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Everything posted by QuietDan
Ok, so many of us here believe the Obammunist and his minions are low down evil and dangerous thugs who will stop at nothing to fulfill their evil designs on us and the United States. So, why would you put your name on a list that says you think he's an Evil Bastard and that he'd stop at nothing to destroy the U.S.? Are you going to use your real name and address? If you think he'd stop at nothing, he wouldn't stop himself and his minions from knocking on your door in the middle of the night, collecting you and your family barefoot in their nightshirts and hauling you off in the back of a five-ton truck to a barbed wire compound in the middle of North Dakota. It would probably be smarter to sign up at one of the ObamaLove websites, learn the Worshipful Songs and the Secret Handshakes, all the while keeping your powder dry in a vault in your back yard and waiting for The Signal.
Puppy Shot And Killed For Wandering Into Neighbor's Yard
QuietDan replied to daddyo's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
IMO When you got kids that injure or kill pet animals, the various authorities put them on a list and start watching them, as it's a Very Bad Sign. Sometimes kids then move onto injuring or killing people. Harming animals is a Warning. I imagine the same thing would apply to adults. When you have an adult that injures or kills pet animals, I imagine the various authorities put them on a list and start watching them, as it's a Very Bad Sign. Harming animals is a Warning. I believe this Evil Man is going to start collecting traffic tickets left and right, get charged with littering, fined over an unkempt lawn, have difficulty cashing checks, and potentially lose custody of kids or grandkids. You can be pretty sure every neighbor around him is going to be watching him like a hawk. If he gets himself into a shouting match with one of his neighbors, or at Wal-Mart, he could end up with an assault charge. Responding officers would find the prior incident with the dog and he'd lose any benefit of the doubt and the officer would be more likely to cuff, stuff and transport him. He has not gotten away with anything, and he has not done himself any favors. Folks might not want to hear this, but the little dog may have accomplished a Last and Noble Mission, sacrificing its life to point out an Evil Man, and perhaps saving the life of other people by warning us all. God put the animals on this earth to serve us, and sacrifices like this are a part of the Divine Service of Animals. Grieving for the little dog is a marker of your own personal quality and your desire to protect the least among us. IMO -
Changes: Pistol: 9mm Luger .45 ACP .45 Colt Rifle: .22 LR .223 Rem .30-30 .308 Win Shotgun: 12 ga.
[quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352943613' post='845835'] I'm not going to hold my breath about this. I wisjh someone had the balls to let it out to the public, Petraeus included. There is a limit somewhere to this "classified" crap. We already know enough in the public domain that should be enough to impeach Mr. Alinsky. The only thing I think Petraeus could be saying would be what he had direct knowledge to and how far he had control of the information. He could directly refute the president's so-called public statement about giving the order to do what needs to be done, which I seriously doubt he said, except to his dog on the White House lawn. If Petraeus did come out publicly and refute the president, Hell, he would be a national hero. He wouldn't have to live in fear of a bullet in his ear, either. Sometimes, the cloak of national security is a bit abused. Unless there is something he needs to negotiate away to salvage some of his record. I like Petraeus, but I think he could go public on this. [/quote] Petraeus is not free to speak publicly about classified stuff, but Congressman Rogers, the Chairman of the Committee, could come out and pretty much say whatever the hell he wanted to, damn the secrecy, and there wouldn't be much they could do to him other than tut-tut him. You can't arrest a Congressman in session. Whether or not they'd screw with a Congressman or censure him is another matter, but they can't put a hand over his mouth and shut him up without triggering some really bad ####. These House Intell Committee folks are some pretty savvy characters too, they knew that the Democrat run Senate Intell Committee was talking to Petraeus on Friday, and these House folks went and snatched up Petraeus at 7:30 in the a.m. That means they get him first and they get to say first what Petraeus said to them. And stuff like that matters. I hope he freakin' sings like a songbird perched on the peak of the roof.
[quote name='Lester Weevils' timestamp='1352940465' post='845809'] Given that I am drastically worse-informed than mere total ignorance of military and secret-squirrel double-naught spy matters-- A captain obvious realization-- That the potential blackmail hazard of extramarital affairs was in this case proven/actualized when the POTUS blackmailed the CIA director? A super-dumb question-- Was Petraeus still active military or had he gone inactive before taking up at the CIA? Just curious if he is at hazard of them screwing with his pension bennies should they so desire? [/quote] It's a blackmail hazard to be gay or be caught effing around on your wife or with someone else's wife, even though the bastards in government say it's ok to be gay, and doesn't everybody lie about sex -- but they only say that when YOU try to screw with THEM and not when THEY are trying to screw with SOMEONE ELSE. The school is still out on the screwing with his rank and his pension front. General Petraeus retired from the Army so he could take the CIA Director job. His old Army people are on record stating that he stated that the physical affair didn't start until he was at the CIA, lasted two months, and then ended . . . four (?) months ago. The UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) Adultery provisions don't apply because he wasn't on active duty. And, usually, Adultery is usually just a secondary charge on some larger charge, like you don't get charged driving without a seat-belt unless you were stopped and charged for speeding. However, some folks also say that Four Star General's never really retire -- they sort of get "Advanced to the Retired List." The nation can, and sometimes does, call them back onto active duty. But, you can't get called back on to active duty just to get charged with something you did as a civilian, they let the civil court system handle it. But you can't get jail time for adultery as a civilian. But, this is all Political, and that skinny bastard in the White House might choose to #### with him anyways. I hope this is clear, with the back and forthing and all.
This is VERY good news. This is the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, Chaired by Congressman Mike Rogers, Republican, from the Eighth District of Michigan. This is where the Truth will come out on Benghazi. It is a Classified Brief, therefore it's Closed to the public and the media. You can be sure that Congressman Rogers will make some sort of public statement shortly after the meeting adjourns. For what it's worth, Michele Bachmann, Republican, Sixth District of Minnesota, is also a member of the Committee. Sorry I don't have a link to this press release, it should be posted soon here: [url="http://intelligence.house.gov/"]http://intelligence.house.gov/[/url] ****************************************************************************************************************** [center][b]General David Petraeus to Testify Before [/b][/center] [center][b]House Intelligence Committee on Benghazi [/b][/center] WASHINGTON, D.C. – General David Petraeus will testify before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on Benghzai on Friday, November 16, 2012, at 7:30am. The hearing will be closed to the public. [b]What: House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence CLOSED Hearing[/b] [b]Topic: Benghazi[/b] [b]When: Friday, November 16, 2011[/b] [indent=1][b]7:30am[/b][/indent] [b]Where: HVC-304 (the hearing is CLOSED to the public[/b][b] and the media)[/b] The witness:[list] [*]General David Petraeus [/list]
Short of violence, short of expecting our corrupt Attorney General to evenhandedly enforce the law, I'm not exactly sure what legal options are open to us regarding an uncorrupted, legitimate election. I'd be willing to get heavily involved personally and even financially in a route that would tend to correct the problem, short of violence, on a national level. I'm not even sure if there is any longer a reputable voter registration program. My understanding is even the once-neutral(?) League of Women Voters has been co-opted and corrupted. I'm thinking if one party distributes and collects voter registration materials, they throw out voter registrations that come back with the other party marked. I'm not quite ready to take a rifle up in the hills ala Red Dawn, but I'm getting kind of concerned about locking onto alternative means to start correcting the problem that is short of physical. It seems that if one side is going to push and shove and get confrontational, you know, descending to mob behavior, that one of the few routes left is to get just as physical and confrontational back. I'd sure like to get Voter ID tightened up, but I'm thinking that even that route will be very confrontational. I think confrontation is a last resort. You know work inside the system and all that. Tennessee's system could be better but other states are downright pitiful and corrupt beyond measure. If you have a voting system that's corrupt, who's going to trust it, who's going to abide by the results? It'll start to mean less and less, and people won't let it solve things because it's corrupt. There are still folks that pretend there isn't a problem because they know their side gets an advantage and they refuse to have an honest opinion about it. To what end? When does the talk come to an end and the shoving back begin? I'm thinking we're getting closer and closer. I've still got quite a bit of shove left in me, but I hate to let it out, it's so hard to put it back in the box. You really don't want to see me angry, it sends the children scurrying, makes my wife cry, and the neighbors get wide-eyed before they shut and lock the door.
Wounded Warrior Project - disappointment
QuietDan replied to RobertNashville's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Out of fairness to the Wounded Warrior Project, they had this posted to FaceBook today: ******************************************************************************** [size=6]Wounded Warrior Project[/size] [b] [font=times new roman,times,serif][size=5][b]We've had a lot of questions recently that started when we declined an opportunity to appear on Gun Talk Radio. We want to clarify and help answer some questions. We have seen through this process that the language on our website and our response to the invitation to appear on the show weren’t clear, and we are working on clarifying our approach. There is now much inaccurate information about WWP being anti-gun rights, an issue as an apolitical organization we do not take a stance on. We understand and appreciate that many of our Alumni are gun owners, and we facilitate multiple hunting and outdoor opportunities for our Wounded Warriors throughout the year.[/b] In the past, we made our logo available to appear on wide variety of products, including guns. As an organization, we owe it to our donors and constituents to maximize the return on investment of our dollars and brand. We are always looking at our business practices and whether we should continue with them in the future. In the case of cobranding, we've decided that we're not going to offer our logo to appear on weapons anymore - whether they're guns, knives, bows, swords, or any other type of weapon. There are still a few of the guns around for sale that had licensed our logo years ago, but there aren't any new ones being made. This is purely a business decision based on a review of a return on investment, especially when compared with other types of cobranding ventures.[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=times new roman,times,serif][size=5]Regarding the question of donations and events, we do permit fundraisers that are shooting- and gun-related, such as gun raffles, shooting competitions, etc., and we're incredibly appreciative of those who are willing to give their time to host or participate in an event. Likewise, we gratefully accept donations from companies and individuals connected with the gun industry. As indicated above, we know that hunting and shooting sporting events can be very therapeutic for many of the Wounded Warriors we serve, and we're happy to work with the community to make these types of events available to our Alumni. Hunting and shooting sport enthusiasts are an incredibly supportive and generous community, and we've been honored by how often folks have opened their land and homes, and volunteered their time to make these types of events possible for our Alumni. We're so sorry if it seemed that we didn't appreciate that support with our confusing communication of a business decision. It certainly wasn't our intention! I hope this post provides some clarity and helps answer some questions. We welcome the opportunity to have a warrior on Gun Talk Radio to discuss how hunting or events of the like have supported their recovery. We responded too quickly to his request and should have delved a bit deeper.[/size][/font][/size] http://www.facebook.com/wwpinc.fans -
Regarding voter fraud: MANY articles now online. For starters: [url="http://www.floridapoliticalpress.com/2012/11/10/ohio-vote-totals-for-obama-a-statistical-miracle/"]http://www.floridapo...stical-miracle/[/url] [url="http://townhall.com/columnists/rachelalexander/2012/11/11/obama_likely_won_reelection_through_election_fraud"]http://townhall.com/..._election_fraud[/url] [url="http://www.theblaze.com/stories/odd-romney-got-zero-votes-in-59-precincts-in-philly-9-in-ohio/"]http://www.theblaze....illy-9-in-ohio/[/url] Even if these articles and the facts therein don't line up with your world view, they don't go away when you ignore them. Face the facts, challenge the facts, question the facts, but don't shoot the messenger and don't shoot the source. ***************************************************************************************** [size=4][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]You see these dictators on their pedestals, surrounded by the bayonets of their soldiers and the truncheons of their police. Yet in their hearts there is unspoken - unspeakable! - fear. They are afraid of words and thoughts! Words spoken abroad, thoughts stirring at home, all the more powerful because they are forbidden. These terrify them. A little mouse - a little tiny mouse! -of thought appears in the room, and even the mightiest potentates are thrown into panic. [b]Winston Churchill[/b][/font][/size] *****************************************************************************************
John Kerry as the next Secretary of Defense?
QuietDan replied to MacGyver's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
It's a shame Kerry didn't try to get his Purple Heart by cutting his throat, and slipping. I saw him in Iraq, eating in our dining hall. At a little table. All by himself. Not one of the troops was interested in seeing him or speaking with him. Or he with them. Self-possessed, effete little clown. I spit on the ground. Pttah! -
Wounded Warrior Project - disappointment
QuietDan replied to RobertNashville's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I sent a little note and the link to the Tennessee Fisher House folks to tell 'em we were talking about 'em. I was VERY surprised to actually get a note back: ************************************************************** Thank you for forwarding this conversation. We are very proud of the Fisher House Foundation being able to maintain A+ ratings with the American Institute of Philanthropy, and four star ratings with Charity Navigator. Before I donate to any charity, I check them out on one of these websites first. It is surprising how many well-known organizations do not receive high ratings because they spend so much money on marketing, TV advertisements, robot calls, and bulk mail. We do not do that. The president of the Fisher House Foundation makes a pretty high salary, but, when you take into account that he has to maintain a home in the Baltimore/Washington DC area, it takes a lot of money to do that. Otherwise, the National Foundation has a small staff, and those of us on the local Fisher House Boards are all volunteers. There will be two paid employees at our new Fisher House in Murfreesboro who will be paid by the VA. The local foundation depends upon pro bono legal assistance, accounting service, reduced and/or free printing of brochures, and word of mouth to spread the good word about the TN Fisher House, as well as newspapers, radio and TV public service announcements. Our expenses are extremely low with 98.3 Cents of every dollar donated going to the construction and furnishing of the house. We appreciate the good comments about Fisher House, and can hardly wait until our house is finished so that we can get our veterans' families into warm (or cool as the need may be), comfortable, safe and clean lodging with food to eat as well as other assistance. Our veterans and/or their families should not be sleeping in their cars in the hospital parking lots because they cannot afford a hotel room; and they should not be trying to live on peanut butter and crackers. This is a travesty which, with the help of fellow Tennesseans, will stop once this house is completed and operating. Again, we appreciate any donations to help us with this project. Andrea D. Lawrence, President Tennessee Fisher House Foundation, Inc. P. O. Box 774 Brentwood TN 37024-0774 -
[quote name='TripleDigitRide' timestamp='1352843602' post='845032'] What's the real issue? All I'm hearing about is his resignation because of an affair with this woman. [/quote] General Petraeus, the now-resigned CIA Director, is the "been there" guy on the Complex Terrorist Attack at Benghazi, Libya and the Assassination there of the American Ambassador and three other Americans, which the Obammunist is trying to sell as a riot over some stupid movie dissing islam. General Petraeus is allegedly being pressured to keep his mouth shut so the facts don't get out and blow up the Obammunist's story. A lot of folks think that the Obammunist has known about the Gen Petraeus affair for some time and held it over his head for his silence at least until after the election. Apparently Gen Petraeus outed himself on the affair because it was the more honorable path. The S is about to HTF. [url="http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/111212-633199-cia-director-petraeus-resigns-over-affair.htm?p=full"]http://news.investor...fair.htm?p=full[/url] [url="http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/concoughlin/100189203/was-petraeus-forced-out-to-silence-his-account-of-benghazi-killings/"]http://blogs.telegra...ghazi-killings/[/url] (and a million other stories)
Wounded Warrior Project - disappointment
QuietDan replied to RobertNashville's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name='Daniel' timestamp='1352842168' post='845011'] Fisher House is where I suggest people donate their money. [/quote] They're building a new Fisher House in Murfreesboro on the VA Murf Campus, and they could use the donations. They came to the Smyrna Rotary and talked to us. Good folks, good project. It's like a Ronald McDonald House for Vets and their families. [url="http://www.tennesseefisherhouse.org/"]http://www.tennesseefisherhouse.org/[/url] -
Wounded Warrior Project - disappointment
QuietDan replied to RobertNashville's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
As much as I admire the Wounded Warrior Project, I find this disturbing. Additionally, as a now retired warrior, I really dislike the mindset that we're all wounded in some fashion or other, and therefore victims. That mindset only makes it more difficult for Veterans to re-integrate in civil society, and can tend to create an attitude boundary that makes it hard for Veterans to become employed. Overcoming the difficulties of war does not create a lesser person, it creates a greater, a larger, a more capable person. Great enough and large enough and capable enough to frighten some of the weaker men who have advantaged themselves in the Veterans' absence. Re-read the Odyssey. The story is as fresh as today. -
With all of the talk about civil unrest and secession...
QuietDan replied to Links2k's topic in General Chat
[quote name='QuietDan' timestamp='1352837167' post='844944'] I disagree. A year or so will tell. I'm thinking Obama unrestrained by re-election will tip his Dictator hand. He's already showing the signs, with his desire to go it alone, with his contempt for the Congress and the Senate, with his contempt for the Supreme Court, and with his long list of Executive Actions. And especially, with his influence over the ancient Mob, for the Mob it be. The ignorant, the grasping, the emotional, the depraved, the enraged Mob. [/quote] By the way I HOPE I'm wrong. -
With all of the talk about civil unrest and secession...
QuietDan replied to Links2k's topic in General Chat
[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352836668' post='844933'] No one is standing up for the administration or regime as you call it. It's about not wanting another civil war because a bunch of sore losers got their panties in a wad. I would be willing to wager you that we will still be The United States of America in four years and no state is leaving. [/quote] I disagree. A year or so will tell. I'm thinking Obama unrestrained by re-election will tip his Dictator hand. He's already showing the signs, with his desire to go it alone, with his contempt for the Congress and the Senate, with his contempt for the Supreme Court, and with his long list of Executive Actions. And especially, with his influence over the ancient Mob, for the Mob it be. The ignorant, the grasping, the emotional, the depraved, the enraged Mob. -
With all of the talk about civil unrest and secession...
QuietDan replied to Links2k's topic in General Chat
[quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1352829006' post='844866'] I would like it to be known that many years ago I swore an oath to protect this country against ALL enemies foreign and domestic. There are millions more like me. Wanting to destroy OUR country because you didn't get your way in a election is STUPID! Don't bite off more than you can chew! [/quote] Be very careful you know the true facts before you "pick sides." For all you know, as opposed to what you feel, the side you are advocating for may in fact be the "domestic enemy" you say you are sworn to oppose. What if you are wrong? Will you kill yourself? I doubt it. We all went through this 150 years ago and it was a stinking mess. -
There's always some voter fraud in an election, but seldom are their allegations of industrial-strength "Chicago Style" voter fraud corruption on such a massive scale: **************************************************************************** [size=5][size=6][b]Was the 2012 Election Stolen?[/b] [size=5][b]By[/b] [url="http://www.americanthinker.com/selwyn_duke/"][b]Selwyn Duke[/b][/url][/size][/size] [font=times new roman,times]As the 2012 election approached, conservative enthusiasm grew. Mitt Romney was drawing huge crowds while Barack Obama spoke in half-filled stadiums. All the passion lay on the right while the left was discouraged with a promised messiah who proved merely a politician. And the prediction was that, in contrast to 2008, Republican turnout would dwarf the tuned-out and carry the day. Hence the shock November 6 eve. How could Romney lose, especially by such a wide electoral margin?[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Maybe he didn't[/font] [font=times new roman,times]At least not legitimately.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]When I [/font][url="http://selwynduke.typepad.com/selwyndukecom/2012/10/will-vote-fraud-win-the-election-for-obama.html"][font=times new roman,times]predicted Obama's re-election[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times], I stated that, despite our country's inexorable leftist slide, Romney would still win on Election Day were it not for vote fraud. I explained that the Democrats could steal more than enough votes in crucial swing states to turn the election. And I still believe what I did then: electoral criminality put Obama over the top.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]At the time, we heard stories about [/font][url="http://myfox8.com/2012/10/23/guilford-county-voters-say-they-voted-for-the-wrong-candidate/"][font=times new roman,times]electronic-machine "glitches"[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] switching Romney votes to Obama ones. And Patrick Moran, son of Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA), was [/font][url="http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/video-captures-dem-campaign-chief-plotting-vote-fraud/"][font=times new roman,times]caught on tape[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] facilitating vote fraud while Bridgeport, CT mayor Bill Finch essentially [/font][url="http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/connecticut-dem-jokes-about-corruption_654445.html"][font=times new roman,times]promised[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] to commit same for a political partner in crime. [/font] [font=times new roman,times]Since then, the indications of electoral criminality have been overwhelming. First there are the anecdotes, such as the court-appointed Republican poll watchers illegally expelled from 13 Philadelphia polling places in wards that, in most cases, went 99 percent for Obama; the poll observers who noted what they considered vote fraud but were powerless to stop; and the Democrats who actually [/font][url="http://www.examiner.com/article/fraud-some-told-they-already-voted-others-brag-about-voting-multiple-times"][font=times new roman,times]bragged about[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] voting more than once.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Then there are the statistics, such as [/font][url="http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/20121112_In_59_Philadelphia_voting_wards__Mitt_Romney_got_zero_votes.html"][font=times new roman,times]this[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] staggering fact: in 59 Philadelphia districts, Romney failed to get [i]even one vote[/i]. Final Obama-Romney tally: 19,605 to 0.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Huh? Not even one person voted GOP accidentally? I mean, there even was a Washington, D.C. councilman who inadvertently voted to approve faux marriage, [/font][url="http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Confused-Barry-Asks-for-Same-Sex-Marriage-Vote-Back.html"][font=times new roman,times]saying[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] that he didn't know what he was voting for (that would be Marion Barry).[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Next, consider [/font][url="http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2012/09/16/voter-rolls-in-ohio-are-bloated-experts-say.html"][font=times new roman,times]this report[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] from [i]The Columbus Dispatch[/i]: [/font][/size] [indent=1] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]More than one out of every five registered Ohio voters is probably ineligible to vote.[/font][/size][/indent] [indent=1] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]In two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting-age population: Northwestern Ohio's Wood County shows 109 registered voters for every 100 eligible, while in Lawrence County along the Ohio River it's a mere 104 registered per 100 eligible.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Another 31 counties show registrations at more than 90 percent of those eligible, a rate regarded as unrealistic by most voting experts. The national average is a little more than 70 percent.[/font] [font=times new roman,times][...]Of the Buckeye State's 7.8 million registered voters, nearly 1.6 million are regarded as "inactive."[/font][/size][/indent] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]Understand the significance. Years ago I was [/font][url="http://www.americanthinker.com/2005/08/democrats_and_deep_vote_fraud.html"][font=times new roman,times]contacted[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] by a Washington, D.C. community leader (who'll remain anonymous) who told me that he had "done some computer work for several candidates over the years in DC" and had conducted his own study of urban vote fraud. He said that inner cities' great transiency ensures that any given large metropolis will have a great number of voters who no longer live in their precinct of registration. These areas also have Democrat operatives known by the get-out-the-vote term "block captains" or "apartment captains," people who know the lay of the land and thus what registered voters have left town. So all they need do then is vote for these people or have others do so. This is very easy, too, with few voter-ID laws. And this is why Democrats oppose these laws so vehemently.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Now consider that Obama "won" Ohio by 100,000 votes. This means that to flip the state, Democrat surrogates had to illegally "activate" only [i]6.25 percent[/i] of its 1.6 million inactive voters.[/font][/size] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]Note also that Ohio secretary of state Jon Husted did ask Eric Holder's DOJ for help negotiating conflicting federal laws pertaining to the purging ineligible voters from the rolls. The DOJ's ultimate response? "No comment."[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Yet a voter doesn't even have to be inactive, just disengaged. For example, when the aforementioned Patrick Moran offered advice on surrogate voting, he told an undercover reporter to masquerade as a pollster and call a targeted individual to make sure he wasn't planning to vote. And this is nothing new. In fact, liberal leg-thriller Chris Matthews himself [/font][url="http://spectator.org/blog/2012/06/27/did-chris-matthews-participate"][font=times new roman,times]admitted[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] that it has been going on for years.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Then there is the case of the missing military ballots. As Rachel Alexander at [i]Town Hall [/i][/font][url="http://townhall.com/columnists/rachelalexander/2012/11/11/obama_likely_won_reelection_through_election_fraud/page/2"][font=times new roman,times]reported[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times]:[/font][/size] [indent=1] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]The conservative-leaning military vote has [/font][url="http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/01/military-ballot-requests-down-in-key-battleground-states/"][font=times new roman,times]decreased[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] drastically since 2010 due to the so-called Military Voter Protection Act that was enacted into law the year before. It has made it so difficult for overseas military personnel to obtain absentee ballots that in Virginia and Ohio there has been a 70% decrease in requests for ballots since 2008. In Virginia, almost 30,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots than in 2008. In Ohio, more than 20,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots. This is significant considering Obama won in both states by a little over 100,000 votes.[/font][/size][/indent] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]Frankly, it is inconceivable that military interest in voting could've dropped so drastically given conservatives' passion this election season. The damning conclusion? The Obama machine wants our soldiers to shed blood while it sheds their votes.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Striking as all this is, however, it's likely just a partial picture. As with all crime, it's a given that the discovered vote fraudsters represent only a tiny percentage of the total. And what about vote-fraud methods we haven't even thought of yet? Remember, the Democrats have been honing this act for many, many years.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]And vote fraud is Democrat domain. Liberals are the situational-values set, people who for years insisted that right and wrong is relative and that if it feels good, do it. And what feels good to them at election time is stealing votes to win - and they do it. They relish it, in fact. Like the liberal who addressed Bill Clinton's it-depends-on-what-is-is infidelity and adamantly told me, "He did the [i]right[/i] thing," leftists love the con. To pull a fast one like private eye Jim Rockford, fool everyone, and get away with it is like winning the Nobel Prize in Prevarication in their world. Thus, it's assured that there's no small number of liberals who are currently brimming with pride at having negated the votes of countless knuckle-dragging conservatives. [/font] [font=times new roman,times]Having said this, we can't be sure about the exact magnitude of the vote fraud. But my judgment is this:[/font] [font=times new roman,times]The election was likely stolen. [/font] [font=times new roman,times]And whatever Barack Obama is presently, I don't believe he will be a legitimate president come January 20.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]This is why Congressman Allen West was right not to concede his Florida race. And, frankly, if Romney believes that the election may have been stolen nationally, he should withdraw his concession.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Radical?[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Unprecedented?[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Yes, but so is vote fraud on the scale perpetrated by Obama's minions. And people needn't fear creating a national crisis - [i]we are already in a national crisis[/i]. The only question is whether good Americans will stand and be counted or allow 2012 to mark our official descent into banana-republic status.[/font] Read more: [url="http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/11/was_the_2012_election_stolen.html#ixzz2C7ai2lA3"]http://www.americant...l#ixzz2C7ai2lA3[/url][/size]
There's always some voter fraud in an election, but seldom are their allegations of industrial-strength "Chicago Style" voter fraud corruption on such a massive scale: [size=6][b]Was the 2012 Election Stolen?[/b] [b]By[/b] [url="http://www.americanthinker.com/selwyn_duke/"][b]Selwyn Duke[/b][/url][/size] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]As the 2012 election approached, conservative enthusiasm grew. Mitt Romney was drawing huge crowds while Barack Obama spoke in half-filled stadiums. All the passion lay on the right while the left was discouraged with a promised messiah who proved merely a politician. And the prediction was that, in contrast to 2008, Republican turnout would dwarf the tuned-out and carry the day. Hence the shock November 6 eve. How could Romney lose, especially by such a wide electoral margin?[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Maybe he didn't[/font] [font=times new roman,times]At least not legitimately.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]When I [/font][url="http://selwynduke.typepad.com/selwyndukecom/2012/10/will-vote-fraud-win-the-election-for-obama.html"][font=times new roman,times]predicted Obama's re-election[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times], I stated that, despite our country's inexorable leftist slide, Romney would still win on Election Day were it not for vote fraud. I explained that the Democrats could steal more than enough votes in crucial swing states to turn the election. And I still believe what I did then: electoral criminality put Obama over the top.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]At the time, we heard stories about [/font][url="http://myfox8.com/2012/10/23/guilford-county-voters-say-they-voted-for-the-wrong-candidate/"][font=times new roman,times]electronic-machine "glitches"[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] switching Romney votes to Obama ones. And Patrick Moran, son of Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA), was [/font][url="http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/video-captures-dem-campaign-chief-plotting-vote-fraud/"][font=times new roman,times]caught on tape[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] facilitating vote fraud while Bridgeport, CT mayor Bill Finch essentially [/font][url="http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/connecticut-dem-jokes-about-corruption_654445.html"][font=times new roman,times]promised[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] to commit same for a political partner in crime. [/font] [font=times new roman,times]Since then, the indications of electoral criminality have been overwhelming. First there are the anecdotes, such as the court-appointed Republican poll watchers illegally expelled from 13 Philadelphia polling places in wards that, in most cases, went 99 percent for Obama; the poll observers who noted what they considered vote fraud but were powerless to stop; and the Democrats who actually [/font][url="http://www.examiner.com/article/fraud-some-told-they-already-voted-others-brag-about-voting-multiple-times"][font=times new roman,times]bragged about[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] voting more than once.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Then there are the statistics, such as [/font][url="http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/20121112_In_59_Philadelphia_voting_wards__Mitt_Romney_got_zero_votes.html"][font=times new roman,times]this[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] staggering fact: in 59 Philadelphia districts, Romney failed to get [i]even one vote[/i]. Final Obama-Romney tally: 19,605 to 0.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Huh? Not even one person voted GOP accidentally? I mean, there even was a Washington, D.C. councilman who inadvertently voted to approve faux marriage, [/font][url="http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Confused-Barry-Asks-for-Same-Sex-Marriage-Vote-Back.html"][font=times new roman,times]saying[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] that he didn't know what he was voting for (that would be Marion Barry).[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Next, consider [/font][url="http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2012/09/16/voter-rolls-in-ohio-are-bloated-experts-say.html"][font=times new roman,times]this report[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] from [i]The Columbus Dispatch[/i]: [/font][/size] [indent=1] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]More than one out of every five registered Ohio voters is probably ineligible to vote.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]In two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting-age population: Northwestern Ohio's Wood County shows 109 registered voters for every 100 eligible, while in Lawrence County along the Ohio River it's a mere 104 registered per 100 eligible.[/font][/size][/indent] [indent=1] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]Another 31 counties show registrations at more than 90 percent of those eligible, a rate regarded as unrealistic by most voting experts. The national average is a little more than 70 percent.[/font][/size][/indent] [indent=1] [size=5][font=times new roman,times][...]Of the Buckeye State's 7.8 million registered voters, nearly 1.6 million are regarded as "inactive."[/font][/size][/indent] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]Understand the significance. Years ago I was [/font][url="http://www.americanthinker.com/2005/08/democrats_and_deep_vote_fraud.html"][font=times new roman,times]contacted[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] by a Washington, D.C. community leader (who'll remain anonymous) who told me that he had "done some computer work for several candidates over the years in DC" and had conducted his own study of urban vote fraud. He said that inner cities' great transiency ensures that any given large metropolis will have a great number of voters who no longer live in their precinct of registration. These areas also have Democrat operatives known by the get-out-the-vote term "block captains" or "apartment captains," people who know the lay of the land and thus what registered voters have left town. So all they need do then is vote for these people or have others do so. This is very easy, too, with few voter-ID laws. And this is why Democrats oppose these laws so vehemently.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Now consider that Obama "won" Ohio by 100,000 votes. This means that to flip the state, Democrat surrogates had to illegally "activate" only [i]6.25 percent[/i] of its 1.6 million inactive voters.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Note also that Ohio secretary of state Jon Husted did ask Eric Holder's DOJ for help negotiating conflicting federal laws pertaining to the purging ineligible voters from the rolls. The DOJ's ultimate response? "No comment."[/font][/size] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]Yet a voter doesn't even have to be inactive, just disengaged. For example, when the aforementioned Patrick Moran offered advice on surrogate voting, he told an undercover reporter to masquerade as a pollster and call a targeted individual to make sure he wasn't planning to vote. And this is nothing new. In fact, liberal leg-thriller Chris Matthews himself [/font][url="http://spectator.org/blog/2012/06/27/did-chris-matthews-participate"][font=times new roman,times]admitted[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] that it has been going on for years.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Then there is the case of the missing military ballots. As Rachel Alexander at [i]Town Hall [/i][/font][url="http://townhall.com/columnists/rachelalexander/2012/11/11/obama_likely_won_reelection_through_election_fraud/page/2"][font=times new roman,times]reported[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times]:[/font][/size] [indent=1] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]The conservative-leaning military vote has [/font][url="http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/01/military-ballot-requests-down-in-key-battleground-states/"][font=times new roman,times]decreased[/font][/url][font=times new roman,times] drastically since 2010 due to the so-called Military Voter Protection Act that was enacted into law the year before. It has made it so difficult for overseas military personnel to obtain absentee ballots that in Virginia and Ohio there has been a 70% decrease in requests for ballots since 2008. In Virginia, almost 30,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots than in 2008. In Ohio, more than 20,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots. This is significant considering Obama won in both states by a little over 100,000 votes.[/font][/size][/indent] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]Frankly, it is inconceivable that military interest in voting could've dropped so drastically given conservatives' passion this election season. The damning conclusion? The Obama machine wants our soldiers to shed blood while it sheds their votes.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Striking as all this is, however, it's likely just a partial picture. As with all crime, it's a given that the discovered vote fraudsters represent only a tiny percentage of the total. And what about vote-fraud methods we haven't even thought of yet? Remember, the Democrats have been honing this act for many, many years.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]And vote fraud is Democrat domain. Liberals are the situational-values set, people who for years insisted that right and wrong is relative and that if it feels good, do it. And what feels good to them at election time is stealing votes to win - and they do it. They relish it, in fact. Like the liberal who addressed Bill Clinton's it-depends-on-what-is-is infidelity and adamantly told me, "He did the [i]right[/i] thing," leftists love the con. To pull a fast one like private eye Jim Rockford, fool everyone, and get away with it is like winning the Nobel Prize in Prevarication in their world. Thus, it's assured that there's no small number of liberals who are currently brimming with pride at having negated the votes of countless knuckle-dragging conservatives. [/font] [font=times new roman,times]Having said this, we can't be sure about the exact magnitude of the vote fraud. But my judgment is this:[/font][/size] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]The election was likely stolen. [/font] [font=times new roman,times]And whatever Barack Obama is presently, I don't believe he will be a legitimate president come January 20.[/font][/size] [size=5][font=times new roman,times]This is why Congressman Allen West was right not to concede his Florida race. And, frankly, if Romney believes that the election may have been stolen nationally, he should withdraw his concession.[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Radical?[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Unprecedented?[/font] [font=times new roman,times]Yes, but so is vote fraud on the scale perpetrated by Obama's minions. And people needn't fear creating a national crisis - [i]we are already in a national crisis[/i]. The only question is whether good Americans will stand and be counted or allow 2012 to mark our official descent into banana-republic status.[/font][/size] Read more: [url="http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/11/was_the_2012_election_stolen.html#ixzz2C7ai2lA3"]http://www.americant...l#ixzz2C7ai2lA3[/url]
There is an old military saying "Don't screw with the spooks." Whatever dirt Obama has on an essentially honorable man such as General Petraeus surely pales in comparison with what the spooks most probably have on Obama, an essentially dishonorable man. General Petraeus ought to be placed on a 24-hour security watch so he doesn't get Fort Marcy'd, or Arkancided, or whatever they call the current technique in this infinitely corrupt White House.
Truer than you know . . . One of three San Antonio burglaries, where the house is occupied, ends with a perpetrator being shot at by the homeowner.
I don't believe a word about General Petraeus' resignation. I'm thinking he's being pressured & blackmailed by the White House over Benghazi. I'm thinking we are now living in very dangerous times. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd think that he was kept silent with an old extramarital affair held over his head. For him to out Himself on an extramarital affair would free him of the blackmail for silence. I'm going to wait and see him and his wife embrace. I'm thinking they're gonna kiss like a pair of lovestruck teenagers.