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About chipperi

  • Birthday 05/04/1976

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  • Location
    Piney Flats, TN
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Corrections Officer.


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Colt Defender
  • Carry Weapon #2
    S&W shield 9mm

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  1. Hey guys and gals been a very long time since I have posted. My wife and I help run a small charity based in the Tri Cities. Shoot Point Blank Range in Knoxville was kind enough to donate a 1 person 1 year premium membership. We were supposed to have a silent auction in May but Covid caused it to be canceled. If anyone in the Knox area would be interested, my wife is trying to auction it off on our Facebook group along with the other Items. Https://www.facebook.com/somebodylovesmetn
  2. $38 ATI lower....Golf and Guns in Sevierville
  3. Ahh Dealer said I had to check one. So my wife want's a M4 Style so I guess it's all good. I disappeared for a long time kinda broke but now back on my feet and looking to replace what I had to sell.
  4. I put a cheap Sig Romeo 5 on mine. Got it from PSA for about $125
  5. Ok not sure if this is the right place but there didn't seem to be a better one. On occasion I buy a cheap AR lower when I can find them, they sit and wait until I decide what to build them into. I bought one yesterday while in Sevierville. The new ATF forms now specifically ask if it is a long gun or handgun. WHY? I haven't made up my mind yet. So now it looks like I have to build it into a long gun because I had to choose on the spot, and I just recently built a pistol. It just don't make sense. Oh and bought a new carry gun Saturday but that is for another thread.
  6. Got the lower parts kit with the SBA3 brace for Christmas....Bought the Anderson Lower from Mahoney's yesterday and assembled my first lower last night. The roll pin in the Magpul trigger guard was a bear to get in! In a few more paychecks I am looking at getting a PSA 7.5" 300aac upper for it.
  7. Went to the new Cabelas in Bristol yesterday and just want to know why 9mm is $12 a box and .45acp is $21 a box...I could understand a little difference in material cost, but the manufacturing process is virtually identical. They are the 2 most popular rounds so demand I would guess is about equal...It just figures my preferred round is the more expensive one.
  8. Hmmm my new job is across the street from a Gun shop and I found myself feeling up a XDm 3.8 45acp today....so many choices....so little money or I would buy them all!!
  9. Problem with a heavier gun is I have a Flat A$$! Sometimes even with a good belt my pants want to head south......No one wants to see that! :)
  10. I considered the XDs at first but they felt a ton heavier than the Glocks.
  11. I have carried the same Taurus PT145 since I got my permit. With the recent settlement/recall I have been eyeballing a replacement. I currently have my heart on a .45acp Glock.   It will be a carry gun so 30 30G4 30S 30SF I have ruled out the 36 on capacity and I wear a 18.5 ring size so single stacks don't fit these big mitts.   I can't find a store that has all three so I can fondle them all side by side. I held the 36 at Bass Pro the other day but I have already ruled that one out   If you compare them on Glocks site  https://us.glock.com/products/compare?g1=g30gen4&g2=g30s&g3=g30sf&g4=g30 They are all so very close in size and weight You Tube vids have helped somewhat.   Any body have the 4 mentioned and have some non Glock bashing input.   BTW I took my wife with me to BassPro and now she wants a Taurus 740slim so this will probably end up being a 2 gun purchase. Why are hobbies so expensive?? :)
  12. It is for a company that is on the campus of Nuclear Fuels, it is a not federal property. (that I am aware of)   Yes I have a TN HCP.
  13. Searches are quite possible as it is a nuclear facility,   I was under the impression as of last legislative session that employer cannot make no guns in POVs a condition of employment of fire you fr that sole reason.
  14. Kind of bummed about this whole mess, my pt 145 mil pro is my everyday carry gun...it has always went bang when I wanted it to and never when not wanted...but I have never dropped it either. I don't want to be without it for months for service and $200 wouldn't replace it....hmph
  15. I know any one can keep a gun in their vehicle regardless of if they have a permit on any "Public parking area" and employers are not allow to bar guns from their lots. Now my dumb question....I am thinking of changing jobs and my new one will be in a highly secure area, the lot is surrounded by a high razor ribbon topped fence and an armed guard shack. Therefore technically not a public parking lot. Can I keep my gun in the lockbox without getting canned?


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