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Everything posted by QuietDan
Self correcting problem.
Night stand guns caliber and capacity
QuietDan replied to Duck's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I'm still carrying around a good portion of post-Iraq hyper vigilance. Bad guys best pick another house. I think I still might even have a body bag out in the garage. -
TDR- Thank you for sharing on the story. Very very glad that she's back home safe and sound. Great restraint on your part for not naming names and addresses and telephone numbers of the little #### perps. What goes around still comes around. All in good time. At the very least, the police know their names and circumstances and they will surely be watched more closely and when squirrel-ly #### happens in the neighborhood they'll have a police cruiser in front of their house - over and over again until they get sick of it and move. Regarding the crisis response: It's all an exercise until it's real.
Thank you very much to all concerned! I am very happy with my pair of lowers, their quality, and the whole process of getting them to us. Here's hoping the offer, or something like it, can be repeated again at some time in the future. I know that I would have liked to also purchase a pair of uppers and the bcgs, but cash flow meant I couldn't do it all at one time. I bet I'm not the only one.
Night stand guns caliber and capacity
QuietDan replied to Duck's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Eight rounds in the Springfield Armory .45 1911 with two spare mags. -
(She's now safe at home) My 14-year-old daughter is missing
QuietDan replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in General Chat
TripleDigitRide: Congratulations and Thank The Maker. Hope this episode becomes a "conversation starter" for whatever factors involved. Best wishes, parenting is hard, hard, hard. I don't know what I would have done if I had not finally sold my son off to the Marines. Wondering if any of our communications and alert tree had an impact on finding her. . . . -
Congress Warned of Potential for Citizen Revolt
QuietDan replied to gun sane's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I'm wondering if I want to fly my State Flag over the U.S. Flag as a sort of State's Rights protest. Easy enough to do, obvious enough to draw attention. -
(She's now safe at home) My 14-year-old daughter is missing
QuietDan replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in General Chat
TGO Dave: I've reposted your e-mail's contents on Facebook. Trusting that this is the official word thus far and that you or TripleDigitRide "Dad" will send us the official Amber Alert when it's out. I'm up for a ground search if it comes to that. Please keep us updated, TripleDigitRide "Dad", or TGO Dave. -
Congress Warned of Potential for Citizen Revolt
QuietDan replied to gun sane's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
A portion of the Declaration of Independence: " . . . Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. . . . " -
I am related to a veritable nest of Whovians. As far as my nephews are concerned, I am the 47th Doctor.
(She's now safe at home) My 14-year-old daughter is missing
QuietDan replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in General Chat
Here's the link to the TBI involving missing children. I imagine the local police, your partners in this situation, have already reached out . . . http://www.tbi.tn.gov/missing_children/miss_child.shtml Here also the link to the Springfield Police: http://www.springfield-tn.org/police/ Here also the link to the Robertson County Sheriff: http://www.robertsonsheriff.com Standing by for official missing children information from you or the police. I imagine all of us would be willing to spread it far and wide . . . -
(She's now safe at home) My 14-year-old daughter is missing
QuietDan replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in General Chat
I imagine that you have reported the boy to the police. I imagine the police would certainly challenge his lack of knowledge . . . -
Picked up my two sequential TGO Lowers at D&T last night. As quick as I drove over, I was third at the pickup. Had a nice chat with David and got to see his clean and orderly shop for the first time. All the paperwork was in order from CMT and D&T, filled out the 4473, paid the NICS fee and the very modest transfer fee and was quickly good to go. CINC-House said don't buy anything else, but also bought an armorer's wrench as it's real bad karma to use a LGS's transfer and not make an additional purchase. Almost picked up a reasonably priced trigger & grip kit and some ammo, but I saved it for the next couple trips & excuse to get out of the house. Got a hot cup of coffee, asked David a few questions about his line, talked a little treason and asked his opinion on 300 Blackout, trigger kits, uppers, the Rivergate Mall area (he's across the street) and the national scene. Compared notes on military service (he's a retired Navy Chief) and his work on ship armaments systems during his time; it make sense he's running a ship-shape gun shop & crew now. Good bunch of folks.
Whooo, Whoo! Just tagged up with David and planning on driving out to Goodlettsville!
Prayers and best wishes.
In Baghdad, we worked under the flight path of the Med-Evac Blackhawks heading to the CSH Hospital. When the Red-Cross marked birds would fly overhead, a lot of folks would pause for a moment, and a lot of folks would make a Sign of the Cross. They just did. You were sorry that someone needed the emergency flight, glad that they were getting the support, and you knew they'd be there for you if you needed it.
God Bless you guys who fly the domestic med-evac mission. You all get a kiss on the forehead, especially the Vandy folks, from Country Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmxaY_OVvWA (Vandy at 2:55, helo at 3:40) Tim McGraw, Taylor Swift & Keith Urban, "Highway Don't Care"
Hopefully, there will be a little after school off-campus justice meted out to the little shit by his peers, after his butt gets stretched in juvi.
Trying to play the Walmart .22 game
QuietDan replied to theTastyCat's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
There is no expectation of privacy in a public place. -
Situational awareness and the ability to defend oneself and one's own. Kill one and the rest scatter.
Another opportunity for everyone to demonstrate their quality. . . .
Do they have "Hello Kitty"????
Trying to play the Walmart .22 game
QuietDan replied to theTastyCat's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Video them with your cell phone to post it online and watch them all run off. If they threaten you for videoing, report them to police with a 911 call from the same phone. Walmart ought to overstamp its ammo with a big red "Wal-Mart" stamp to cut down on this nonsense.