Non-Voters
QuietDan replied to gun sane's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name='strickj' timestamp='1352053317' post='838939'] He didn't lower the employment rate. The employment rate was forced down by his failed policies. The unemployment rate was 4.7, but the US Census says that a quarter-million folks left the state during his governorship, largely due to his 14 percent loss in manufacturing (double nat avg). Kinda hard to have a high unemployment rate when everyone leaves! He left Massachusetts ranking the third worst state for job growth in the US. He "balanced the budget" but left the sate with the highest debt in the country. These are facts. Out of curiosity, did you leave Massachusetts because of a job loss by chance? [/quote] Sorry. Just untrue. I understand how you could be mis-informed, being so far from the scene and all. Massachusetts has been bleeding people and jobs for years. Remember that 85% leftist State Legislature I mentioned to you earlier? Massachusetts has such a high tax rate they've called it Taxachusetts for years. Do you know where a lot of those manufacturing jobs go? Some of them turn white-collar in the natural scheme of things. But do you know where a lot of the MANUFACTURING jobs go? Right across the border to NEW HAMPSHIRE and some to other bordering states. New Hampshire has NO sales tax and NO income tax, and is decidedly business friendly. Governor Mitt Romney did everything he could to save Massachusetts from itself, but some leftists are just incorrigible. I know this because, after years of travel with the military, my father went to work for electronic & defense contractors in Massachusetts. At the time, the contractors could site their factories in some of the closed Mills, built at a time when the waterpower of Massachusetts was used to run huge water-powered fabric mills. The electronics firms could pick up these huge, stoutly-constructed stone and masonry buildings for a song and work with the educated workforce. My father's work was in several of these old mills. But, we lived across the border in New Hampshire. You didn't buy a house in Massachusetts unless you were crazy or otherwise trapped. That's why people in these areas commute as much as TWO HOURS -- ONE WAY! Now, the defense and electronic contractors are wising up, and moving their factories into New Hampshire, with a much more business-friendly climate. They are now nearer their employees, and nearer the retail and commerce that has grown up around their employees living in Southern New Hampshire. Massachusetts continues to bleed its productive and educated workforce into bordering states and to flail around due to its high taxes and repressive business environment, and they don't have a smart Republican Governor like Mitt Romney to save themselves from themselves. I'm sure you mean well, but you just don't have the facts at hand. Being in Tennessee, it's probably a little hard to comprehend all this Massachusetts foolishness. And, on a personal note, my career as a military officer took me to Massachusetts, and my military career took me from Massachusetts to Iraq. A good transition. And then, to Texas, a very good transition, with another excellent Republican Governor, Rick Perry. And, now in retirement, to Tennessee, the best transition of all. Another Republican Governor, and the Music Industry, and the properly managed Town of Smyrna in Republican Rutherford County. -
[quote name='Erik88' timestamp='1352051690' post='838924'] I am not concerned. The only way they would riot is if the entitlement programs were cut off. [/quote] Therefore, expect riots WHEN the entitlement programs are cut off. There are a heck of a lot of people running around with EBT cards that are ineligible.
A Last Minute Appeal To Libertarians And Non-Voters
QuietDan replied to gun sane's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name='strickj' timestamp='1352049817' post='838915'] This guy isn't voting. I refuse to vote for a gun grabbing, pussy legislating ex-governor that left his state in economic ruins. And I see no reason to waste my time voting for O (or 3rd party) in this state with this winner take all EC system. [/quote] You are certainly entitled to your own opinions regarding voting, but you are not entitled to your own facts. I was in Massachusetts while Governor Romney was the sitting Governor of Massachusetts. He lowered the unemployment rate and he balanced the state budget, all the while working with a leftist Massachusetts Legislature that was 85% democrat. It's amazing that he got anything done at all. Regarding the gun legislation, Massachusetts got what Massachusetts wanted. I suppose he could have vetoed it, but the legislature always had the power to over-ride his veto. It's absolutely fine that you are not voting for President Romney . . . because you dislike his looks, or that he wears a tie, or he's been successful enough to be wealthy, or because you think he has too many kids and grandkids. But it's not accurate to call him a bad or failed governor. He was a very successful Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in spite of all the odds. -
[center][size=8][b][font=courier new,courier,monospace]WE SHOOT[/font][/b][/size][/center] [center][size=8][b][font=courier new,courier,monospace]LOOTERS![/font][/b][/size][/center] [center] Sixteen letters and spaces on two lines. Perfect for spray paint on a 4x8 sheet of plywood. I cannot think of a shorter or more pointed message. Save it for local use.[/center]
[quote name='TMF' timestamp='1352044125' post='838854'] No, clearly this is a case of the government attempting to strip rights away from people. That's what they do... wring their hands in dark smokey rooms, waiting for a natural disaster to happen so they can swoop in and do evil deeds. [/quote] You forgot your "sarcasm" flag for the slow among us.
A Last Minute Appeal To Libertarians And Non-Voters
QuietDan replied to gun sane's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
In our church, no one will say "Vote for Obama" or "Vote for Romney." It just isn't done. And rightfully so. There is a lot of preaching involving reestablishing the Freedom of Religion, and the unacceptable, intrinsic sinfulness of certain platforms, and how to vote for them would put your eternal Soul in peril However, at the end of Mass, we Pray for Our Country, with an Our Father and a Hail Mary. At the Saturday evening Mass, these prayers were the loudest and most fervent part of the Mass. These prayers were actually Shouted Out. I can only hope that Obama is repudiated in the election with a vote total so large that the cheating and the vote stealing and the corruption is just overwhelmed. I'm hoping for at least a 53-47 election, but I'm praying for at least a 55-45 spread for Romney. Regardless, we are going to be stuck with Obama as an ex-president for DECADES. This is beyond partisan political calculations. I can be as partisan as the next guy in a contentious election, but this election is well beyond partisanship. The Obammunist has triggered the fear response in many Citizens and as a result I predict a huge turnout to Vote. Him. Down. In my opinion, Obama is an Evil man who has embedded his Evil minions in our government. It is going to take years to clean up the damage this Evil man has accomplished. The Evil this man can accomplish still lies in front of us -- think bomb-throwing, anti-American ex-president Carter on steroids. -
[quote name='S&WForty' timestamp='1351990176' post='838566'] Crap. Does this mean I need to go to the range and practice shooting my pistols horizontally like a gangster? What color bandana am I supposed to wear? [/quote] Yellow/Gold with a Snake. Tie it on your left upper arm and it's a uniform under the Geneva Conventions.
Admiral relieved of command. Makes me wonder more...
QuietDan replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Enough people read alternative media for the word to get out.