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Everything posted by chipperi

  1. Yea Ive tried that. The Tri-Cities has built up too much to find anyplace that fits my needs. I am not sure what county would be best. Or maybe even VA since I am right on the line.
  2. I have been Googleing like crazy and all I can find is massive million dollar 100+ acre lots...not at all what I want. Can anyone point me to a resource where I could find 10-20 acres Dirt Cheap in the middle of absolutely nowhere, hopefully within a 150-200 mile range of Kingsport TN, very rural with very low property value 1000-2000 per acre. Preferably wooded and isolated enough to shoot safely without anyone caring (or hearing for that matter) as well as building a simple 1 room getaway without a bunch of red tape.
  3. Does anyone who uses the site Legal Resources alot. Know when it is updated? I have been wanting to see the final version of the carry in restaurants bill for a while now. It's still not in there.
  4. Correct me if I am wrong but didn't the Libby's restaurant that got the big Carry push going in Texas get sued and lost. I believe the woman was allowed to carry but Libby's was posted, so she had to watch both her parents die. She sued because her right to defend herself and her family was denied by the restaurant. I believe she won.
  5. Yep Point Blank burned up. Suspected insurance burn to get his communications and networking company up and running. So there are no indoor ranges. I usually shoot at the Sciota rd range in Unicoi it is part of Cherokee. Just be careful it is an uncontrolled range.
  6. I carry it's cousin the PT145 , same length but a bit thicker. I love it.
  7. On the new carry in restaurants/bars bill the governor has 10 days to sign or it automatically becomes law. The Bill was transmitted to the Governor on 5/19 at 12:30 pm. So is it 10 consecutive days (effective 5/29) or 10 business days ( effective 6/2)? But wait there's more... Memorial day is a state recognized federal holiday would that push it to 6/3?
  8. The dufus that like to tailgate me and try to push me through the turn when I slow down may think twice if he sees a Colt H-Bar with a 30 rnd mag hanging in the back window. Just kidding Just kidding.
  9. I was photoshopping some stuff for my sites and I put this one together. I just liked it.
  10. NBC: Souter to retire from Supreme Court - More politics- msnbc.com Justice Souter to retire, He was a republican nominee this is a big hurt for our cause as most of the important gun bills in recent past were decided by one vote. Dems will control the White House, the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. Free to do what ever in the *** they want!
  11. Kind of surprised at the reply I received.
  12. A letter to Eastman Credit Union. Not a big deal but I was tired and wanted to get home.
  13. I carry a 3rd gen PT145 daily. right at around 1000rds through it no failures. It takes a few trips to the range to get used to the Heinie sites but you get used to them. I carry it loaded with 230gr Golden Sabers. Its the gun pictured in my avatar.
  14. I know how ya feel. I have been looking for something to do on the side. I work for the biggest printing company in the world and I have been laid off 10 weeks give or take now. I just got the call to come back in Monday but it probably wont last.
  15. I was watching a lot of 5.56 on Gov Liquidators. scrap value for brass is right at .50 a lb this lot was 1860lbs so scrap value is 930.00 I wouldn't bid too much over that. This lot for 1860lbs is up to 7700.00! Thats 4.13 a lb!!! There are 60 5.56 in a lb. so that would be .07 a case. What are they going to do with it?? they can't make their money back reloading and selling it. 1860 lbs would be 111,600 casings. If you were to sell those at 95 per 1000 as processed brass, you would have 111lots at 95 = 10545 - the cost of shipping 600 = 9945 - your time and energy to clean and de-cap 111,600 pcs. there's barely a profit there.
  16. I started www.tricitieseverything.com to try to compete with E-Classifieds after all my site is free. Craigslist is a joke, I just wanted something for the Tri-cities and NE tip. Gun Stuff I usually Post here...like the AR upper I sold.
  17. Congrats I am an Eagle as well.
  18. If you are at the end of your rope there is nothing to be gained by killing innocent people and the police that are trying to help. If you want to die, fine, put the barrel to your temple and pull the damn trigger. Don't be a COWARD and try to go out in a blaze of glory. The reality is there are more people in your situation and you don't see them whining about it. You are one of millions, ultimately insignificant. The people who you are killing don't know you and had nothing to do with the position you are in. I personally don't believe in Psycho Babble like manic depression, Bi-Polar, and other BS lawyers try to use to get genetic deficiencies out of trouble. SUCK IT UP everybody has problems, and if you can't don't take others with you.
  19. I am not a LEO But Sometime cops have very few details and if the car fit the description then they did what they had to do... At least they apoligized. Probably wouldn't normally happen but there was a trainee present so either they were using it as training or the vetran cop was going "hey look what I can do" 1: Not with out a reason or Probable Cause. In the 1st instance they had probable cause in the second your son granted permission, if he wouldn't have consented they would have suspected he was hiding something then used probable cause to search. The laws are built to allow cops to do what ever they want. 2: Yes it is against the law. 3: If a cop issues a lawful command and you don't comply you can be arrested. I moved here from MD and I know there if you refuse to sign a traffic ticket they can lock you up for "failure to comply"
  20. :p:p Come on What did you expect me to post something offensive??? I took some pics last night for USGO and when I was playing on the computer a little while ago I heard Izzy licking something. I turned around and looked and she apparently digs Outers.
  21. I saw a ClassIII in there wow.
  22. My apologies this seems to be a duplicate thread...Mods do your thing.
  23. I am always keeping an eye out for Brass on different Govt sites. I just came across these auctions for Seized guns. I cant bid I don't have a FFL but dealers out there might want to take a look. http://www.govdeals.com Just click the category for Guns.
  24. We went we shopped we returned alive... That mall is half dead I didn't see what all the hype was about. Wife got some shirts and a new swimsuit and I bought a 30 pack of TP at sams.


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